zelli, Begrez, Labarre, De Bériot, etc. In 1828 he had been for three months in England. See the Harmonicon for July, 1829.
[ M. ]
FIBICH, Zdenko, born Dec. 21, 1850, at Seborschitz, near Tschaslau in Bohemia, received his musical education at Prague from 1865 onwards, at the Leipzig Conservatorium, and from Vincenz Lachner. In 1876 he was appointed second conductor at the National Theatre at Prague, and in 1878 director of the choir at the Russian church. Riemann's Lexicon, from which the above is taken, gives the names of the following compositions:—Symphonic poems, 'Othello,' 'Zaboj und Slavoj,' 'Toman und die Nymphe,' two symphonies, several overtures, two string quartets, a ballad for chorus ('Die Windsbraut'), a three-act opera ('Blanik,' given at Prague Nov. 26, 1881), besides songs, pianoforte pieces, etc. The only work of his that has yet been heard in England is an exceedingly beautiful and original quartet in E minor for pianoforte and strings (op. 11), given by Mr. Charles Hallé on June 8, 1883, and repeated several times since.
[ M. ]
FIDELIO. Line 20, add (3.) After the death of Guardasoni, the Italian Director of the Prague opera, in 1806, and the appointment of Liebich, and the adoption of the German opera there, Beethoven, with the view to a probable performance of 'Fidelio,' wrote the overture known as 'Leonora, no. 1,' as an 'easier work' than either of the two preceding. The performance, however, did not come off, and the overture remained in MS. and unknown till after Beethoven's death, when it was sold in the Sale of his effects and published in 1832 (Haslinger) as 'Overture in C, op. 138' (Aut. 'Characteristische Ouverture'). See Seyfried, p. 9; Thayer, iii. 25.
Subsequent numbers (3.) (4.) (5.) to be altered to (4.) (5.) (6.).
[ G. ]
FIERRABRAS. Add that the full score has lately been printed by Breitkopf & Härtel, as one of the earliest volumes of their complete edition of Schubert's works.
FILTSCH, Charles. Add date of birth, July 8, 1830. Omit the parenthesis in lines 7–8, as several of the artists there mentioned had either been in London before, or came later.
FINGER, Gottfried. P. 535 a, l. 8, for same read previous.
FINK, Christian, born Aug. 9, 1831, at Dettingen in Würtemberg, studied music until his fifteenth year with his father, who combined the offices of schoolmaster and organist. In 1846 he was sent to the Waisenhaus- Seminar at Stuttgart, where he remained for three years, his musical education being in the hands of Dr. Kocher. Appointed in 1849 assistant music teacher in the seminary at Esslingen, he pursued his studies with such success that he was able in 1853 to pass the examination for the upper class of the Leipzig Conservatorium. After a year and a half he went to Dresden to study the organ under Schneider. From 1856 to 1860 he appeared as organist at many concerts and oratorio performances in Leipzig, and in 1863 was appointed head of the seminary at Esslingen and organist of the principal church of that place. Two years afterwards he was given the title of Professor. He has published many excellent works for organ, some of which have appeared in the Organist's Quarterly Journal (Novello), besides psalms for chorus and orchestra, songs, choruses, etc. (Mendel's Lexicon).
[ M. ]
FIORAVANTI, Valentino. Line 8 of article, for 1806 read 1803. Add the production of 'Adelaida' at Naples in 1817. Last two lines of article, for born 1810 read born April 5, 1799, died March 28, 1877.
FISHER, J. A. Add to the list of his writings for the stage, the music to Cradock's tragedy 'Zobeide' (Covent Garden, 1771).
FLAUTO MAGICO. See Zauberflöte, vol. iv. p. 503 b, in the last line but one of which for 1883 read 1833.
FLEMMING, Friedrich Ferdinand, born Feb. 28, 1778, at Neuhausen in Saxony, studied medicine at Wittenberg from 1796 to 1800, and subsequently at Jena, Vienna and Triest. He practised in Berlin, where he took a keen interest in all musical matters, composing many part-songs, especially for male voices, for the society founded by Zelter. His claim to notice in this Dictionary is based upon his excellent setting of Horace's ode beginning 'Integer vitae,' which is still universally popular in English schools and universities, as well as in Germany. The curious resemblance in style and structure between this and Webbe's 'Glorious Apollo' is certainly fortuitous, since the latter was written in 1787, and Flemming can hardly have become acquainted with the Englishman's work.
[ M. ]
FLIGHT, Benjamin. Add that Messrs. Gray & Davison bought Robson's share of the business after the dissolution of the partnership.
FLORIMO, Francesco, born Oct. 12, 1800, at San Giorgio Morgeto, Calabria, was taught music at the Royal College of Music at Naples, where he learnt counterpoint and composition from Zingarelli. He was appointed in 1826 Librarian of the College of Music (afterwards incorporated with that of San Pietro di Majella), where finding the archives in a state of chaos and disorder, by his energy and perseverance he gradually made the Library one of the most interesting and valuable in Europe. He added a number of important works, besides a collection of autographs and manuscripts, of all the masters of the Neapolitan School. Florimo's compositions include a Cantata, op. i, in honour of the Duke of Noja, Director of the College of San Sebastiano; a Dixit; a Credo; a Te Deum; Funeral Symphony composed on the death of Bellini, afterwards performed at Zingarelli's funeral; a Chorus and Fugal Overture on the unveiling of Zingarelli's portrait at the College; 'Ore musicali,' a setting of 10 songs, vocal duet and