Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/98

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t 92 ] fC you. In future you are to be Slaves and to pay them (the u Bauddanmar) Ackaram (or submission) and Ocharam (or " Respect) and then their Generation and Power will decrease' 9 In this manner did the Jangama-Maka-Rishi make known, and then disappeared. 111. According to these directions the Bramins prayed ; arid while they were staying at Tcru-Kdriur Six S a sir is came from Para-Desam whose names were. 1. Batten Narainen, 4. Batten Kum&ren. 2. Batten Vasudeven^ 5. Batten Vijayen* 3. Batten Mayuren 9 6. Batten Vdnen. In this manner were Sdstris. 112. The' Disciples of Buddha-Muni were four viz. 1. Vybhashikam — 2. Madhydmikam — 3. Yogi-Acharien and 4. Sawtrantikam. In this manner were four Disciples; And many inferior castes came from foreign countries, viz. An inferior Tribe of Cultivators Fishmongers and Salt Manufacturers* Cultivators. Merchants. Natives of Conkan. Tank-diggers. Cultivators. Barbers. Natives of Pandia Desam or Madura & c. totters. Beggars. A low Cast of Cultivators. Arabs, Labbis, Moplis. Nazarenesxat Christians of St. Thomas. Unknown. 1. Aatuvidi, 2. Kody-patam, 3. Andalam, 4. Chatty 5. Konkanien, 6. Naikunmar, 7- Mainayen, 8. Shorakeiiy 9. Mugraddriy 10. P and /en. 11. Ko8aven> 12. Arien, 13. Chuden, 14. Yonaken, 15. Nasraniy 16. Sikaven)