Astronomy and Astrology.
I. — Siirya Siddhdnta Vydkhydnam. Pcilm leaves — Nandindgari Character^ incomplete. ' An explanation of the text of the Surya SecT- dhdnta, the celebrated work on Astronomy^ , attri*- buted to the Sun, and communicated by him to Meya: the date and author of this work are still undetermined. (Colebrooke's Algebra Introduction XLIX.) The comment is the work of MaUikdr* Juna Pundit,
II. — Surya Siddhdnta. Palm leaves — Telugu Character* The first chapter of the Surya Siddhdnta, with a short Telugu gloss.
Ill, — Suryg, Siddhdnta Sabhdshya. Palm leaves — Nandina^^ari Character. The Surya Siddhdnta, wiih a commentary by Nrisinha, a native of Galgam in ^he Peninsula, who wrote in the beginning of the 17th century.