Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 2.djvu/709

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vocum,' of Grimmius and Wyrsung, Augsburg 1520, a volume containing 24 Latin motets by H. Izac, Josquin des Prés, Obrecht, Pierre de la Rue, Senfl, and others.

[ G. ]

PEVERNAGE, Andreas, born in the year 1543,[1] at Courtrai, in Flanders. He held an appointment in his native town until his marriage,[2] June 15, 1574, and soon after moved to Antwerp as choirmaster in the cathedral. There he led an active life, composing, editing, and giving weekly performances at his house of the best native and foreign music. He died at the age of 48, and was buried in the cathedral. Sweertius[3] describes him as 'vir ad modestiam factus, et totus candidus, quæ in Musico mireris, quibus cum leviusculis notis annata levitas videtur.' The same author gives the following epitaph:—

M. Andræ Pevernagio
Musico excellenti
Hujus ecclesiæ phonasco
et Mariæ filiæ
Maria Haecht vidua et FF. M. poss.
Obierunt Hic XXX Julii. Aetat XLVIII.
Ilia II Feb. Aetat XII. MDLXXXIX.

Fétis mentions 5 books of chansons and 1 book of sacred motets, published in the composer's lifetime, and 5 masses and a book of motets for the chief church festivals, as posthumous. The British Museum contains 1 book of chansons, and 2 imperfect copies of the 'Harmonia Celeste,' a collection of madrigals edited by Pevernage, in which 7 of his own pieces appear. In addition to these Eitner[4] mentions 16 detached pieces in various collections of the time. Two pieces have been printed in modern type—an ode to S. Cecilia, 'O virgo[5] generosa,' composed for the inauguration of his house concerts,[6] and a 9-part Gloria in excelsis.'[7]

PEZZE, Alessandro, an able violoncellist, was born in Milan in 1835. He received his first musical instruction from his father, an excellent amateur. In 1846 he was, after competition, admitted to the Milan Conservatorio, where his master was the celebrated Merighi. After a course of concerts in North Italy he was appointed first violoncello at La Scala. Lumley brought him to Her Majesty's Theatre in 1857, where he remained until the theatre was burnt down. He also played principal violoncello with Pettit at the old Philharmonic, and was for some years engaged at Covent Garden.

[ T. P. H. ]

PHILADELPHIA is remarkable among the cities of the United States for its vigorous musical life. No less than sixty-five societies for the active practice of music exist within its precincts. The oldest of these, the Musical Fund Society, was established on February 29, 1820. In 1823 the society built a hall for its meetings, and about seven years later an academy was ipened for musical instruction. After having given, in the course of thirty years, about 100 concerts, in which nearly all the best European and American artists took part, increased comjetition in musical affairs compelled the society to alter its original system, but for the last 15 years its funds have been gradually accumulating, so that a capital has now been secured with which it is hoped a permanent school of music will eventually be established. In the 60 years of its existence the society has given freely from its funds to the relief of its professional members and their families, and to provide for their children after the death of their parents. The society has accumulated a considerable library of vocal and orchestral scores, etc. At present there are 50 members, 14 of whom are professional musicians.

In addition to the above, at the end of this article will be found a list[8] of musical societies (with the names of their conductors) which are now in existence in Philadelphia. Of these the Orpheus Club, a choral society for men's voices, was organised in August 1872, and has a limited membership of 30 active and 300 associate and subscribing members. The Cecilian Society was organised May 25, 1875, and has an active mem bership of about 400. The Beethoven Society was founded in 1869.

The university of Pennsylvania, located in Philadelphia, has established a Faculty of Music, and confers degrees on students who attend its lectures and pass an examination in harmony, counterpoint, and composition. Lectures and instruction are given by the Professor of Music (Mr. H. A. Clarke) who has also organised an orchestra and a glee-club, composed of the undergraduate students.

There are several private musical academies at Philadelphia. The principal of these is the Philadelphia Musical Academy (President, Mme. Emma Seller), which has a regular attendance of over 100 pupils.


Abt Society. H. A. Clarke.
Allemania. F. W. Künzel.
Amphion Society.
Arbeiter Sängerbund.
Arion. J. Schaaf.
Arion (of Germantown).
Beethoven Liederkranz. F. W. Künzel.
Beethoven Männerchor. L. Gröbl.
Cecilian. M. H. Cross.
Cecilian Musical Beneficial Association. B. G. S. Wilks, President.
Columbia Gesangverein. W. Winter.
Columbia Burschenschaft. L. Ockenlander.
Concordia Gesangverein. E. Gastel.
Concordia Quartet Club. L. Engelke.
Eintracht. H. Peters.
Eintracht Quartet Club.
Fidelio Gesangverein. G. Wilke.
Fidelio Männerchor.
Gambrinus Sängerkranz. F. Stadler, Secretary.
Germania Liederkranz. G. Wilke.
Germania Männerchor. J. Brenner.
Germania Orchestra. C. M. Schmitz.
Handel and Haydn Society. C. Sentz.
Harmonie. F. W. Künzel.

  1. 'Master A. Pevernage … died July 30, 1591, about half-past four in the afternoon, after five weeks' illness.' (See note discovered by H. de Burbure in Antwerp Cathedral books.) Thus the last two letters of the date in the epitaph have changed places; It should stand mdlxxxxi. He died at the age of 48, which fixes the date of his birth.
  2. Paquot's 'Histoire litteraire des Pays-has,' Tom. 9, p. 331 (Louvain. 1767). The author gives a reference, 'Franc. Hœml poemata ed. 1578, p. 239, 240, oû il y a deux Eplthalames: In nuptias Andreæ Pevernage, apud Cortracenses Symphonasci, et Marise Mæges viduæ, 17 cal. julli, anno 1574.'
  3. 'Athenæ Belgicæ,' Antwerp, 1628 (Brit. Mus. 11901 k). Both the year of death and the name of Pevernage's wife are probably incorrect. See notes 1 and 2.
  4. Bibliographie.
  5. Commer—'Collectio op. musicorum Batav.' Vol. viii (Berlin Trautwein).
  6. Ambros, 'Geschichte,' iii. 316.
  7. Cæcilia, von Oberhoffer, Luxemburg, 1863, No. 7.
  8. Compiled for this work by Mr. Edmund Wolsleffer and Mr. J. G. Bosengarten, editor of the Philadelphia Public Ledger, to whose kindness we are also Indebted for the information contained above.