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different line from that of his brother the Due d'Elchingen. He contributed to various periodicals, especially some articles in the 'Revue des deux Mondes' and the 'Constitutional,' which excited considerable interest. His love of sport was great, and he was one of the founders of the Jockey Club of Paris. In 1828 he married the only daughter of Laffitte, the banker. The services rendered by the Prince to music are considerable. In connexion with Adolphe Adam he founded the 'Société des Concerts de musique religieuse et classique,' an association for the practice of vocal music, and to this he devoted a great amount of learning, taste, and judgment. We append a catalogue of the works contained in this fine collection (11 vols. 8vo.), published for the Society by the Prince, which has now become very scarce.[1] The Prince lived on intimate terms with Delsarte the singer, and with Niedermeyer the composer, whom he materially assisted in the foundation of his 'Ecole de musique religieuse.' In 1831 a mass of his for voices and orchestra was executed by the pupils of Choron, and called forth the strong encomiums of M. Fétis. Although naturally inclined to the madrigal style and sacred music, he also attempted the theatre, producing at the Opéra Comique, 'Le Cent-Suisse' (June 7, 1840), a one-act piece, which had a considerable run, and 'Yvonne' (March 16, 1855), a one-act opéra comique, a clever imitation of the antique style. The Prince died July 25, 1857, at St. Germain-en-Laye.

