Page:A Dictionary of All Religions and Religious Denominations.djvu/270

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communion. The discipline and government of their churches are strongly congregational.* scotists, the followers of Duns Scotus, a Cordelier, who maintained the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary, in opposition to Aquinas and the Thomists.

seceders, a numerous body of Presbyterians in Scotland who adhere to the doctrine and discipline of their ancestors, and maintain the binding obligation of the Scotch covenant and of the solumn league and covenant of the three nations.

,^,Thfi, ieKjJBliue Mf^ f^^ordi j, Jfor wjiicb fi-eedom the

^VPUiinent of theif cligrciietj s^noif voW Uiiri censurable,

V^ ntrktly cougregationat.* and oidei-cd bjm to be peliiked

,*SC0TIST8, tfi(>Up'vf;rsof itt their bar. Be, and tlu-e8

pujis SrotU4, EL Cui'ddiu'f wliQ utltei' . ministers, pi-Qt^sted a-

BmiuUiiucdlin; jmniatuUtecoii- gainJit fbis sentence, mid ap-

ceptidii of the Virgin Mar^, {lealed to ttir, next assembly,

in opposition to Atiuiiias and The assembly approved of tb^

ti/^ti 'i'iiouijsts.f procctdingB of the synod, and

.|.SEtJEi),ERS, a numerous ordered Mr. Ei'siiine to be re-

ofifly of, Prcslijtei'ians in Scot- buljed at theirbar. He refus-

l^d. WI19 adhere to tlje doc- eil to submit to the rebuke ■

uiiRe and discipli/icpftbcir an- whence ho and his I)retbl%l

<;e^tpr.St aud inalntaiu the bind- were suspended from the 'minl^

iflg obligation of the Scotch try, after which tlit^ seeded

Cj^YP^anti and of the aolcniii from the national clifiih:h. They

te^ue iuid c»Tenaiit of the were joined by o^eis ; andth^

W^c natifliis4 They ahvays nujiisters and their elders whi

Ifllyc declared that they did not declared their necpssion from

Sfedc from tl^c priuciplea of thenationalcharcli, did in 1738

e church of Scotland, as they constitute themselves into aii

are represented in her confos- ecclesiastical court, which they

^^on wffaitli, catechisms, longer called the Associate i'rtsbytcry.

M^ shorter, directory for wor- In 1*45, the seceding niinw-

i^fp, and fnriD of prcahyferian ters were become so numerous,

gpyprpmeivt; hut only from her that they were erected into

p^!;^|it judicatories, who, they three different preshytcrics, un-

wppf^t h^ye <leipart«d from dcrouesynod. lnl7'4T,throngk

pp,^^ principles, A sermon a difference in civil matters,

w^ifctl^dVy mf- Ehenezer Ers- they were divided iiitq burghers

^IW»"liStirlins,attbeopening and anti-burghei-s. Of these

o|!41j^^ypod (iiycrth ^nd Stir- two classes, the latter aie the

Mg,/gaT6| rJ3e "to .this party. nm<it i-igid in their sentimenftj

In 1I118 d|i^,ui?sc h-i hniOly tes- and associate therefore (li'i

l^f^,1g5^Dst wlsat licsiippofi.'d icaat with any other, body of

IHijfl^io)^^ in tiic , naiiunal cjiristiapfl.^

3L.iup.23% Sketch of the ChnKh if the oriifintl Bkptht Church in f iMoslieim, vol. iij. p. 3fiS, new ed. 7,'W^H£^*^niI BotifHMit' y SljA'Ainil fs »n enffi^ment wliieh w»s enfered iqtmb^Nflinph) af^peryiip jtrotuAfigr tbe>'R«lbnTii.tion. The lolemn leigiM Wf)PRTW7' l?,aii.(»»J:li, TlyKhinlW!! wai Ufcen by persons of all rants in the three kintnto™ ;' it was iptenOed to Bfing iboilt an uti'iformitj in doctriBt,

iMMi, tuflwdpship'. ■'^^•-- '

' ■VHflHtials (SS^hiiitt, iBthnS«dkfiteh, p. fa. Bwwn'* rite Mtd fKgttm