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Page:A Dictionary of the English language- Volume II.djvu/460

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TUN T U R TUMULTUA'TION. / [i'romiumu/tuatc] Irregular and confufcd agitation. Boyle. TUMU'LTUOUS. a. If wm tumult ; tumul- tueiix, Fr,] 2. Coverfng^ integument ; tuniclc. Harvey. Derhatz, TU'NICLE. /. [from tunich Cover ; in- tegument. -Ray, Baitlcy, I. Put into violent commotion j irrcgu- TU'NNAGE. /. [from /■««.] larly and confufedly agitated. I. Content of a veflel me confufedly agi Mihon. jJddijon. 2. Violently carried on by diforderly mul- titudes. ■■:'■ ipeiijcr, ' 3. Turbulent; violent. Shakejp Knolles. 4. Full of tumults. Sidney. TUMU'LTUOUSLY. ad. [from tumultuous.] By adl of the multitude j with confufion and violence. Bacon. TUN. /. [tunne. Sax. tonne, Dutch.] 1. A large caflc. Milton. 2. Two pipes J the meafure of four hogf- heads. j. Any large quantity proverbially. Shakcfpcare. A' A drunkard. In burlefque. Dryden. 5. The weight of two thoufand pounds'. 6. A cubicle fpace in a ihip, fuppofed to i-ontaina tun. To TUN. "v.a. [from the noun.] To put into caflis : to barrel. Bacon TU'NABLE. a. [from tune.l Karmonious.j mufical. Shakefp. Milton. H-Jder. TU'NABLENESS. /. [from tunable. Har- mony J melodioufnefs. TUNABLY. ad. [from /««^^^.] Harmo- nioufly; melodioully. TUNE. /. [toon, Dutch.] J. Tune is a diverfity of notes put together. Locke. Milton, Dryden. 3. Sound ; note. iSi:ak£jp. 3. Harmony; order; concert of parts. K. Charlci. A. State of giving the due founds : as, the fiddle is in tune. 5 . Proper ftate for ufe or application ; right iifpofition ; fit temper ; proper Immour. Locke, 6. State of any thing with refpecl to or- der. Shakefp, To TUNE. V. a. [from the noun.] 1. To put into fuch a ftate, as that the proper fouiids^ may be produced. Dryden. 2. To/ing harmonicully. Milton. Pope, ToTUNE.v. /J. I. To form one found to another. Drayton. Milton. ' 1.. To utter nMi the voice inai-ticulaie harmonv. TU'NEFUL. rt. [tune^wiXfJL] Mufic^l 5 harmonious. Mihor. Dryden. TU'NE<.ESS. a. [from tune.} Unharmd- nious; unmufical. Sbcnjcr. Ccnvhy. TU'NER . /. [from tune ] One who tunes. Shakcfpcare. IX^'NICK. /. [tmiqucy Fr. tunica, Lat,] , I. F^rt oithe-Roman dreiV. Arhliih. leafured by the tun. Arbuth. 2. Tax laid on a tun ; as to levy tujinage and poundage. TU'NNEl,. j. 1. The fliaft of a chimney; the pafllige for the fmoak. ^pcnj'er. Wott, 2. A funnel ; a pipe by which liquor is poured into veflels. Bacon, 3. A net wide at the mouth, and ending in a point. To TU NNEL, -v. a. [from the noun.] 1. To form like a tunnel. J)erham, 2. To catch in a net. TU'NNY. /. [tonnen, Italian} thynnm, Lat.] A fea-fifh. Careiv. TUP. /. A ram. This word is yet ufed in Staftordlhire. To TUP. -v. n. To but hke a ram. TURBAN. •> /. [ATurkifhword.]The TU'RBANT. S cover worn by the Turks TU'RBAND.jy on their heads. Bacon. Hoiuel, Dryden. "' TU'RBANED. a. {iwrn turban.] Wear- ing a turban. " ., Shakefp, TU'RBARY. /. [turharia, low Lat.] The right of digging turf. TU'RBID. a. [turbidus, Latin.] Thick j muddv ; not clear. Bacon. Philips. TU'RBiDNESS. /. [from turbid.' Mud- ninefs thicknefs. TU'RBINATED. a. {turhinatus, Latin.] I. Twifted; fpiral. Bent ley, 2» Among botanifts plants are called tur- binatedf as fome parts of them rcfemble, or are of a conical figure. DiB, ■ TU'RBINATION. /. [from turbinated.'^ The art of fpinning like a top. TU'R.BITH. /. [turpetbus, Latin.] Yellow precipitate. Wijmian, . TU'PvSOT. /. {turbot, French and Dutch.] A delicate hHi. Peacham. Dryden. TU'RBULENCE. ? /. [turbulence, Fr. TU'RBULENCY. turbid.ntia, Latin.] 1. Tumult; confufion. Milton. Dryden. 2. Tumultuoufnefs ; liabknefs to con- fufion, ' Stuift, TURBULENT, a. {turbulentus, Lat.] 1. Raifing agitation j producing comm^ji-, tion. Milton. 2. Expofed to commotion ; liable to agi- ' tation. Milton,

^. Tumultuous; violent. Dryden. Bcntley

TtJ'RBULENTLY. ad. [iom turbulent. • Tumukuoufly ; violently. TU'RCISM. J. [turcifmn, low Lat.] The leligion of the Turks, Dr. Maine. Ancrb. TU'RCOIS,^