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Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 1.djvu/489

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says of Schubert, 'a man'—who had cause to fear no rival.

There is much confusion in the Opus-numbers of Dussek's works, owing to the different systems adopted by French, English, and German publishers. The following is an imperfect attempt at a complete list:—

Op. 1. 3 Concertos for P.F. and Quartet.
     2. 3 Trios, P.F. and Strings. C. B♭. E min.
     3. Concerto No. 1. P.F. and Orch. E♭.
     4. 3 Sonatas. P.F. and Violin. F, E♭, F min.
     4. 3 Do. P.F. and Violin or Flute. G, D, C.
     5. 3 Do. P.F. and Violin. G, B♭, A♭ (1 P.F. solo).
     6. 6 Airs Variés, P.F. E, F, A, D min., G min., G min.
     7. 3 Sonatas. P.F. and Flute. C, G, E♭.
     8. 3 Do. P.F. and Violin. C, F, A (la Chasse).
     9. 3 Do. P.F. B♭, C, D.
   10. 3 Do. P.F. A, C min., E.
   12. 3 Sonatas. P.F. and Violin. F, B♭ C.
   13. 3 Do. P.F. and Violin. B♭, D, G min.
   14. Rondo militaire. P.F.
   14. 3 Do. P.F. and Violin. C, G, F.
   14. Concerto No. 2, P.F. and Orch. F.
   15. Do. No. 3, E♭.
   16. 12 Leçons progressives P.F. 2Bks.
   16. 3 Sonatas. P. F. and Violin. C, F, G.
   17. 3 Do. do. C, F, G.
   17. Concerto No. 4, P.F. and Orchestra. F.
   18. 3 Do. P.F. and Violin. B♭, A min. (solo), E♭.
   19. 6 Do. P.F. and Flute. D, C, F, A, C, E♭.
   20. 6 Sonatinas. P.F. and Flute or Violin. G, C, F (solo), A, B, E♭ (solo).
   21. Trio, P.F., Flute, and Cello. C.
   21. 3 Trios. P.F. and Strings. C, A, F.
   22. Concerto. No. 5, P.F. and Orch. B♭.
   23. The sufferings of the Queen of France, P.F. C.
   23. Sonata. P.F. B♭ (ded. to Mrs. Chinnery): and 3 airs variés. G, A, A.
   24. Same Sonata in the English ed.
   24. 3 Trios, P.F. and Strings. F, B♭, D.
   25. 3 Sonatas. P.F. and Violin or Flute. F, D (P.F. solo), G.
   26. Concerto. No. 6, P.F. and Orch. E♭.
   27. Concerto No. 2. P.F. and Orch. F. (see op. 14.)
   28. 6 Easy Sonatas. P.F. and Violin. C, F, B♭, D, G min., E♭.
   29 or 30. Concerto, No. 7. P.F. (or Harp) and Orch. C.
   29. 3 Sonatas. Flute or V. and Cello. F, B♭, D.
   30. 4 Sonatas. P.F. and V. ad lib. C, F, B♭, G.
   31. 3 Trios, P.F. and Strings. B♭, D, C: and 3 Preludes. P.F.
   32. Grand Sonata, P.F., 4 hands. C.
   33. 'Il rivocato.'
   34. 2 Trios, P.F. and Strings. E♭, B♭.
   34. 2 Sonatas for Harp, V., and Cello.
   34. Serenade, Orch. in 9 pts. E♭
   35. 3 Sonatas. P.F. B♭, G. C min.
   36. Grand Sonata, P.F. and Violin, C.
   37. Trio (Son. favorite), P.F. and Strings. E♭.
   38. Sonatas, 2 Pianos. E♭.
   39. 3 Sonatas, P.F. G, C, B♭.
   40. Concerto, No. 8 (militaire), P.F. and Orch. B♭.
   41. Quintet, P.F. and Strings. F min.
   43. Sonata, P.F. A.
   44. Do. E♭ (The Farewell, dedicated to Clementi).
   45. 3 Do. B♭, G, D.
   46. 6 easy Do., P.F. and Violin. C, F, B♭, C, D, G.
   47. 2 Do. P.F. D, G.
   48. Grand Sonata, P.F., 4 hands. C.
   49 or 50. Concerto, No. 9, P.F. and Orch. G min.
   51. 3 Sonatas. P.F. and Violin or Flute. G, D, E (?C).
   53. Grand Quartet, P.F. and Strings. E♭.
   55 or 50. Fantasia and Fugue, P.F. F min. (dedicated to J. B. Cramer).
   56. Quartet. P.F. and Strings. E♭.
   60. 3 String Quartets. G, B♭, E♭.
   61. Elégie harmonique sur la mort du P. L. F. de Prusse. F♯ min.
   62. La Consolation. P.F. B♭.
   63. Concerto, No. 10, 2 P.F.'s and Orch. B♭.
   64. Fugues à la Camera, P.F., 4 hands. D, G min., F.
   65. Trio, P.F., Flute, and Cello. F.
   66. Concerto, No. 11, P.F. and Orch. F.
   67. 3 Sonates progressives, P.F., 4 hands. C, F, B♭.
   68. Notturno. P.F., Violin, and Horn. E♭.
   69. 3 Sonatas. P.F. and Violin. B♭, G, D (solo).
   70. Concerto, No. 12, P.F. and Orch. E♭.
   70. Sonata. P.F. A♭. (Le Retour à Paris.)
   71. Plus Ultra, Sonata, P.F. A♭ (dedicated to Non plus ultra).
   71. Airs connus Variés. P.F. B♭, F, C, G, C, B♭. 2Bks.
   72. Grand Sonata, P.F., 4 hands. E♭.
   73. Sonata, P.F. 4 hands. F.
   74. Do., do., do. B♭.
   75. Do., do. E♭.
   76. Fantaisie. P.F. F.
   77. Sonata, P.F. (No. 31). F min. (L'Invocation.)

