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Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/550

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P. 198b, l. 5 from bottom, for Krenn read Kren; and in note 9 add a reference to the Deutsche Musik-Zeitung, March 8, 1862.

P. 200 b, l. 1, for 12th read 10th. Line 15 from bottom, add He died Monday, March 26, 1827.

P. 201 a, l. 13, after Czerny add Lablache. Line 46, read On Nov. 5 and following days.

P. 201 b, note 5, read Schindler, ii. 147.

P. 206 b, l. 7 from bottom, for Count read Moritz.

P. 208 b, l. 32, read from 1812 to 1818.

B. & H.'s Complete Edition of the Works was issued between Jan. 1862, and Nov. 1865. Since the publication of the Dictionary Mr. Thayer's 3rd volume has appeared (1879) bringing the life down to 1816.—Before his death in 1882 Mr. Nottebohm issued a second 'Skizzenbuch' (B. & H. 1880), containing the sketches for the Eroica. Early in 1887 appeared 'Zweite Beethoveniana' (Rieter-Biedermann), a volume of 590 pages, containing the 'Neue Beethoveniana' (p. 209 a) and many other articles of the highest interest, the whole completed and edited by E. Mandyczewski.

While this sheet is at press two works arrive:—'L. van Beethoven, von W. J. v. Wasielewski,' Berlin 1888, 2 vols.; and 'Neue Beethoveniana, von Dr. T. Frimmel,' Vienna, 1888, with 6 illustrations.

Catalogue of Beethoven's printed works, compiled from Nottebohm's Catalogue (B. & H. 1868), the Letters, the Works themselves, and other sources.

PF. = Pianoforte. V. = Violin. Va.= Viola. C. = Cello. Cbass = Contrabass. Clav. = Clavecin. Clar.= Clarinet. Ob. = Oboe. Fl.= Flute. Orch. = Orchestra. Aut. = Autograph, ann. = announced. arrt. = arrangement.


Op. Description. Composed. Original Publisher. Dedicated to
1 Three Trios, PF. V. C. (E♭, G, C minor). (For No. 3 compare Op. 104.) Before April 1795. Artaria, Vienna, about Ap. 1795. Pr. Carl von Lichnowsky.
2 Three Sonatas. Clavecin or PF. (F minor, A, C). (For No. 1 see No. 152). . . . . . . Artaria Vienna Mar 9 1796. Joseph Haydn.
3 Grand Trio, V. Va. C. (E♭) possibly the result of an attempt at a string quartet. 1792, at Bonn.—Aut. S. Thalberg. Artaria, Vienna, Feb. 8, 1797.
4 Grand Quintet V. V. Va. Va. C. (E♭). An arrt. of the original Op. 103. . . . . . . Artaria. Vienna, Feb. 8, 1797.
5 Two Grand Sonatas, PF. C. (F, G minor). . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna Feb. 8 1797. Frederick William II, King of Prussia.
6 Sonata 4 hands, Clav. or PF. (D). . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna, 1797
7 Grand Sonata, Clav. or PF. (E♭). . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna, Oct. 7 1797. Countess Babette von Keglevics.
8 Serenade V. Va. C. (D). See Op 42. . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna ann. Oct. 7 1797.
9 Three Trios, V. Va. C. (G, D, C minor). . . . . . . Traeg, Vienna, ann. July 21, 1798. Count von Browne (with preface).
10 Three Sonatas, Clav. or PF. (C minor, F, D). Before July 7, 1798. Eder, Vienna, ann. Sept. 26. 1798. Countess von Browne.
11 Grand Trio, PF. Clar. (or V.) C. (Bb). . . . . . . Mollo, Vienna, ann. Oct 3 1798. Countess von Thun.
12 Three Sonatas, Clav. or PF. V. . . . . . . Artaria, Vienna, ann. Jan. 12 1799. A. Salieri
13 Grand Sonata pathétique Clav. or PF. (C minor). . . . . . . Eder, Vienna, 1799 Pr. Carl von Lichnowsky.
14 Two Sonatas, PF. (E, G). . . . . . . . Mollo. Vienna, ann. Dec. 21, 1801. Baroness von Braun.
15 Grand Concerto, PF. and Orch. (C). (Really the second.) At latest 1796.—Aut. C. Haslinger, Vienna. Mollo, Vienna, Mar. 1801. Princess Odenscalchl, née Keglevics.
16 Grand Quintet. PF. Ob. Clar. Bassoon, Horn or V. Va. C. (E♭). Arrd. by Beethoven as a Quartet for PF. V. Va. C. Also arrd. as String Quartet and marked Op. 75. Before April 6, 1797. Mollo, Vienna, Mar. 1801. Pr. Schwarzenberg.
17 Sonata, PF. Horn, or C. (F). Before April 18, 1801. Mollo, Vienna, Mar. 1801. Baroness von Braun.
18 Six Quartets. V. V. Va. C. (F, G, D, C minor, A, B♭). Nos. 1 and 6 in 1800. Mollo, Vienna. Pt. I (1–3), Summer, 1801; Pt. II (4–6), Oct. 1801. Pr. von Lobkowitz.
19 Concerto, PF. and Orch. (B♭). (Really the first.) See No. 151. Before March 1795.—Aut. C. Haslinger, Vienna. Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig. Charles Nikl Noble de Niklsberg.
20 Septet. V. Va. Horn, Clar. Bassoon. C. Cbass. (E♭). Before April 2, 1800.—Aut. Mendelssohns, Berlin. Hoffmelster & Kühnel, Leipzig. In 2 parts in 1802. Empress Maria Theresa.
21 Grand Symphony (C). (The first.) Before April 2, 1800. Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig, end of 1801. Baron van Swieten.
22 Grand Sonata, PF. (B♭). Before end of 1800. Revised copy, Peters, Leipzig. Hoffmeister & Kühnel, Leipzig, 1802. Count von Browne.
23 Two Sonatas, PF. V. (A minor, F). First two movements of Sonata 1, composed in 1800. Mollo, Vienna, ann. Oct. 28, 1801. Count M. von Fries.
24 Sonata in F, PF. V. (Op. 23). Op. 24 was originally PF. score of Prometheus, now Op. 43. Aut. Imperial Lib. Vienna. Originally published as Op. 23. No. 2. but made Op. 24 before 1803. Idem.
25 Serenade Fl. V. Va. See Op. 41. . . . . . . Cappl, Vienna, Early in 1802.
26 Grand Sonata Clav. or PF. (A♭). . . . . . . Cappl, Vienna, ann. Mar. 3, 1802. Pr. C. Lichnowsky.
27 No. 1. Sonata quasi una Fantasia, Clav. or PF. (E♭). . . . . . . Cappl, Vienna, both ann. Mar 3, 1802. Princess J. Liechtenstein.
No 2. Sonata quasi una Fantasia, Clav. or PF. (C# minor.) ['Moonlight']. . . . . . . . . . . . . Countess Giulietta Giucciardi.
28 Grand Sonata, PF. (D). ['Pastoral']. 180l.—Aut. J. Kafka, Vienna. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrle, Vienna. Joseph Edlen von Sonnenfels.
29 Quintet, V. V. Va. Va. C. (C). 1801.—Aut. Mendelssohns, Berlin. Breitkopf & Härtel. Leipzig. Count M. v. Fries.
30 Three Sonatas, PF. V. (A, C minor, G.) 1802.—Aut. of No. 1, Müller of Meiningen. Bureau des Arts et d'Industrle, Vienna, ann. May 28, 1803. Alexander I, Emperor of Russia.