Page:A French volunteer of the war of independence (the chevalier de Pontgibaud).djvu/17

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Chapter I.

Birth — Early days — Education — Out in the world — Sent to the prison of Pierre-en-Cize by order of the King 1

Chapter II.

Eighteen months in prison — A plan of escape successfully carried out — Armed resistance — Sheltered by a Lyons merchant — Arrival in Auvergne — A family compact — A compromise effected — Departure to join the so-called "insurgent army" in America 13

Chapter III.

Wrecked in Chesapeake Bay — Williamsburg — Mr. Jefferson — Aspect of the country between Williamsburg and the camp at Valley Forges — Description of the American Army — Welcomed by Marquis de la Fayette — He appoints me his aide-de-camp — My mission to the Oneida Indians — American ideas of the French — The camp at Valley Forges — General Howe's dog — Attempted sortie of the British Army from Philadelphia — The passage of the Schuylkill, and return — Our ambulance surgeon — Evacuation of Philadelphia — Defeat at Rareton Rivers — Battle and Victory at Monmouth — New York blockaded — Arnold's treason — Arrest, trial, and execution of Major Andre — The Earl of Carlisle and Marquis de la Fayette — Comte d'Estaing before New York — Siege of Newport, Rhode Island, by Gen. Sullivan — I am charged with the re-victualling of the French fleet — The siege of Newport raised — Our departure for France on board the frigate " Alliance " — A storm and its consequences — Mutiny on board — Capture of a British cruiser — Arrival at Brest. 33