Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/88

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C 82 ] Pada-Nadaka. Collecting. pada-kudaka, Going to Battle. Rajakur-mar ■ Munpil, 1 ^ ^ Jlgumpadi nadakuka, } From their performing these duties they obtained the name of Vdl-nambi or Swordsmen* 42. To the Pattena-Nambi was assigned the Sankha (or Shell) and Kuda (or Umbrella). If in the execution of their duty any person offer them up to death or treat them with contempt, they are not to resist, and in these cases they are only to blow the shell and remain without Food ; hence their name P attend- Nambi. 43. In this manner when sixty four Gramams and twenty one Desams were established, the sixty-four Gramams assem- bled and ordained or fixed that a Raksha Purusha should be e* lected once in three years in Order to punish and protect. 44. There were also appointed NdUKullakams (or Four Courts or Assemblies) at 1 Punniur 2 Paruvu 3 Chenganiur and 4 Parum Chellnr, In this manner there are Four. 45. In order to appoint, if these Four Kullakams Agree or concur in the Election it is sufficient ; so they settled. 46. But some say that of these the Chenganiur Kullakam, js not included in the sixty four Gramums ; but they who say so are not well informed. — The cause of their saying so is this. 47* The people of Chenganiur- Gramam assembled and re- ceived the Kshetra-samandam (or Management of the Holy llaces) from the sixty four. 48. Afterwards numbers of Tamuller came thither and be* tween the Tamuller Bramins who came, and the Brahmanar who were already residing there, arose disputes about the Ce* rcmony of Burning a Dead Body — Upon which all the TamuU