11. Spain.
For the Visigothic notation Don F. Fabian y Fuero's 'Missa Gothica,' 1770, and Don Geronimo Romero's *'Breviarium Gothicum,' Madrid, 1775, may be consulted with advantage; also P. Ewald and G. Löwe's 'Exempla Scripturæ Visigothicæ,' 1883. Francisque Michel has written 'Le Pays Basque … sa Musique.' etc., 1857. M. Soriano-Fuertes' 'Historia de la Musica Española,' 4 vols. 1855–9, is the best general history. Other works are: Don M. Menendez y Pelayo's 'Historia de las Ideas estéticas en España,' 3 vols. 1883; J. F. Riano's 'Notes on Early Spanish Music,' 1887. For the history of the opera we have F. Asenjo-Barbieri's 'Cronica de la Opera Italiana en Madrid,' 1878; A. Peña Goni's 'La Opera Española en el Siglo XIX,' 1881.
12. Switzerland.
Pater Anselm Schubiger's 'Die Sängerschule St. Gallens vom 8ten bis 12ten Jahrhundert,' 1858; G. Becker's 'La Musique en Suisse,' 1874.
13. Turkey.
J. A. Guer's 'Mœurs et Usages des Turcs' contains a good account of their music at that time (1746).
III. Musical Instruments.
(a) GENERAL HISTORIES.-A manuscript in the British Museum (Tiberius, c. vi) contains 'Descriptiones et Delineationes Instrumentorum Musicorum' of the llth century. Other works are:—Sebastian Virdung's 'Musica getutscht und auszgezogen durch S. V.' 1511; J. Charlier de Gerson's *'Beschreibung Musikalischer Instrumente,' Basle 1518 (Amsterdam, 1706); J. W. von Wasielewski's 'Geschichte der Instrumentalmusik in XVI Jahrhundert,' 1878; M. Prætorius' 'Syntagma Musices.' 1614–18; Girolamo Desideri's *'Discordo della Musica,' Bologna, 1671; Fil. Bonanni's 'Gabinetto Armonico,' 1722 reprinted in 1806 as 'Descrizioni degl' Istromenti armonici.' 2 vols; F. Bianchini's (the Elder) 'De Instrumentis Musicæ Veterum,' 1742; H. W. von Gontershausen's 'Magazin Musikalischer Tonwerkzeuge,' 1855: Carl Engel's 'Musical Instruments,' etc., 1874; H. Lavoix' 'Histoire de l'Instrumentation,' 1878; Dr. J. Stainer's 'Music of the Bible, with an Account of the Development of Modern Musical Instruments from Ancient Types,' 1879; Léon Pillaut's 'Instruments et Musiciens,' 1880. A. J. Hipkins' 'Musical Instruments, historic, rare, and unique,' 1883.
1. Organ.—The history of this instrument has been written by musical historians of most of the northern races. As instances we may cite:—J. G. Mittag's *'Historische Abhandlung von … Orgeln,' Lüneburg, 1756; J. U. Sponsel's ' Orgelhistorie,' 1771; Joseph Antony's 'Die Orgel,' 1832; E. J. Hopkins's 'The Organ, its History and Construction,' and E. F. Rimbault's 'History of the Organ,' 1855–70; X. van Elewyck's *'Geschichte der Orgel'; C. L. Lindberg's 'Handbok om Orgverket,' 1861; Otto Wangemann's 'Geschichte der Orgel und Orgelbaukunst,' 1879–80: Dudley Buck's Lecture on 'The Influence of the Organ in History,' 1882; M. Reiter's 'Die Orgel Unserer Zeit,' 1880, and 'An Explanation of the Organ Stops,' by Carl Locher (translated by Agnes Schauenburg, 1888).
2. Pianoforte, etc.—Joseph Fischhof's 'Versuch einer Geschichte des Clavierbaues,' 1853; H. W. von Gontershausen's 'Der Flügel,' 1856; E. F. Rimbault's 'The Pianoforte, its Origin, Progress, and Construction,' 1860; Chevalier Léon de Burbure's 'Recherches sur les Facteurs de Clavecins,' etc., 1863; C. F. Weitzmann's 'Geschichte des Claverspiels und der Clavierliteratur,' 1863; E. Brinsmead's 'History of the Pianoforte,' 1863–77; Oscar Paul's 'Geschichte des Claviers,' 1868; Cesare Ponsicchi's 'Il Pianoforte,' 1876; Ridley Prentice's 'History of Pianoforte Music,' 1885.
3. Glas-Harmonica. C. F. Pohl's 'Geschichte der Glas-Harmonica,' 1862.
1. Bells. X. van Elewyck's 'Matthias van den Gheyn,' etc., 1862: Angelo Rocca's 'De Campanis Commentarius,' 1612; Alexis Vierstadt's 'Dissertatio Historica de Campanis,' etc.; J. B. Thiers' 'Traité des Cloches,' 1702–21; Rev. A. Gatty's 'The Bell,' 1848: T. Ellacombe's 'Church Bells of Devon, Somerset, etc.,' 1872—81; B. Lomax's 'Bells and Bell-ringers,' 1879.
