Abbé P. J. Roussier also wrote a 'Mémoire sur la Musique des Anciens' in 1770, which is spoken highly of. In the present century we have G. W. Fink's 'Erste Wanderung durch die älteste Tonkunst,' 1831; C. von Winterfelds 'Gabrieli und sein Zeitalter,' 1834; C. E. H. de Coussemaker's invaluable works 'Histoire de l'Harmonie au Moyen Age,' 1852; 'Les Harmonistes des 12e et 13e Siècles,' 1864; 'Scriptorum de Musica Medii Ævi Nova Series,' 4 vols. 1864–76; 'L'Art Harmonique au Moyen Age,' 1865; 'Traités inédits sur la Musqique du Moyen Age,' 1865; Carl Engel's 'Music of the most Ancient Nations,' 1864; Rudolf Westphal's 'Geschichte der Alten und Mittelalterlichen Musik.' 1865; Albert von Thimus' 'Die Harmonikale Symbolik des Alterthums,' 1868: F. J. Fétis' 'Histoire générale de la Musique,' 6 vols., 1869–76 (unfinished); William Chappell's 'History of Music from the Earliest Records to the Fall of the Roman Empire,' 1874; Fr. Auguste Gevaert's 'Histoire et Théorie de la Musique de l'Antiquité,' 1875–81; W. Brambach's 'Musikliteratur des Mittelalters,' 1883; F. X. Haberl's 'Bausteine für Musikgeschichte' (a series of musical biographies, beginning with Willem Dufay), 1885; J. F. Rowbotham's 'History of Music' (down to the Troubadours), 3 vols. 1885–87.
(b) Modern Music. The best histories are Abbé G. J. Vogler's 'Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Tonkunst im 19 Jahrhundert.' 1814; Gustav Schilling's 'Geschichte der heutigen Musik,' 1841; A. L. Blondeau's 'Histoire de la Musique Moderne,' 1847; A. B. Marx' 'Die Musik des 19 Jahrhunderts,' 1855; John Hullah's 'History of Modern Music,' 1862–75, and 'Lectures on the Transition Period of Musical History,' 1865–76.
(c) General Histories, of Ancient and Modern Music combined. Sethus Calvisius' important work 'De initio et progressu Musices' appeared in 1600, and a second edition in 1611: this was followed shortly by Michael Praetorius' still greater 'Syntagma Musicum,' 1615. Other useful works of this period bearing on the subject are Père M. Mersenne's 'Traité de l'Harmonie Universelle,' with the Latin version 'Harmonicorum Libri xii,' 1627–48: J. Albert Bannus' 'De Musices Natura, etc., 1637; Pietro della Valle'a 'Della Musica dell' eta nostra,' 1640, containing a good description of music in the 15th, 16th, and early 17th centuries (see G. B. Doni's works, vol. ii.); Pater Athanasius Kircher's 'Musurgia Universalis,' 1650; Wolfgang C. Printz's 'Historische Beschreibung der Edelen Sing- und Kling Kunst,' 1690—this little work is interesting as the first real history of music by a German; it is published in the 1749 edition of Printz' Musical Lexicon.
The following is a list of the principal musical histories of the 18th and 19th centuries:—Jacques Bonnet's 'Histoire de la Musique et de ses Effets,' 2 vols. 1715, 1716; Hon. Roger North's 'Memoirs of Musick,' 1728 (reprinted 1846); Bourdelot's 'Histoire de la Musique,' 3 vols. 1743; Olivier Legipont's 'De Musica ejusque … Origine' (a well-written work, contained in his 'Dissertationes philologicæ-bibliographicæ,' 1747); F. W. Marpurg's 'Historisch-kritische Beyträge zur Aufnahme der Musik,' 5 vols. 1754–78, and 'Kritische Einleitung in die Geschichte … der … Musik,' 1759 (unfinished); Padre G. B. Martini's splendid 'Storia della Musica,' 3 vols. 1757–81; Dr. Charles Burney's 'General History of Music,' 4 vols. 1776–89; Sir John Hawkins' 'General History of the Science and Practice of Music,' 5 vols. 1776, with reprints in 1853 and 1875, in 2 vols.; J. B. de la Borde's 'Essai sur la Musique Ancienne et Moderne,' 4 vols. 1780; J. N. Forkel's 'Allgemeine Geschichte der Musik,' 2 vols. 1788–1801; C. Kalkbrenner's 'Histoire de la Musique,' 2 vols. 1802; 'Musical Biography' (1500–1800), 2 vols. 1814; Dr. T. Busby's 'General History of Music,' 2 vols. 1819; W. C. Stafford's 'History of Music,' 1826–30 (vol. 52 of Constable's Miscellany); Dr. W. C. Mailer's 'Æsthetisch-historische Einleitungen in die Wissenschaft der Tonkunst,' 2 vols. 1830; F. J. Fétis' 'La Musique mise a la portée de tout le monde,' 1830, with the English version 'A History of Music, or How to understand and enjoy its Performance,' 1846; Dr. W. Crotch's 'Lectures on Music,' 1831; R. G. Kiesewetter's 'Geschichte der Europäisch-Abendländischen oder unsrer heutigen Musik,' 1834–46,' translated into English as 'A History of Modern Music in Western Europe' in 1848; George Hogarth's 'Musical History,' 1835; C. Czerny's 'Umriss der ganzen Musikgeschichte,' 1851; F. Brendel's 'Geschichte der Musik in Italien, Deutschland und Frankreich,' 1852–75; Dr. Joseph Schlüter's 'Allgemeine Geschichte der Musik,' 1853–63 (of which an English translation appeared in 1865); Robert Schumann's 'Gesammelte Schriften über Musik und Musiker,' 1834–53 (published as 'Music and Musicians' in 1881); W. Bauck's 'Musikens Historia,' 1862, in Swedish; August Reissmann's 'Allgemeine Geschichte der Musik,' 1863–4; E. O. Lindner's 'Abhandlungen zur Tonkunst,' 1864: C. Abraham Mankell's 'Musikens Historia' 1804; A. W. Ambros 'Geschichte der Musik,' 4 vols. 1864–78; A. Galli's 'La Musica ed i Musicisti dal sæcolo X sino ai nostri giorni,' 1871; Dr. F. L. Ritter's 'Student's History of Music,' 1875–80; H. B. Hunt's 'Concise History of Music,' 1879; Emil Naumann's 'Illustrirte Musikgeschichte,' 2 vols. 1880–85 (English translation, edited by Sir F. A. Gore Ouseley); O. Fouque's 'Les Révolutionnaires de la Mu,sique,' 1882; W. Langhans' 'Geschiedenis der Muziek,' 1882, etc. in Dutch; L. Nohl's 'Allgemeine Musikgeschichte popular dargestellt,' 1882; Félix Clement's 'Histoire de la Musique' (copiously illustrated, 1885;) Sir G. A. Macfarren's 'Musical History,' 1885; W. S. Rockstro's 'General History of Music,' 1886; Otto Wangemann's 'Grundriss der Musikgeschichte.'
