Canobbiana, in September 1849. Line 2 from end of article, for version read libretto. Add date of death, May 5, 1885.
ROSSINI. P. 166a, l. 5 from bottom, for 1814 read 1813–14. Line 4 from bottom, for in the Carnival read in Dec. 1813. P. 174 a, l. 30–34, add that the three choruses for female voices here referred to are stated by Mr. Louis Engel to be spurious. In his 'From Mozart to Mario' he says that the composer denied their authenticity. P. 177a, l. 13 from bottom, for Countess read Baroness. P. 177b, in the list of operas, after 'Ermione,' insert 'Figlio per Azzardo, II,' produced at Venice, Carnival, 1813. For date of production of 'Moïse' in Paris, read March 26. For date of production of 'Mosè' at Naples, read March 5. For the first performance of 'Otello' at Naples, read Dec. 4, and for production of the same in London, read May 16. For date of production of 'Tancredi' in Venice read Feb. 6. After 'Turco in Italia' insert 'Viaggio a Reims,' produced in Paris, June 19, 1825. P. 178a, omit from the list of Sacred Music 'La Foi, l'Esperance, et la Charité.'
ROTA. Line 4 of article, omit the words or dulcimer or primitive zither. The instrument is partly analogous to the Welsh Crwth, and would appear to be derived from the ancient lyre. The word Rota is also employed to denote a round or canon, as in the well-known instance of Sumer is icumen in.
ROUGET DE LISLE. Line 12 from end of article, omit the reference to Varney.
ROUSSEAU'S DREAM. For the last two sentences of the article read as follows:—The melody occurs in the 'Pantomime' in Scene 8 of the 'Devin du Village,' where its form is as follows:—
The origin of the title 'Dream' is not forthcoming.
[ M. ]
ROW OF KEYS. Line 4 from end of article, for one sounding less noisy wires than the other read one fitted with jacks more finely quilled, and therefore less powerful, than those connected with the other manual.
ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC. P. 186b, l. 25, add that the room was not available as a public concert room for a few years, the license being withdrawn for some time. Line 28, add that Mr. Shakespeare was succeeded in this capacity by Mr. Barnby in 1886. Line 34, add date of death of Sir G. A. Macfarren, 1887, and that of the appointment of his successor, Dr. A. C. Mackenzie, 1888.
ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC, THE. For information as to the commencement of the institution, see Training School, vol. iv. p. 159. Line 15 from end of that article, add that in 1886, Mme. Lind-Goldschmidt was succeeded by Mr. Henschel, and he by Mr. A. Blume. Add that the number of scholarships is now (Feb. 1889) 58, of which 15 include maintenance; the number of paying students is 188. In 1887 the Alexandra House was opened, containing a beautiful concert hall, where the students' concerts are regularly held, as well as accommodation for 100 ladies, some of whom are pupils of the College.
ROZE, Marie. Add that after singing at the Birmingham Festival of 1882 with great success, she joined the Carl Rosa company from 1883 to 1887; in that time she added to her repertory Fidelio, and Elsa, and was the first representative in England of Manon Lescaut in Massenet's opera of that name. Margaret and Helen in Boito's 'Mefistofele,' Carmen, Fadette in Maillart's 'Dragons de Villars,' Donna Maria in Marchetti's 'Ruy Blas,' are among the parts which she has sung on the first production of these works in English.
RUBINI. Line 20 from end of article, add that the date of death is variously given as March 1 (Paloschi), and 2 (Mendel and Riemann).
RUBINSTEIN, Anton. Line 3, correct date of birth to 1830. To the list of his operas given on p. 192a, add 'Die sibirische Jäger,' 'Toms, der Narr,' 'Die Rache,' and 'Kalaschnikoff,' (1880), all to Russian words; 'Sulamith,' in 5 acts, Hamburg, Nov. 8, 1883, 'Unter Räubern,' comic opera in one act (produced, according to Riemann's 'Opernhandbuch,' on the same evening with 'Sulamith'), and 'Der Papagei,' comic opera in one act, Hamburg, Nov. 11, 1884. (The last three with German words.) Add to list of works the following:—
Op. 108. Trio for PF. and Strings in C minor.
109. Soirées Musicales. 9 PF. pieces.
110. Eroica. Fantasia for PF. and Orchestra.
Op. 111. 6th Symphony (A minor).
112. 'Moses,' a Biblical opera in 8 tableaux. Part I. containing four tableaux (Bilder), was published by Senff, 1888.
P. 192b, l. 8 from bottom, omit the sentence beginning No doubt he played in public, etc., and add that an account of his performance will be found in the 'Musical and Dramatic Review' for 1842. P. 193 a, l. 10, for 'Ocean' read 'Dramatic.' Line 17, add that he gave a set of seven historical recitals in S. James's Hall, in May and June 1887. (Died Nov. 20, 1894.)
RUBINSTEIN, Josef. Add that he died by his own hand in September 1884.
RUCKERS. P. 194a, l. 3. This Hans Ruckers harpsichord transformed into a grand pianoforte appeared again at the sale of Lord Lonsdale's furniture in June 1887, when it realised £700. Burney's description of Rameau's portrait inside the lid should be amended. The composer does not hold a lyre, and is being