2. Cymbals.—F. A. Lampe's 'De Cymbalis Veterum,' 1703–4.
3. Tambourine.—F. Vidal's 'Lou Tambourin' (in Provencal), 1864.
1. Cithara.-J. G.Drechssler and C. Felmerius' 'De Cithara Davidica,' 1670.
2. Lyre.—G. B. Doni's 'Lyra Barberina,' with history of the Lyre, etc. (reprinted in 1762).
3. Guitar.—Egmont Schroen's 'Die Guitarre und ihre Geschichte,' 1879.
4. Harp.—Aptommas's 'History of the Harp,' 1859.
5. Lute.—E. G. Baron's 'Untersuchung des Instruments der Lauten,' Nurnberg, 1727.
6. Violins, etc.—The violin has been a favourite subject with musical writers of the 19th century, so that we can give the titles of a considerable number of writings on it and its congeners: George Dubourg's 'The Violin … and its Composers,' 1831–51; T. J. M. Forster's 'Epistolarium' contain numerous historical notices of the violin (2 vols. 1845); F. J. Fétis' 'A. Stradivari, preceded by historical and critical re-researches into the history of stringed instruments,' 1856: W. Sandys and F. A. Forster's 'History of the Violin,' 1864; H. Abele's 'Die Violine' 1864–74; J. W. von Wasielewski's 'Die Violine und ihre Meister,' 1869–83, and 'Die Violine im XVII Jahrhundert,' 1874; P. Davidson's 'The Violin, its Construction,' etc. (Illustrated), 1871, 1881; E. Folegati's 'Storia del Violino e dell' Archetto,' 1873; Edmund Schebek's 'Der Geigenbau in Italien,' etc. 1874, and an English version 'Violin Manufacture in Italy, and its German origin,' 1877; G. Hart's 'The Violin,' etc. 1815–85; Ant. Vidal's 'Les Instruments à Archet,' 3 vols. 1876–8: H. Ritter's 'Die Geschichte der Viola Alta,' 1877; E. H. Allen's 'The Ancestry of the Violin,' 1882; J. Rühlmann's 'Geschichte der Bogeninstrumente,' 1882; Carl Engel's 'Researches into the Early History of the Violin Family,' 1883: James M. Fleming's 'Old Violins and their Makers,' 1883–4; G. de Piccofellis' 'Liutai antichi e moderni,' 1885.
1. Flute. C. B. Thorn and Caspar Bartholinus' 'De Tibiis Veterum,' 1677–9; W. N. James' 'A word or two on the Flute,' 1826; Cornelius Ward's 'The Flute explained,' 1844; Chr. Welch's 'History of the Boehm Flute,' 1883.
2. Trumpet. H. Eichborn's 'Die Trompete,' 1881.
IV. Special Subjects.
(a) Church Music.—In the subjoined list it has not been thought necessary to include the innumerable treatises on Plain-Song. The following works have been selected as throwing most light on the subject:—Michael Prætorius' 'Syntagma Musices' (on Psalmody, etc.) 1614–18; Cardinal Giov. Bona's 'De Divina Psalmodia,' 1653–1747; G. G. Nivers' 'Dissertation sur le Chant Grégorien,' 1683; G. E. Scheibel's 'Geschichte der Kirchenmusik,' 1738; Abbé J. Lebœuf's 'Traité historique et practique sur le Chant Ecclésiastique,' etc. 1741; Gius. Santarelli's *'Della Musica del Santuario,' Rome, 1764: M. Gerbert's 'De Cantu et Musica Sacra,' 2 vols. 1774; J. A. Latrobe's 'Music of the Church,' 1831; J. E. Hauser's 'Geschichte der Kirchenmusik,' 1834; A. Mankell's 'Kyrkomusikens Historia,' 1841; H. A. Daniel's 'Thesaurus Hymnologicus,' 1841–6; Felix Clément's 'Histoire Générale de la Musique Religieuse,' 1861–77: R. Schlecht's 'Geschichte der Kirchenmusik,' 1871; J. Belcher's 'Lectures on the History of Ecclesiastical Music,' 1872; A. Goovaerts' 'De kerkmuziek,' with French version 'La Musique de l'Église,' 1876; Y. von Arnold's 'Die alten Kirchenmodi,' 1879; Pére Joseph Pothier's 'Les Mélodies Grégoriennes,' 1880 (German edition 1881); Rev. E. Hicks's 'Church Music,' with Illustrations, 1881; Thigry's 'Etude sur le chant grégorien,' 1883.
(b) Dance Music.—John Playford's 'English Dancing Master,' 1650, is not a regular History. J. Weaver wrote an 'Essay towards the History of Dancing,' 1713. The best histories, however, of Dance Music are by Frenchmen. Of these we have L. de Cahusac's 'La Danse.' 3 vols. 1754; C. Compan's 'Histoire de la Danse,' 1787, 1802; C. Blasis' 'Manuel Complet de la Danse,' al. the 'Code of Terpsichore,' 1830; J. A. Lenoir de la Fage's 'Histoire de la Musique et de la Danse,' 2 vols. 1844; F. Fertiault's 'Histoire de la Danse,' 1854. Some of the latest works on this subject have been written by Germans, F. L. Schubert and O. Umgewitter having been the authors (in 1867 and 1868 respectively) of works bearing the title 'Die Tanzmusik.'
(c) Gipsy Music.—The only work of importance on this subject is Abbé Liszt's, alluded to above under Hungary; a French edition was published in 1859, and a Hungarian in 1861.