II. Histories of Separate Countries.
(a) AFRICA.—M. Villoteau's 'De l'État actuel de l'art musical en Egypte,' 1812: see also articles in Conté and Jomard's 'La Description de l'Égypte,' 1809–26.
(b) AMERICA.—G. Hood's (of Philadelphia) 'History of Music in New England,' 1846: N. D. Gould's 'History of Church Music in America,' 1853; F. L. Ritter's 'Music in America,' 1883.
(c) ASIA.
1. Music of the Arabs.—R. G. Kiesewetter's 'Die Musik der Araber,' 1842; F. Salvator Daniel's 'La Musique Arabe,' 1879; J. P. N. Land's 'Recherches sur l'histoire dela Gamme Arabe'; Alexander Christianowitsch's 'Esquisse historique de la Musique Arabe,' 1863.
2. Chinese. P. Amyot's 'Mémoires concernant l'histoire … des Chinois,' vol. vi. 1781; J. A. van Aalst's 'Chinese Music,' 1884.
3. Hebrews. The first important work on this subject, Salomon van Til's 'Digt, Sang, en Speel konst … der Hebreen,' is written in Dutch (1692–1728). Other writings are August F. Pfeiffer's 'Ueber die Musik der alten Hebräer,' 1779, and Dr. J. Stainer's 'Music of the Bible,' 1879.
4. Hindoos.—William Jones's 'On the Musical Modes of the Hindus,' 1792; N. A. Willard's 'Treatise on the Music of Hindostan,' 1834; S. M. Tagore's 'Hindu Music,' 1875–82.
5. Japanese.—A. Kraus' 'La Musique au Japon,' 1879.
6. Persians. Sir W. Ouseley's 'Persian Miscellanies,' 1791, and 'Oriental Collections,' 1797.
1. British Isles.
England.—We have had many writers on music, from Thomas Morley downwards, and even historians of music, such as Burney, Hawkins, and in modern times William Chappell and others, but no historians of note have yet thought it worth while to write a history of English Music. The following are some of the best works relating to it:—J. Parry and C. Williams's 'Ancient British Music,' 1742; Joseph Ritson's 'Collection of English Songs, with an Historical Essay on National Song,' 3 vols. 1813; Richard Hooper's 'Music and Musicians, especially English, to the days of Purcell,' 1855; William Chappell's 'Popular Music of the Olden Time,' 2 vols. 1855–9; E. F. Rimbault's 'Early English Organ Builders and their Works,' 1865–71: W. A. Barrett's 'English Glee and Madrigal Writers,' 1877, and 'English Church Composers,' 1882; F. L. Ritter's 'Music in England.' 1883. Perhaps however the best History of English Music would be formed by collecting together Ouseley's contributions to Naumann's 'History of Music.'
Ireland.—Joseph C. Walker's 'Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards,' 1786; M. W. Hartstonge's 'Minstrelsy of Erin,' 1812; Edward Bunting's 'Ancient Music of Ireland,' 1840; M.Conran's work 'On the National Music of Ireland,' 1846–50.
Scotland.—Joseph Ritson's 'Historical Essay on Scottish Song' (1794?); John Gunn's 'Historical Enquiry respecting the Caledonian Harp,' 1807; Macdonald's 'Ancient Music of Caledonia,' 1820; W. Dauney's 'Ancient Scottish Melodies … with an introductory … History of the Music of Scotland,' 1838; Sir J. G. Dalyell's 'Musical Memoirs of Scotland,' 1849.
Wales.—There are some MSS. in the British Museum, chiefly in Welsh, relating to Ancient British Music, written at various periods since the time of Henry VIII, by William Penllyn, John Jones, Richard and Lewis Morris, etc. (Additional MSS. 14905, 14039, 160HG, etc.) Other works on Welsh Music are R. Eastcott's ' Sketches of the Origin … of Music, with an account of the Bards,'