Works without Opus-number.
   Feudal times, favourite Overture.
   Overture to Pizarro.
   Grand Overture, P.F., 4 hands.
   Instructions on the Art of playing the P.F.
   2 Trios, P.F. and Strings. E♭, B♭.
   'Le combat naval.' Sonata for P.F., V., and Cello, with Gr. Tambour ad lib. D.
   2 Duos faciles. 2 Pianos, C, F.
   Sonata facile, P.F., 4 hands. C.
   3 Grand Sonatas, P.F., 4 hands.
   3 Fugues and Sonata, P.F. 4 hands.
   5 Rondos.
   Sonata. P.F. F. (La Chasse.)
   6 Sonatines for Harp.
   Rondo on 'L'adieu,' P.F. B♭.
   Do., Air Russe. C.
   Do., A la Tedesca. B♭.
   Do., L'Amusoire. F.
   Do., on Countess of Sutherland's' reel. F.
   Do., Militaire. B♭.
   Do., Mignon. C.
   Do., on the favourite Hornpipe.
   Do., on Lord Howe's Hornpipe.
   Do., on 'My lodging is on.'
   Do., on 'The Ploughboy.'
   Do., on the Royal Quickstep.
   Do., on 'To to Carabo.'
   Do., on Viotti's Polacca.
   Do., L'Elgante.
   Do., La Matinée.
   Variations on 'Anna.' do. C.
   Do. on 'Il Pastore Alpigiano,' do. C.
   Do. on 'Partant pour la Syrie,' do. E♭.
   Do. on 3 Scotch airs
   Variations on 'Hope told a flattering tale.'
   Do. on a favourite German air.
   Do. on Blaise et Babet.
   Do. on Fal lal la.
   Do. on God save the King.
   Do. Petits air connus, 'Œuvre VI.L'
   Do. Three Parisian airs.
   6 New Waltzes, for P.F. and Violin or Flute.
   2 English airs and 2 Waltzes.
   3 Preludes. Bk. 1, P.F.
   6 Canons, for 3 and 4 voices.
   Song on 3 notes (B♭, G, D) for Voice and P.F.
   6 Songs for Voice and P.F.
   'The Captive of Spilburg.' a musical drama, produced at Drury Lane. Nov. 1798 [App. p.619 "written in collaboration with Michael Kelly. It should of course be spelt Spielberg"].
   The naval battle and total defeat of the Dutch Fleet by Admiral Duncan, Oct. 11, 1797. P.F. solo.
   A complete ... delineation of the ceremony from St. James's to St. Paul's ..... Dec. 19. 1797. P.F. D.
   The Paris correspondent of the A.M.Z. (1811, Nov. 6) mentions a Grand Mass sent to Prince Esterhazy.

[ J. W. D. ]

DUSSEK, Sophia, daughter of Domenico Corri, born in Edinburgh in 1775. Instructed by her father, she at a very early age performed in public on the pianoforte. In 1788 the family removed to London, when Miss Corri appeared with great success as a singer. In 1792 she married J. L. Dussek, under whose instruction she became as able a pianist and harpist as she was a singer. She continued to sing in public, at her husband's concerts and elsewhere. After his death, in 1810 [App. p.619 "1812"], she contracted in 1812 a second marriage with John Alvis Moralt. She composed and published many pieces for the pianoforte and harp. Her daughter, Olivia, was born in London in 1799, and under the instruction of her mother became an excellent performer on the pianoforte and harp. She composed some songs and several pieces for both instruments.

[ W. H. H. ]

DUX (leader), an early term for the first subject in a fugue—that which leads; the answer being the comes or companion. The dux is in German called Führer.

DYKES, Rev. John Bacchus, Mus. Doc., was born in Hull, where his grandfather was incumbent of St John's Church, in March 1823. He received his first musical tuition from Skelton, organist of St. John's. In October 1843 he went to St. Catherine Hall, Cambridge, where he very soon obtained a scholarship. He graduated as B.A. in 1847, and in the same year, having taken Holy Orders, obtained the curacy of Malton, Yorkshire. During his stay in Cambridge he pursued his musical studies under Professor Walmisley, and became conductor of the University Musical Society. In July 1849 he was appointed Minor Canon and Precentor of Durham Cathedral. In the next year he proceeded M.A. In 1861 the University of Durham conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Music, and in 1862 he was presented by the Dean and Chapter to the vicarage of St. Oswald, Durham, on which he resigned the precentorship. He died January 22, 1876. Dr. Dykes composed many services