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Page:A Dictionary of the English language- Volume I.djvu/16

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3. Words in which nothing but the mere being of any thing is implied: This is not beer, but water; This is not brass, but ſteel.

Of Nouns Substantives.

The relations of Engliſh nouns to words going before or following are not expressed by cases, or changes of termination, but as in most of the other European languages by prepositions, unless we may be said to have a genitive case.

Singular. Nom. Magister, a Master, the Master.
Gen. Magistri, of a Master, of the Master, or Masters, the Masters.
Dat. Magistro, to a Master, to the Master.
Acc. Magistrum, a Master, the Master.
Voc. Magister, Master, O Master.
Abl. Magistro, from a Master, from the Master.

Plural, Nom. Magistri, Masters, the Masters.
Gen. Magistrorum, of Masters, of the Masters.
Dat. Magistris, to Masters, to the Masters.
Acc. Magistros, Masters, the Masters.
Voc. Magistri, Mafters, O Masters.
Abl. Magistris, from Masters, from the Masters.

Our nouns are therefore only declined thus:

Master, Gen. Masters. Plur. Masters.
Scholar, Gen. Scholars. Plur. Scholars.

These genitives are always written with a mark of elision, master's, scholars, according to an opinion long received, that the 's is a contraction of his, as the soldier's valour, for the soldier his valour: but this cannot be the true original, because 's is put to female nouns, Woman's beauty; the Virgin's delicacy; Haughty Juno's unrelenting hate: and collective nouns, as Women's passions; the rabble's insolence; the multitude's folly; in all these cases it is apparent that his cannot be understood. We say likewise, the foundation's strength, the diamond's lustre, the winter's severity; but in these cases his may be understood, he and his having formerly been applied to neuters in the place now supplied by it and its.

The learned, the sagacious Wallis, to whom every English grammarian owes a tribute of reverence, calls this modification of the noun an adjective possessive; I think with no more propriety than he might have applied the same to the genitive in equitum decus, Trojæ oris, or any other Latin genitive.

This termination of the noun seems to constitute a real genitive indicating possession. It is derived to us from those who declined ſmið, a smith; Gen. ſmiðer, of a smith; Plur. ſmiðeſ, or ſmiðaſ, smiths; and so in two other of their seven declensions.

It is a further confirmation of this opinion, that in the old poets both the genitive and plural were longer by a syllable than the original word; knitis, for knight's, in Chaucer; leavis, for leaves, in Spenser.

When a word ends in s, the genitive may be the same with the nominative, as Venus temple.

The plural is formed by adding s, as table, tables; flie, flies; sister, sisters; wood, woods; or es where s could not otherwise be sounded, as after ch, s, sh, x, z; after c sounded like s, and g like j; the mute c is vocal before s, as lance, lances; outrage, outrages.

The formation of the plural and genitive singular is the same.

A few words yet make the plural in n, as men, women, oxen, swine, and more anciently eyen and shoon. This formation is that which generally prevails in the Teutonick dialects.

Words that end in f commonly form their plural by ves, as loaf, loaves; calf, calves.

Except a few, muff, muffs; chief, chiefs. So hoof, roof, proof, relief, mischief, puff, cuff, dwarf, handkerchief, grief.

Irregular plurals are teeth from tooth, lice from louse, mice from mouse, geese from goose feet from foot, dice from die, pence from penny, brethren from brother, children from child.

Plurals ending in s have no genitives; but we say, Womens excellencies, and Weigh the mens wits against the ladies hairs. Pope.

Dr. Wallis thinks the Lords' house may be said for the house of Lords; but such phrases are not now in use; and surely an English ear rebels against them.
