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Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/1028

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Manchester; Manns; Maometto Secondo; Mapleson; Maria di Rohan; Marino Faliero; Maritana; Martha; Martyrs, les; Masaniello; Masnadieri, i; Mathilde de Shabran; Matilda of Hungary; Matrimonio Segreto; May Queen; Médée; Meeresstille und Glückliche Fahrt; Mehlig; Meister, Alte; Melusine; Mendel; Mendelssohn; Midsummer Night's Dream Music; Mireille; Mitchell; Mixed Voices; Mizler; Mock Doctor; Molinara, la; Monferrina; Monochord; Moonlight Sonata; Mooser; Mosé in Egitto; Moses; Mosewius; Mounsey; Mountain Sylph; Mount of Olives; Mousquetaires de la Reine; Muette de Portici; Musica Divina; Musikalisches Opfer; Muta; Mute; My Mother bids me; Mysliweczek; Mysteres d'Isis; Naaman; Nabucco; Nachruf; Nägeli; Nænia; Neefe; Neige, la; Neithardt; Nel cor più; Néron; Neruda; New Philh. Society; Night Dancers; Non Plus Ultra; Nonne Sanglante, la; Norma; Note; Novello, Ewer & Co.; Nozze di Figaro; Number; Obbligato; Oberon; Oca del Cairo; Octet; Oedipus; Oginski; Olimpiade; Olympie; Orazzi e Curiazi; Orfeo ed Eurydice; Organ-part; Orphée aux Enfers; Orphée et Euridice; Orpheus; Orpheus Brittanicus; Otello; Ostinato; Otto; Où peut on être mieux; Ours, l'; Panny; Panofka; Paque; Paradis; Paradise and the Peri; Pardon de Ploermel; Parisian Symphony; Parisina; Parry, C. H. H.; Parry, Joseph; Parsifal; Partition; Part-Music; Pascal Bruno; Pastorale; Pastoral Symphony; Pathétique; Patrocinium Musices; Paul, St.; Pearsall; Perabo; Pergetti; Perle du Brésil; Peter, St.; Petrella; Petreius; Petrucci; Peutinger; Philemon et Baucis; Phillipps, W. L.; Philtre, le; Picco; Pietro il Grande; Pilgrime von Mekka; Pinafore, H. M. S.; Pinsuti; Pirata, il; Pirates of Penzance; Pittman; Planché; Plus Ultra; Pneumatic Action; Poco; Pohl, R.; Point d'Orgue; Points; Pole; Poliuto; Polyeucte; Ponchielli; Pons; Poole; Popper; Portense; Portogallo; Posthumous; Postilion de Longjumeau; Postillons; Postlude; Pott; Praeger; Praenestinus; Pratten; Pré aux Clercs; Preciosa; Preludes, les; Primer; Prodigal Son; Programme; Prometheus; Prophète, le; Pucitta; Purcell Society; Puritani di Scozia; Puritan's Daughter; Putzli; Pye; Pohlenz; Quantity; Quartett Association; Quasi; Quatre Fils Aymon; Queisser; Quick-step; Raccolta; Radziwill; Raimondi; Ramann; Ramsey; Randell, R.; Randall; Randegger; Randhartinger; Rappoldi; Rasoumowsky Quartets; Rataplan; Ravina; Raymond & Agnes; Re; Reay; Recital; Redeker; Reed, German; Reformation Symphony; Regal; Register; Regondi; Reichardt, A.; Reid Concerts; Reine de Chypre; Reine de Saba; Reine Topaze; Reinhold, H.; Reissmann; Reményi; Rendano; Re Pastore; Reprise; Rheingold, das; Ribattuta; Ricercare; Richard Cœur de Lion; Richardson. J.; Ridotto; Riedel; Riem; Rienzi; Rieter-Biedermann; Rigoletto; Rinaldo; Riotte; Robert Bruce; Robert le Diable; Roberto Devereux; Roberts; Robin des Bois; Robin Hood; Roche; Rochlitz; Röntgen; Rogel; Rolle; Romance; Romani; Romeo and Juliet; Rondeau; Rosa; Rosamunde; Rose of Castile; Rosellen; Rosenhain; Roses; Rossi, F.; Rossi, L.; Rossi, Luigi; Rossi-Scotti; Rousseau's Dream; Rousselot; Rovedino; Rovelli; Rowland; Rübezahl; Rubinstein, A.; Ruffo; Ruins of Athens; Rummel; Ruslan i Ludmilla; Rust; Ruzicka; Sainton; Sala; Salaman; Samson; Santa Chiara; Sapho; Sartoretti; Satanella; Saturday Concerts, Crystal Palace; Saturday Popular Concerts; Saul; Sauret; Sauzay; Saynète; Scaramuccia; Scenario; Schablone; Scharwenka, P.; Scharwenka, X.; Schauroth; Schauspielsdirektor; Schebek; Schebest; Schelble; Scheller; Schicht; Schilling; Schimon; Schindelmeisser; Schindler; Schirmacher; Schladebach; Schleinitz; Schlesinger; Schloesser; Schmitt; Schnyder von Wartensee; Schober; Schobert; Schönstein; Schubart; Schubert; Schubert, Ferd.; Schubert, C.; Schubert. F.; Schubert, L.; Schubring; Schulhof; Schulz, J. A. P.; Schumann, C.; Schunke; Schütt; Scotch