Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts.djvu/451

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Krishna Raya Cheritra. a. Palm leaves, b. Paper. A poetical account of the reign of Krishna Raya, the second, or according to some accounts, the ille- gitimate son of Narasinka or Narasa Deva /2{7j/a, and 17th prince of q Narapaii kings of Vijayanagar, which state, it is generally asserted, was founded in the commencement of the 14th century by Harihara and Bukka Rat/a, and speedily attained a degree of solidity and power which enabled it to extend its sway over the Pro- vinces South of (he Tombuddra, as far as to Cape Comorin. and to make head for about two centuries against the Mohammedan principalities of the Dek^ hin uniill they combined to eflFect its downfall. This took place in 1564^ at the battle of Tellicoita when Rama Raja. was defeated and slain in an engage- ment with the united armies of Vijayapur, Ahme^ dabady Golconda and Beder, The princes of Ft- jayanagar thence ceased to exercise a paramount authority over the states of the Dekhin, although individuals ot the family continued to hold portions 4