Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 1.djvu/656

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removed to London and became a pupil of Salomon and Dr. Cooke. A few years afterwards he returned to Cambridge, and in 1794 took the degree of Mus. Bac., composing as his exercise an anthem with orchestral accompaniments, 'By the waters of Babylon,' which he soon afterwards published in score. In 1799, on the death of Dr. Randall, he was elected professor of music in the University. In 1801 he proceeded doctor of music. At the installation of the Duke of Gloucester as Chancellor of the University, June 29, 1811, Hague produced an ode written by Prof. William Smyth, which was greatly admired. His other compositions were two collections of glees, rounds and canons, some songs, and arrangements of Haydn's twelve grand symphonies as quintets. Dr. Hague died at Cambridge June 18, 1821. His eldest daughter, Harriet, was an accomplished pianist, and the composer of a collection of 'Six Songs with an accompaniment for the pianoforte,' published in 1814. She died in 1816, aged 23.

[ W. H. H. ]

HAIGH, Thomas, born in 1769, violinist, pianist, and composer; studied composition under Haydn in 1791 and 1792. He shortly afterwards went to reside at Manchester, but early in the present century returned to London. His compositions comprise a concerto for the violin, sonatas and other pieces for the piano, and a few songs. His arrangements of Haydn's symphonies, and music by other composers, are very numerous.

[ W. H. H. ]

HAINL, Georges, born at Issoire, Nov. 19, 1807, died in Paris, June 2, 1873; gained the first cello prize at the Conservatoire in 1830; became in 1840 conductor of the large theatre at Lyons, where he remained till his appointment in 1863 as conductor of the 'Académie de Musique,' Paris. From January 1864 to 1873 he also conducted the 'Société des Concerts' at the Conservatoire. He was no great musician, but as a conductor he had fire, a firm hand and a quick eye, and possessed in an eminent degree the art of controlling large masses of performers. Hainl composed some fantasias for the violoncello. He was a generous man, and bequeathed an annual sum of 1000 francs to the winner of the first violoncello prize at the Conservatoire.

[ G. C. ]

HAITZINGER, Anton, born in 1796 at Wilfersdorf, Lichtenstein, Austria, was sent at the age of 14 to the college of Cornenburg, whence he returned with the degree of licentiate; and soon after found a professor's place at Vienna. He continued to study music, and took lessons in harmony from Wölkert; while his tenor voice was daily developing and improving. Having received some instructions from Mozzati, the master of Mme. Schröder-Devrient, he decided to give up his profession for that of a public singer. He was first engaged at the An-der-Wien Theatre in 1821 as primo tenore, and made triumphant débuts as Gianetto ('Gazza Ladra '), Don Ottavio (Don Giovanni), and Lindoro ('L'Italiana in Algieri'). His studies were continued under Salieri. His reputation becoming general, several new rôles were written for him, among others that of Adolar in 'Euryanthe'; and he paid successful visits to Prague, Presburg, Frankfort, Carlsruhe, etc. The last-named place became his head-quarters until his retirement.

In 1831 and 32 he created a deep impression at Paris with Mme. Schröder-Devrient, in 'Fidelio,' 'Oberon,' and 'Euryanthe.' In 1832 he appeared in London, with the German company conducted by M. Chelard. His voice, described by Lord Mount-Edgcumbe as 'very beautiful, and almost equal to Tramezzani's,' seemed 'throaty and disagreeable' to Mr. Chorley. The latter describes him as 'a meritorious musician with an ungainly presence; an actor whose strenuousness in representing the hunger of the imprisoned captive in the dungeon trenched closely on burlesque.' (See Moscheles' Life, i. 270 etc.) Haitzinger sang here again in 1833 and also in 1841, and in 1835 at St. Petersburg. He died at Carlsruhe Dec. 31, 1869.

Owing to the late beginning of his vocal studies, he never quite succeeded in uniting the registers of his voice; but his energy and intelligence atoned for some deficiency of this kind. There is a song by him, 'Vergiss mein nicht,' published by Fischer of Frankfort. He married Mme. Neumann, 'an actress of reputation,' at Carlsruhe; and established a school of dramatic singing there, from which some good pupils came forth, including his daughter.

[ J. M. ]

HALÉVY, Jacques François Fromental Elias, a Jew, whose real name was Lévi, born in Paris May 27, 1799; entered the Conservatoire 1809, gained a prize in solfeggio 1810, and the second prize for harmony 1811. From Berton's class he passed to that of Cherubini, who put him through a severe course of counterpoint, fugue, and composition. In 1816 he competed for the 'Grand Prix de Rome,' and gained the second prize for his cantata 'Les derniers moments du Tasse'; in the following year the second Grand Prix for 'La Mort d'Adonis,' and in 1819 his 'Herminie' carried off the 'Grand Prix' itself. Before leaving for Rome, he composed a funeral march and 'De Profundis' in Hebrew, on the death of the Duc de Berry (Feb. 14, 1820), for 3 voices and orchestra, with an Italian translation; it was dedicated to Cherubini, performed March 24, 1820, at the synagogue in the Rue St. Avoye, and published. During his stay in Italy Halévy studied hard, and in addition not only wrote an opera, and some sacred works, still in MS., but found time to learn Italian. On his return to France he encountered the usual difficulties in obtaining a hearing. 'Les Bohémiennes' and 'Pygmalion,' which he offered to the Grand Opera, and 'Les deux Pavilions,' opera comique, remained on his hands in spite of all his efforts; but in 1827 'L'Artisan,' which contains some pretty couplets and an interesting chorus, was produced at the Théâtre Feydeau. This was followed in 1828 by 'Le Roi et le Batelier,' a little pièce de circonstance, composed conjointly with his friend Rifaut for the fête of Charles X.