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Feet ran with me through the nut trees, but to-day I run alone. She went out before me this morning, and I have looked everywhere for her. I know Buzzard has eaten her up by this!«
»Perhaps yes, perhaps no,« said Rabbit. »Three are better than two, and two are better than one. We’ll search for her and Long Tail together.«
The three walked on until they came to Badger, wiping his eyes with his clumsy paws.
»Big Friend Badger, why do you weep?« asked Rabbit.
»I weep because of my loss,« cried Badger. »Yesterday my Lady Badger nibbled with me among the green twigs, but to-day I nibble alone. She went out before me this morning, and I have looked everywhere for her. I know Wolf has eaten her up by this.«