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Pianoforte, á quatre mains (op. 11); Lyrische Stückchen for Pianoforte (op. 12); Sonate für Pianoforte und Violine (op. 13); 2 symphonische Stücke für Pianoforte, à quatre mains (op. 14); Romanzen (op. 15); Concert für Pianoforte und Orchester (op. 16); Norwegische Volks-Lieder und Tänze für Pianoforte behandelt (op. 17); Romanzen und Lieder, 2 Hefte (op. 18); 'Bilder aus dem Volksleben,' neue Humoresken für Pianoforte (op. 19); 'Vor Südens Kloster,' für Soli, Damenchor und Orchester (op. 20).

[ E. D. ]

[App. p.658 "The following additions are to be made to the catalogue of his works:—

21. 4 Songs.
22. 'Sigurd Jorsalfar.' PF. 4 hands.
23. 'Peer Gynt,' Incidental music. PF. 4 hands.
24. Ballade. PF. solo.
25. 5 Songs.
26. 4 Songs.
27. Quartet for Strings in G minor.
28. Albumblatter. PF. solo.
29. Improvisata on 2 Norwegian Songs. PF. solo.
30. Album for male chorus.
31. 'Landkennung.' Male chorus.
32. 'Der Bergentrückte.' Baritone and Orchestra.
33. 12 Songs.
34. 2 Melodies for stringed orchestra.
35. Norwegian dances. PF. 2 or 4 hands.
36. Sonata for PF. and Violoncello.
37. Walzer-Capricen. PF. 2 or 4 hands.
38. Neue lyrische Stückchen. PF. solo.
39. 5 Songs.
40. 'Aus Holberg's Zeit.' PF. Suite.
41. PF. transcriptions of his own songs.
43. 'Lyrische Stückchen.' Book 3, PF. solo.
45. 3rd Sonata in C minor for PF. and Violin.

All the songs, with the exception of op. 2 and 10, are included in the five volumes of Peters' 'Grieg-Album.'

Add that the composer visited London in 1888, playing his A minor Concerto and conducting his op. 34, at the Philharmonic Concert of May 3; He and Mme. Grieg gave a recital on the 16th of the month."]

[ M. ]

GRIEPENKERL, Friedrich Conrad, professor at the Carolinum College in Brunswick, born at Peine, near Hanover, in 1782; long tutor in the Fellenberg Institution at Hofwyl in the Canton of Berne; died at Brunswick, April 6, 1849. He wrote 'Lehrbuch der Æsthetik' (Brunswick 1827), in which he applied Herbart's philosophical theory to music; and was the author of the preface to the excellent edition of J. S. Bach's instrumental compositions, edited by himself and Roitsch, and published by Peters of Leipzig. This work has made his name familiar to many in England.

His son Wolfgang Robert, born May 4, 1810, at Hofwyl, studied at Brunswick and Leipzig, was also an enthusiastic amateur, and an ardent admirer of Meyerbeer's 'Huguenots' and the later works of Berlioz. He wrote 'Das Musikfest, oder die Beethovener' (1838 and 41); 'Ritter Berlioz in Braunschweig' (1843); 'Die Oper der Gegenwart' (1847); and two dramas, 'Robespierre' and 'Die Girondisten,' to which Litolff composed overtures. He died at Brunswick, Oct. 17, 1868.

[ F. G. ]

GRIESBACH, John Henry, born at Windsor, June 20, 1798, was eldest son of Justin Christian Griesbach, violoncellist in Queen Charlotte's band, and nephew to Friedrich Griesbach, the oboe player. He studied music under his uncle, George Leopold Jacob Griesbach, and at 12 years of age was appointed violoncellist in the Queen's band. He then studied for some years under Kalkbrenner. On the breaking up of the Queen's band at her death he came to London and appeared at concerts as a pianist. In 1822 he composed a symphony and a capriccio for pianoforte and orchestra, and shortly afterwards a second symphony for the Philharmonic Society. Although he was after this time principally engaged in tuition he found time to produce numerous compositions of various kinds, and also to attain to no mean skill in astronomy, painting in water colours, entomology, and mathematics. His principal compositions were 'Belshazzar's Feast,' an oratorio, written in 1835 with a view to stage representation, but such performances being interdicted he some years afterwards remodelled the work, and it was performed, under the title of 'Daniel,' by the Sacred Harmonic Society on June 30, 1854; Overture and Music to Shakspere's 'Tempest'; 'James the First, or, The Royal Captive.' operetta; 'The Goldsmith of West Cheap,' opera; 'Eblis,' opera (unfinished); ' Raby Ruins,' musical drama; several overtures and other instrumental pieces, anthems, songs, cantatas, &c. He also wrote 'An Analysis of Musical Sounds' (published), and 'The fundamental elements of Counterpoint,' 'The Acoustic Laws of Harmony,' and 'Tables shewing the variations of musical pitch from the time of Handel to 1859' (unpublished). He was 14 times a director of the Philharmonic Society. He died Jan. 9, 1875.

[ W. H. H. ]

GRIESINGER, Georg August, deserves a word of grateful mention for his charming little work on Haydn—'Biographische Notizen über Joseph Haydn' (126 pages)—which was originally communicated to the Allg. Musik. Zeitung from July to Sept. 1809, and then published by Breitkopf & Härtel in 1810. Griesinger was a 'Legations-Rath' of the Saxon government, and possibly attached to the embassy at Vienna. At any rate he was on intimate terms with Haydn for the last ten years of the life of the latter, and he claims to report directly from his lips, often in his very words. His work was used by Framery for his 'Notice sur Haydn' (Paris, 1810), but Griesinger complains that his statements have often been widely departed from, and in one case an absolute invention introduced.

Whether he was the same Griesinger who founded singing societies and public concerts in Stuttgart 10 or 12 years after Haydn's death, is not apparent. He died April 27, 1828.

[ G. ]

GRIFFIN, George Eugene, pianist and composer, was born Jan. 8, 1781. At sixteen years of age made his first appearance as a composer by the production of a concerto for pianoforte and orchestra, in which the melody of 'The Blue Bell of Scotland' was introduced. He next published a P.F. sonata, with ad libitum violin, and an 'Ode to Charity,' inscribed to the supporters of the Patriotic Fund, and published in 1806. His remaining compositions, with the exception of three quartets for stringed instruments, were all for the pianoforte, either alone or in conjunction with other instruments. They comprise two concertos for P.F. and orchestra; a quartet for pianoforte and strings; four sonatas; five divertimentos; four rondos; six marches; six airs; a capriccio; an introduction to an arrangement of the military movement from Haydn's 12th symphony; and two sets of quadrilles. Griffin was one of the original members of the Philharmonic Society. One of his stringed quartets was given by that body on Feb. 28, 1814, and his P.F. quartet on April 14, 1817, he himself playing the P.F. part. Griffin was stricken with mortal illness whilst attending one of the Society's concerts, and died a few days afterwards in May 1863. His compositions were formed upon classical models, and were esteemed in their day, although now forgotten.

[ W. H. H. ]

GRIFFIN, THOMAS, an organ builder, in 1741 erected an organ in St. Helen's, Bishopagate, and engaged 'to play himself or provide an organist.' He is said to have also built organs in other City churches. On Jan. 11, 1763 (being then a Common Councilman for Langbourn Ward and