Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/85

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C w 3 Vellakv, Ttytto, Barnani Fal, Arattuy Calaiyattam, Purem Vala, Lamp Illuminations of the Tern* pie. Ceremony of running over Fire* Ceremony performed in the month of Kumbam under the* Star bharani. Carrying the God in procession; to a Tank, and performing Abutions to it. Ceremony of Singing and Dane* ing performed by women in honor of the Goddess Bkaga* vati. Ceremony performed in the month of Kumbam under the Star Pur a the Anniversary of the Death of Kama (or Cupid.) Wherein a man disguises him* self like the God and dances. Offeringof Cakes &c. to the God. Ceremony of women carrying Raw Rice and Flowers round the Temple* The 28 days ceremony in the month of Vyosi at the Tem* pie of Terucharikonam. The grand Festival of 28 days celebrated once in 12 years,

when Jupiter enters Cancer. That all ceremonies might be performed he ordered that there should be six months bright sunny weather. 33* Thus in the Land created by Sri Parasu-Rdma, the Brahman* should all bathe at dawn of day, and live virtuously, Daiva-Matoni, Tanir Amortu, Tah-Puti, Vaya-Visakham, Mamaga-Falj