386 ST. GENEVIEVE was early remarkable for ber piety and modesty, and was encouraged tberein by St. Germain and St. Lonp, who first saw ber when on tbeir way to root out tbe Pelagian beresy in Britain. St. Ger- main counselled ber to make a tow of virginity, and gave ber a little coin witb a cross on it, cbarging ber to wear it always, and no other ornament, ^'Lest," said be, '* by thinking too mucb of even tbe least ornament of this world, you sbould miss those which are eternal." Soon after the visit of the saints, Gene- vieve one day insisted on going to church instead of feeding ber father's goats. Gerontia, exasperated by ber obstinacy, struck ber, and was herself instantly stricken blind. Genevieve dutifully attended her mother for some years, and finally her restoration to sight was granted miraculously to the prayers of the young saint. At the death of ber parents she went to live in Paris with her godmother, and was there the subject of calumny and jealousy. At the age of tbirty-one she founded the Priory of St. Denis — now called Les Haudriettes — that other young women like herself might have a refuge from the persecutions and seductions of the world. She wrought a miracle to save her first nun, St. Cilinia (1), from the pursuit of a lover. About 4.*) 2, Attila, king of the Huns, snmamed " the Scourge of Gx>d," in- vaded France, and threatened to besiege Paris. The principal inhabitants pre- pared to leave the city, but Genevieve entreated them not to do so, and, in spite of much opposition, persuaded the ladies of Paris to resort to the churches and spend the time in prayer, vigils, and fasting. Attila not only renounced his })lan of laying siege to Paris, but sustained a complete defeat from the combined armies of the Bomans, Franks, and Goths. Merovee, king of the Franks, and his son Childeric, soon afterwards besieged and took Paris. St. Genevieve, who was then at Troyes, succeeded in taking provisions to the famished Parisians during the siege. She was treated with great respect and consideration by the conquerors. It is related that several persons being condemned to death, Childorio, fearing the influence of St. Genevieve, went out of the city, and had the g^tes locked and guarded to prevent her coming to intercede for the prisoners. On her approach, however, the gates opened of themselves, which fetot in- creased Gbilderic's respect for her, although he was not converted to Chris- tianity. G^enevi^ve became the friend of his son Clovis, also of St. Clotilda his wife, who erected a church to her memory. St. Simon Stylites once sent to ask G^nevi^ve to pray for him. Many miracles are recorded of her. When the workmen were building her church in honour of St. Denis, they wanted wine. Genevieve sent for the empty cup, made the sign of the cross over it, and it was full. She restored to life a child who was drowned, and to sight a man who was struck blind for working on Sunday. Soon after her death she was chosen patron saint of Paris. In 1129 there was a plague in Paris, called the holy fire, of which numbers died. The bones of the saint were taken up and carried in procession to the principal church of the city. No sooner had they arrived at the gate than all the sick were made well except three, who perhaps had not sufficient faith. The chapel of Ste. Genevieve des Ardens, bmlt to com- memorate this miraculous cure, was demolished in 1747. B,M. AA.SS. Baillet. Lemaire, Vie de Ste. Genevieve. Ott, Die LSgende. St. Genevieve (2), or Gbnovefa, of Brabant, countess palatine, April 2. -f- about 1100. Once upon a time there was among tbe great lords at the court of the Arch- bishop of Treves a noble palatine called Sigfried, *' the good Christian," who had married a lady of royal blood, daughter of the Duke of Brabant ; her name was Genevieve. She was very pretty and very good. Wben he was setting off to tbe crusades, be placed her in the Castle of Symem, near Mayence, assembled his friends and vassals, and asked them to whom he should entrust the care of his
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