Symphony; Seasons, the; See, the Conquering Hero comes; Sehnsucht; Semiramide; Semler; Senff; Seraglio, the; Seroff; Serva padrona, la; Settimetto; Seven last words, the; Severn; Sgambati; Sharp; Sherrington, J.; Sicilian Bride; Sicilian Mariners' Hymn; Siège de Corinthe; Siege of Rochelle; Signale; Silas; Simrock; Sinfonie-Cantata; Singer's Library; Sirene, la; Silvana; Simone Boccanegra; Siroe, rè di Persia; Sivori; Smetana; Société de Mus. de Chambre; Soggetto; Sol; Soldatenliebschaft; Solennis; Solfa; Solitaire, le; Solo; Solomon; Sombrée; Son and Stranger; Songe d'une Nuit d'êté; Songs without words; Sonnambula; Soria, de; Soriano; Soriano-Fuertes; Soto; Soupir; Sowinski; Space; Spark; Specimens, Crotch's; Speyer; Spicato; Spina; Spindler; Spiritoso; Spitta; Spontone; Sprüche; Stainer, John; Stamaty; Stamitz; Stanford; Stark, L.; Sterkel; Sterling; Stern; Stiehl; Stifellio; Stigelli; Stirling; Stockhausen, J.; Stokes; Stoops to Conquer, She; Stopping; Strada del Pò; Stradella; Straniera, la; Straus, L.; String; Strohfiedel; Strohmeyer; Struensee; Stück; Stuttgart Conservatorium; Subdiapente; Succentor; Succès d'estime; Sucher; Sullivan; Sul-Ponticello; Sulzer; Suppe; Susanna; Svendsen, O.; Swert, de; Swieten, van; Sylphide, la; Sylvana; Sylvia; Symphoniques, Etudes; Symphonische Dichtungen; Symphony Orchestra; System; Szymanowska; Stimpson; Tacet; Tadolini; Täglichsbeck; Talexy; Talismano, il; Tallys; Tamerlano; Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/Tam-tam; Tancredi; Tannhäuser; Tantara; Tanto; Tappert; Tarare; Tasto Solo; Tattoo; Taubert; Tausch; Taylor, F.; Technique; Tedesca, alla; Tellefsen; Tempesta, la; Tempest, the; Tempo di Ballo; Tenth Symphony; Terpodion; Teufel's Lustschloss; Teutsche; Thayer; Theatre; Theile; Thematic Catalogue; Theory; Thesis; Thespis; Thomson, J.; Tiedge; Tiersch; Tigrane; Timidamente; Tirarsi, da; 'Tis the last rose of summer; Tod Jesu; Tones, Gregorian; Torquato Tasso; Torvaldo e Dorliska; Tosto; Tourjée; Tours; Towers; Training School for Mus., National; Tramidamente; Tranquillo; Trauerwalzer; Travenol; Traverso; Traviata, la; Tresor des Pianistes; Trial by Jury; Tribut de Zamora; Trillo del Diavolo; Tristan und Isolde; Tromba; Tromboncino; Trompette, la; Troppo; Troutbeck; Trovatore, il; Troyens, les; Troyte; Truhn; Tuckerman]; Turandot; Turca, alla; Turco in Italia; Turk; Turkish Music; Turner, A. T.; Turpin; Tusch; Tyndall; Ulrich; Un anno ed un Giorno; Unda Maris; Undine; Unequal; Unger; Urio; Vaccaj; Vagans; Valentini, P.P.; Vallace, Guglielmo; Vampyr, der; Van Bree; Van den Eeden; Variante; Veiled Prophet of Khorassan; Venite; Ventil; Vêpres Siciliennes; Verlorene Paradies; Verschworenen, die; Vert-vert; Verve; Vestale, la; Veuve du Malabar; Viaggio a Reims; Victorine; Vierling; Viganò; Villarosa; Vinci; Violetta; Virtuoso; Vocal Scores; Vocalion; Voigt; Volkmann; Vollweiler; Volume; Volumier; Vorspiel; Waldhorn; Waldmädchen, das; Waldstein; Waldteufel; Waldteufel, E.; Waley; Walküre; Wallace, Grace; Wallerstein; Walpurgisnight; Walsingham; Walther, J.; Walther, J. G.; Waltz, G.; Wanda; Wanhal; Waring; Wasielewsky; Water-Carrier; Weber's Last Waltz; Wedding of Camacho; Wehli; Weinlig; Welch; Westbrook; Western Madrigal Society; Westminster; Weyrauch; White, Meadows; Widerspänstigen Zähmung; Wieck; Wiener; Wilhelm; Wilhelmi; Willis; Willmers; Wingham; Wotton, W. B.; Wüerst; Yorkshire Feast Song; Zaide; Zaire; Zambona; Zampa; Zanetta; Zauberflöte; Zavertal; Zelmira; Zémire et Azor; Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/Zenobia; Zerline; Zeuner; Zimmermann, A.; Zingara, la; Zoo, The; Zopf; Zoppa, alla; Zora; Zwillingsbrüder; Zwischenspiel; Abegg; Abu Hassan; Baptie, D; Barrett; Barry; Beethoven; Bennett, J.; Böhner; Brod; Carneval; Cavallini; D'Albert; Davies, F.; Davison; Dommer, von; Dream of S. Jerome; Edwards, H. S.; Goldberg; Hecht; Kastner; Kearns; Léonard; Leonora; Licenza; Mendelssohn; Parratt, W.; Schubert; Sunderland, Mrs.; Thorndike; Visetti; Weitzmann; Zur Mühlen.