Recueil des morceaux de musique ancienne, etc.,
vols. i to xi, 8vo.
Allegri De Lamentatione Jeremite, à 4 ii. 153
Do. Miserere, 2 choirs ii. 168
Anerio Ave regina cœlorum, 2 choirs vi. 183
Do. Adoramus à 4 vi. 203
Anonymous Songs of the Moravian Brothers, à 4 ii. 235
Do. Alla Trinita beata, à 4 ii. 248
Do. Belle qui tiens ma vie. Pavane à 4 v. 82
Do. From an old Noël, sop. solo and chor. x. 95
Do. Se questa valle di miseria x. 115
Arcadelt Ave Maria, à 4 ii. 251
Do. Il bianco e dolce cigno, à 4 v. 97
J. Sebastian Bach Tantum ergo, à 4 ii. 279
Do. Qui presso (Matthew Passion) iv. 426
Barbieri Veni de Libano, à 6 vi. 271
Benevoli Sanctus, à 16 xi. 289
Buononcini In te Domine, à 4 viii. 461
Carissimi O felix anima, à 3 vi. 266
Do. Gaudeamus, à 4 viii. 429
Do. Surgamus, eamus, à 3 viii. 450
Do. Conjugation of hic and hoc, à 4 xi. 309
Clari Cantando un di, à 2 iii. 295
Do. Non te sdegnar, à 2 iii. 303
Do. Addio compagne amene, à 3 ii. 312
Do. Gratias agimus, à 5 viii. 535
Du Caurroy Noël! Noël! à 4 x. 107
Colonna Domine, à 5 viii. 478
Donato Villote neapolitana, à 4 x. 119
Don Juan IV. Crux fidelis, à 4 vi. 263
Durante Christe eleison, à 4 vi. 278
Gabrieli, A. Magnificat, 3 choirs vi. 135
Do. Benedictus, do. vi. 163
Do. Sento un rumor, à 8 xi. 389
Gabrieli, G. Magnificat, à 8 ix. 105
Do. Miserere, à 6 ix. 129
Gallus Media vita, 2 choirs vi. 211
Do. Adoramus, à 6 vi. 223
Do. Ecce quomodo moritur justus, à 4 vi. 228
Gastoldi Viver lieto voglio, à 5 x. 123
Gesualdo Gelo ha ma donna, à 5 v. 102
Do. Come esser suo, à 5 v. 108
Gibbons, Orlando Le vieux chasseur (I tremble not) xi. 357
Do. Le croisé captif (The silver swan) xi. 369
Gluck Madrigal (Orphée) iii. 399
Handel Lascia ch'io pianga, aria iii. 341
Do. Ah! mio cor, aria (Alcina) iii. 346
Do. Tutta racolta ancor, aria iii. 352
Do. Che vai cercando, duet iii. 365
Do. Alleluia, chorus iii. 375
Haydn E Dio, air (Creation) iv. 444
Do. Trio and chorus (Creation) iv. 459
Do. Insanæ et vanæ curæ, à 4 iv. 483
Do. Vidit suum dulcem natum, air (Stabat) iv. 515
Do. Fac me vere, air (Stabat) iv. 520
Do. Virgo virginum, 4tet (Stabat) iv. 527
Do. Quando corpus, 4tet and chorus (Stabat) iv. 58
Jannequin La bataille de Marignan, à 4 v. 13
Do. Le chant des oiseaux, à 4 xi. 333
Josquin des Prés La déploration de Jean Ockeghem, chorus v. 2
Leisring O filii, 2 choirs ii. 25
Leo Sicut erat, à 10 viii. 489
Lotti Spirto di Dio, madrigal, à 4 v. 120
Do. Miserere, à 4 x. 51
Do. Benedictus, à 4 x. 79
Do. Christe Eleison, à 5 xi. 305
Lupus Audivi vocem, à 6 vi. 233
Maillart 'Tout au rebours,' Canon à 5 xi. 382
Marcello Donde cotanto fremito, chorus iii. 322
Do. I cieli immensi, solo and chorus iii. 333
Do. Ei fuor dell' acque, à 3 bassi v. 114
Marenzio Ah! dispietata xi. 442
Nanini Diffusa est, motet, à 4 vi. 173
Orlando Lasso Regina cœli, à 4 ii. 186
Do. Salve regina, à 4 ii. 192
Do. Miserere, à 4 ii. 199
Do. Sais-tu dire l'Ave? à 4 v. 42
Do. Si le long temps, à 4 v. 44
Do. Ce faux amour, à 4 v. 49
Do. Fuyons tous d'amour le jeu, à 4 v. 55
Do. Bonjour mon cœur, à 4 v. 56
Do. Le temps peut bien, à 4 v. 63
Do. Je l'aime bien, à 4 v. 67
Do. Si vous n'êtes en bon point, à 4 v. 73
Do. Per pianto, madrigal, à 5 v. 76
Do. Quia cinerem, à 5 vi. 176
Do. De Psalmis pœnitentialibus, à 3 and à 4 ix. 150
Palestrina Messe du pape Marceli, à 6 i. 1
Do. Messe 'Æterna Christi,' à 4 i. 69
Do. Stabat, 2 choirs i. 105
Do. Fratres ego enim, 2 choirs i. 131
Do. Adoramus, à 4 i. 144
Do. Pleni sunt, à 3 i. 146
Do. Alla riva del Tebro, madrigal, à 4 i. 149
Do. Vaghhi pensier, à 4 v. 85
Do. La ver l'aurora, à 4 v. 92
Do. Tribularer al nescirem, à 6 vii. 282
Do. Agnus Dei, à 8 vii. 312
Do. Popule meus, 2 choirs vii. 331
Do. Canite tubâ, à 5 vii. 351
Do. Vinea mea, à 4 vii. 355
Do. Una hora, à 4 vii. 355
Do. Tantum ergo, à 5 vii. 363
Do. In monte Oliveti, à 4 vii. 367
Do. Tristis est anima, à 4 vii. 378
Do. Esurientes, à 5 vii. 373
Do. Corporis mysterium, à 4 vii. 383
Do. O bone Jesu, à 4 vii. 388
Do. Sicut erat, à 6 vii. 390
Do. Dei mater alma, à 4 vii. 369
Do. Lauda anima, à 5 vii. 399
Do. Hodie Christus natus est, 2 choirs vii. 407
Do. Gloria Patri, 2 choirs vii. 426
Do. Missa canonica, à 4 ix. 1
Do. Requiem, à 5 ix. 49
Do. Dies sanctificatus, à 4 x. 1
Do. Sicut cervus, à 4 x. 11
Do. Idem (in A♭) x. 17
Do. Laus, honor, à 6 x. 23
Do. Veni sponsa, à 4 x. 31
Scarlatti Cor mio, madrigal à 5 ii. 269
Stradella Pietà, Signore, aria iii. 283
Tallis Kyrie eleison, à 4 iii. 283
Vittoria Jesu dulcis memoria, à 4 vi. 207
Do. Pueri Hebræorum, à 4 ii. 254
Do. O vos omnes, à 4 ii. 259
Do. Gloria Patria, à 6 vi. 253
Do. O quam gloriosum, à 4 vi. 259
Do. Vere languores, à 4 x. 45
Vulpius Exultate justi, à 4 vi. 240

[ G. C. ]

PRINCIPAL. A word with various meanings.

I. An organ stop. In Germany the term is very properly applied to the most important

  1. There is a copy of this Collection in the British Museum.