Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 3.djvu/190

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Stabat Mater, 1832–41. 1, 2, 3.
La Foi, L'Esperance, et la Charité, 1844. 2, 3. Instrumented by Balbi. [App. p.776 "omit from the list of Sacred Music."
Petite Messe Solennelle, 1864. 2,3.
Tantum ergo, for 2 tenors and bass, with orchestra. 1,2,3. Composed at Bologna, and performed Nov. 28, 1847. for the re-establishment of the service in the church of S. Francesco del Minori conventuali.
Quoniam, bass solo and orchestra. 1,2,3.
O Salutaris, 4 solo voices. Published at Paris in 'La Maitrise,' reproduced in facsimile by Azevedo in his 'Rossini.'


Gorgheggi e Solfeggi. A collection of exercises for the voice.
II pianto delle Muse, for solo and chorus. Composed on the occasion of Byron's death.
Non posso o Dio, resistere. Cantata.
Oh quanto son grate. Duettino.
Irene ed Egle. Cantata for soprano and mezzo soprano.
Ridiamo, cantiamo, à 4.
Alle voci della gloria. Scena ed Aria.
Les Soirées musicales. 8 ariettas and 4 duets.
Inno populare, on the accession of Pius IX. Chorus.
Dall' Oriente l'astro del giorno, à 4.
Cara Patria. Cantata.
Chant des Titans. Chorus.
Se il vuol la Molinara.—Rossini's first composition.
La Separazione. Dramatic song.

Various other airs and pieces, thirty or forty in number, will be found in the catalogues of Ricordi, Lucca, Brandus (Troupenas), and Escudier, which it is hardly necessary to enumerate here. Probably no composer ever wrote so much in albums as did Rossini. The number of these pieces which he threw off while in London alone is prodigious. They are usually composed to some lines of Metastasio's, beginning 'Mi lagnerà tacendo della sorfce amara,' which he is said to have set more than a hundred times.

We have stated that during the latter years of his life Rossini composed a great quantity of music for the PF. solo, both serious and comic. These pieces were sold by his widow en masse to Baron Grant for the sum of £4000. After a time the whole was put up to auction in London and purchased by Ricordi of Milan, M. Paul Dalloz, proprietor of a periodical entitled 'La Musique,' at Paris, and other persons.


Le rendezvous de chasse. A fanfare for 4 trumpets, composed at Compiegne in 1828 for M. Schikler, and dedicated to him.
3 Marches for the marriage of H.R.H. the Duke of Orleans. Arranged for PF. à 4 mains.
March (Pas redoublé) composed for H.I.M. the Sultan Abdul Medjid. Arranged for PF. solo (Benedict), and à 4 mains.
5 String Quartets, arranged as Sonatines for the PF. by Mockwitz (Breitkopf & Härtel).

To enumerate and elucidate all the biographical and critical notices of Rossini would require a volume, we shall therefore confine ourselves to mentioning these of importance either from their authority, their ability, or the special nature of their contents; and for greater convenience of reference we have arranged them according to country and date.

I. Italian.

G. Carpani. Lettera all' anonimo autore dell' articolo sul 'Tancredi' di Rossini. Milan, 1818, 8vo.

G. Carpani. Le Rossiniane, ossia Lettere musicoteatrali. Padua, 1824, 130 pages, 8vo. Portrait.

Nic. Bettoni. Rossini e la sua musica. Milan, 1824, 8vo. P. Brighenti. Della musica rossiniana e del suo autore. Bologna, 1830, 8vo.

Lib. Musumeci. Parallelo tra i maestri Rossini e Bellini. Palermo, 1832, 8vo.

Anon. Osservazioni sul merito musicale dei maestri Bellini e Rossini, in riposta ad un Parallelo tra i medesimi. Bologna, 1834, 8vo. This pamphlet was translated into French by M. de Ferrer, and published as 'Rossini et Bellini.' Paris, 1835. 8vo.

Anon. Rossini e la sua musica; una Fasseggiata con Rossini. Florence, 1841, 16mo.

Anon. Dello Stabat Mater di Gioachino Rossini, Lettere Storico-critiche di un Lombardo. Bologna, 1842, 8vo.

Giov. Raffaelli. Rossini, canto. Modena, 1844, 8vo.

