Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 2.djvu/319

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ST. YXTA 807 sister restored to them. Some parts of the legend are so silly that the Bol- landists consider the whole story un- worthy of belief, and place the names of these two saints among the Prmtermissi. They are, however, in the Roman Mar- iyrology and in the Cheek Menology. The Acta are very old. Anie-Nicene Ghristlan Library^ additional volume edited by Robertson. St Xene (l), Jan. 18, M. by fire. Honoured in the Greek Church. AA,SS. St. Xene (2), Euskbia (4). St. Yberg or Yberc^ue, Idabkbg (3). St. Ydubergue, May 8, Ida (3). St. Ye (I), Fob. 5, Agatha (1). St Ye (2), Jan. 25, patron of Pen- donnis. Probably Ia (3). St Yeme, patron of a church in the diocese of Chartres. Mas Latrie. Perhaps it means James. St. Yena, Hibremia (2). St Yertrude, Gertbudb (5). St. Ygora or Yooaua. ( See Liceria.) St. Ylde or Ild, Matilda. Collin de Plancv St Ymma (i), Ama (4). St Ymma (2), Imma (2). St. YHez, Spanish for Agnkb. St. Yolaine or Yolana, Yoland. St. Yoland (1)» Iolande, or Iolanthb, Dec. 28, V. M. 169. She was a young girl of patrician rank, arrested at the age of twenty for the crime of kindness to the Christian victims of persecution. The judge was charmed with her beauty, and disguising his wicked intention under a veil of respectful indulgence, he contrived to have a quiet . interview with her. On his attempting to take hold of her, he was struck by an in- visible hand and found his arms para- lysed. TTifi love changed to rage and Iwtredy and he had her beaten with bronze gloves. She escaped but was again t^en, and after many horrible tortures, was at last beheaded. Guerin. St Yoland (2), Yolaine, Yolana, JoLANA, or CEoiiANA, Jan. 17, 27, V. M. at Plaincerf or Pleine Selve, near Qxuse. Stadler. (See Benedicta (7).) in the grand-duchy of Luzemb^i^ld^ jk of Marguerite de Courtenay, sister of the Emperor Baldwin. Her mother had to travel to Luxemburg, and took Yo- land who was then sixteen, to the Dominican nunnery of Marienthal : she shut herself into a cell, put on the dress of the nuns, went to the altar, and con- secrated herself to Ood. The countess dismayed, rushed to the church, threw herself in a fury on Yoland, dragged her by the hair, tore ofif the religious dress, and when she tried to take her away, the girl escaped to the cellar. As the countess threatened to pull down the house, Yoland gave in and went home to Yeanden. The mother was very violent at first but at last yielded to her daughter's determination and took her back to Marienthal, where she took the veil in 1248. When she had been ten years a nun, she was appointed prioress and held that office for twenty- five years, during which she was a model of every virtue. AA.S8. Aprilis^ vol. ii. Ouerin. Her life and her right to be called Saint are to ]>e discussed in the AA.S8,, Dec. 17. B. Yoland (4), Jolenta (2). St. Yore, Eusebia. St Yphenge, Eupuemia. Chastelain. St Ymea, Irene. (See Aqapb, Chionia and Irene.) St. Ysoie. A church is dedicated in this name in Beauvais. She is the same as Eusebia. Baillet, Discours. St Ystia, Ita (1). St Yxta or HixTA, July 25, Fob. G, V. worshipped at Eistettin near Schaff- hausen, in the diocese of Constance. She was daughter of St. Notburq (3) and worshipped with her.