Messrs. Roberts Brother^ Publications. BY THE AUTHOR OF "JOLLY GOOD TIMES." THE BROWNS. A STORY OF JOLLY GOOD TIMES IN THE CITY, BY MARY P. WELLS SMITH, AUTHOR OF THEIR CANOE TRIP, JOLL* GOOD TIMES ON A FARM, ETC With Illustrations. i6mo. Cloth. $1.00. We do not remember ever having read a book for children that was so thoroughly admirable in every respect as "The Browns." From its fidelity to nature and its perfect character painting, it is of absorbing interest from the beginning to the end. When you have read it through you feel that Don and Nan, the baby and Celia, are all intimate friends. The Brown children and their neighbors live in Cincinnati, and we are given a sketch of their life from the beginning ot the winter till the end of a summer s vacation spent at the seashore in the East. The great merit of the story is its evident biographical character. Every boy and girl in it is a real boy and girl, such ones as most of us have been ourselves, and as we know to-day. . . . There are few writers who can make a good story for children. It is an art of itself. The author of " The Browns " is easily among the first of those who can do so. N. Y. Graphic. Messrs. Roberts Brothers have published a capital child s book in "The Browns," ny Mrs. Mary P. W. Smith, who, under the pen name of " P. Thome/ won hosts of little readers with her " Jolly Good Times : or, Child Life on a Farm," and in the last place where one would expect to find them " Jolly Good Times at School." There is a fine fresh flavor of country life in what she writes, the air of fields and woods, the light of brooks, and the song of birds ; and her characters, particularly her children, are thoroughly real and human. R. H. STODDARD, in N. Y. Mail and Express. For naturalness, jollity, good sense, and high moral tone, not many books surpass "The Browns," by Mary P. W. Smith. The adventures and misadventures of a family of high-spirited boys and girls are re ated with genuine gusto by the author, and seem to be drawn from real life. Boston Congregationalist. Mary P. W. Smith, author of "Jolly Good Times," has given us a charming book in her record of "The Browns." Unusual grace and vivacity mark the style, while every incident seems accurately natural. The baby s talk and amusements, the bov s roughness, the children s squabbles, are all delineated with amusing life-likeness, vhile the lessons of forbearance, kindness, obedience, independence, weave themselves into
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