Fr. Regli. Elogio di Gioacchino Rossini. We have not been able to discover how far Regli (1804–66) has used this work in his Dizionario biografico' (1860).

E. Montazio. Gioacchino Rossini. Turin, 1862, 18mo. Portrait.

Giul. Vanzolini. Della vera Patria di G. Rossini Pesaro, 1873, 8vo.

Ferrucci. Giudizio perentorio sulla verita della Patria di G. Rossini impugnata dal Prof. Giul. Vanzolini. Florence, 1874; an 8vo pamphlet of 20 pages.

Sett. Silvestri. Della vita e delle opere di G. Rossini. Milan, 1874, 8vo.; with portrait and fac-similes.

Ant. Zanolini. Biografia di Gioachino Rossini. Bologna, 1875, 8vo; with portrait and fac-similes.

II. French.

Papillon. Lettre critique sur Rossini. Paris, 1823, 8vo.

Stendhal. Vie de Rossini. Paris, 1823, 8vo. Stendhal, whose real name was Henri Beyle, compiled this work from Carpani. In many passages in fact it is nothing but a translation, and Beyle's own anecdotes are not always trustworthy. It was translated into English (London. 12mo, 1826) and German (Leipzig, 1824), in the latter case by Wendt, who has added notes and corrections.

Berton. De la musique mécanique et de la musique philosophique. Paris, 1824, 8vo; 24 pages.

Ditto, followed by an Epitre à un celebre compositeur français (Boieldieu). Paris, 1826, 8vo; 48 pages.

Imbert de Laphaléque. De la Musique en France: Rossini, Guillaume Tell. ('Revue de Paris,' 1829.)

J. d'Ortigue. De la guerre des dilettanti, ou de la revolution operée par M. Rossini dans l'opera français. Paris, 1829, 8vo.

N. Bettoni. Rossini et sa musique. Paris, Bettoni, 1836, 8vo.

Anon. Vie de Rossini, etc. Anvers, 1839, 12mo; 215 pages. By M. Van Damme, who in his turn has borrowed much from Stendhal.

L. de Loménie. M. Rossini, par on homme de rien. Paris, 1842, 8vo.

Aulagnier. Quelques observations sur la publication du 'Stabat mater' de Rossini. Paris, 1842, 4to.

Anon. Observations d'un amateur non dilettante an sujet du 'Stabat' de M. Rossini. Paris, 1842, 8vo.

E. Troupenas. Résumé des opinions de la Presse sur le 'Stabat' de Rossini. Paris, 1842, 8vo; 75 pages.

Escudier frères. Rossini, sa vie et ses œuvres. Paris, 1854, 12mo; 338 pages.

Eug. de Mirecourt. Rossini. Paris, 1856, 32mo.

A. Azevedo. G. Rossini, sa vie et ses œuvres. Paris, 1865, large 8vo; 310 pages, with portraits and facsimiles. This is the most complete and eulogistic work on Rossini. It appeared originally in the 'Ménestrel,' but was discontinued there, the editor not approving of a violent attack on Meyerbeer, which Azevedo (1873 1875) included in it.

Virmattre et Elie Frébault. Les maisons comiques de Paris, 1868, 12mo. One chapter is devoted to the house of Rossini.

N. Roqueplan. Rossini. Paris, 1869, 12mo.; 16 pages.

E. Beulé. Eloge de Rossini. Paris, 1869.

A. Pougin. Rossini, Notes, impressions, souvenirs, commentaires. Paris, 1870, 8vo; 91 pages. The detailed and annotated chronological list mentioned on p. 8 has not yet been published.

O. Moutoz. Rossini et son 'Guillaume Tell.' Bourg, 1872, 8vo.

Vander Straeten. La mélodie populaire dans l'opéra 'Guillaume Tell' de Rossini. Paris, 1879, 8vo.

III. German.

Oettinger. Rossini, Komischer Roman. Leipzig, 1847. A satirical work translated into Danish by Marlow (Copenhagen, 1849, 2 vols. 8vo); into Swedish by Landberg (Stockholm, 1850, 2 vols. 8vo); and into French by Royer, 'Rossini, l'homme et l'artiste' (Brussels, 1858, 3 vols. 16mo).