Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/592

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the fourth quarter being made up of the second quarter and the first two bars of the third quarter chimes.

[ S. B. G. ]

CAMIDGE. Line 1 of article, for about read in. Add that John Camidge received his early education from Nares, and that he afterwards went to London, where he studied under Dr. Greene and took some lessons from Handel. Line 4, for until his death April 25, read until Nov. 11, 1799. He died April 25. Line 5, for forty-seven read forty-two. Line 7, for 1764 read 1758. Line 9, for death read resignation; and l. 10, for 1803 read 1799. Line 14, for he died, etc., read He resigned Oct. 8, 1842, and died, etc. Line 15, for 80 read 86. Add date of birth of his son John, 1790. Line 20, for the death of his father in 1844 read the resignation of his father in 1842. Bottom line, for the sentence beginning Early in 1859 read In Nov. 1848 he became paralysed while playing evening service, and never recovered sufficiently to undertake the duty again. He died Sept. 21, 1859. (Dict. of Nat. Biog.)

CAMPANA, Fabio, born 1815, at Bologna, and received his musical education there at the Liceo. In early life he produced several operas with more or less ill-success, according to Fétis, viz. 'Caterina di Guise,' Leghorn, 1838; another (name not given by Fétis), at Venice, 1841; 'Jannina d'Ornano,' Florence, '42; 'Luisa di Francia,' Rome, '44; and 'Giulio d'Este,' at Milan, in or about '50. He then settled in London, where he was well known as a teacher of singing, and a composer, principally of Italian songs, some of which were successful. He composed two other operas, viz. 'Almina,' produced at Her Majesty's, April 26, '60, with Piccolomini [see Piccolomini], and 'Esmeralda,' produced at St. Petersburg, Dec. 20, '69, and at Covent Garden Theatre, June 14, '70, with Patti as heroine, afterwards produced through her instrumentality at Homburg, in '72. Signor Campana died in London, Feb. 2, 1882.

[ A. C. ]

CAMPANINI, Italo, born June 29, 1846, at Parma, received instruction in singing there at the Conservatorio, and later from Lamperti of Milan. He first attracted public attention in 1871, on the production in Italy of 'Lohengrin' at Bologna under Angelo Mariani. On May 4, 1872, he first appeared in England at Drury Lane as Gennaro in 'Lucrezia,' with such success that hopes were entertained that a successor of Mario and Giuglini had been found. From that time until '82, he sang every year in opera both there and (from 1887) at Her Majesty's. He did not fulfil his early promise, but he still obtained considerable popularity as a hard-working and extremely zealous artist. In addition to the usual repertory for tenors, he played Kenneth on the production of Balfe's 'Talismano,' June 11, 1874; Don José on the production of 'Carmen,' June 22, '78; Rhadames ('Aïda') first time at Her Majesty's, June 19, '79, and Faust on production in England of Boito's 'Mefistofele,' July 6, '80. He had played the same part Oct. 4. '75 on the occasion of the successful reproduction of that opera at Bologna. He sang also at St. Petersburg, Moscow, and later in America under Mapleson with great effect. We believe he has now retired from public life. He was present at the production of 'Otello' at Milan as correspondent for an American paper.

[ A. C. ]

CAMPANOLOGY. Refer to Cambridge Quarters, Chimes, in Appendix.

CAMPBELL, Alexander. Add that he was born in 1764 at Tombea, Loch Lubnaig, and that he and his brother John were pupils of Tenducci. Not long after the publication of his songs, he abandoned music and took to medicine, but subsequently fell into great poverty, and died May 15, 1824. (Dict, of Nat. Biog.)

CAMPENHOUT, François van. Correct date of birth to Feb. 5, 1779, and add day of death, April 24.

CAMPION. Add that he published his 'Poemata' in 1595. Line 8 of article, for Hayes read Hay. Line 11, the date of publication of the first two books is probably 1613, as the second contains a song apparently lamenting the death of Prince Henry. Line 16, Books 3 and 4 should probably be dated 1617, as they are dedicated to Sir Thomas Monson, who was implicated in the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury, and pardoned Feb. 22, 1617. Campion alludes to 'the clouds that lately overcast' Monson's 'fortune being disperst.' The lines to his patron's son, John Monson, also show that the publication must have been about this year.

[ W. B. S. ]

CAMPORESE. For the last line of article read She died at Rome, 1839.

CAMPRA, André, born Dec. 4, 1660, at Aix, in Provence, and educated in music by G. Poitevin. He gave little promise of distinction until his sixteenth year, when his talent made a sudden stride; and a motet, 'Deus noster refugium et virtus,' then composed by him, was so full of scholarly and contrapuntal writing, that his master predicted his future eminence. As early as 1679, Campra was selected to fill the place of maitre de musique in the cathedral of Toulon, where he remained until his removal to Paris in 1694. His first post there was the directorship of the music at the church of the College of the Jesuits; and from this he was soon promoted to the directorship at Notre Dame. His reputation as a composer would appear to have been already established, for we are told that crowds went to hear his motets at great church festivals; but while thus employed, Campra was also studying the dramatic works of Lully and Cambert, and discovering where his own special talent lay. In 1697 he produced his first opera, 'L'Europe galante,' and this was followed in 1699 by an operatic ballet called 'Le Carnaval de Venise,' but both these compositions appeared in his