A half teaspoonful of Bicarbonate of Soda in a glass of cold water, and repeated if necessary in one or two hours, will often ward off a cold in its early stages.
In addition to the above a hot Soda bath is very beneficial. Use half pound to one pound of Bicarbonate of Soda in as hot a bath as can be borne. Remain immersed in the water for about fifteen minutes. It is important to go to bed at once after this bath in order to avoid exposure.
A bath taken in this way causes the Alkali to penetrate the system and is a material aid to the human system in throwing off the germs of Grippe.
Efficient and Economical Dentifrice
To prevent decay of the teeth it is essential that they be kept clean. This means periodic dental examinations, the removal of salivary calculus by a competent dentist, the tri-daily use of the tooth brush and the control of mouth acids.
In our experience we did not find that the use of the tooth brush and warm water was sufficient to remove the discolorations, mucin, film and dental plaques from the teeth, for a certain amount of “bite” is needed to thoroughly clean them.