Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/140

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520 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Hincngc. The (nitlition is thai John de TclACH left liH CTlouborvie and Korfarsliire estates by charter to bis son, Waltee be Tclach be BoN.viETON, who »». Agues, daughter of Kt'giimld MuiK, Lord High Chamberlain of Seothmd, and was «. by his son, JOH^ BE TuLACH, who had three sons, 1. Walter (rf. 1-15',)) had one surviving son, Thomas, Bifliop of Ross and Orkney {<l. 1463), and Dorothy, m. Walter Wood, and Janet, m. David Gakdek, of Lys ; 2. Wdliam, Bishop of Orkney and Moray ; and 3. JoHS. The youngest sou, John, vho obtained a fresh charter of the lands of Glenhervie erecting them into the free barony of Craigneston. His son, Akdeew ias s. by lus eldest sou, William, who m. Janeta SxEATHAtrcniN, and had a son, 'J homas, who predeceased liiin leaving, 1. Alexander, of Criiignestou, whose male issue became extinct; and 2. EoBEKT, of FoiTcs. The second son, EoBEET TcLLOCHT, of Forres, bought Tannguwhies, near Forres, in 1574. This properly had jjreviously belonged to the Abbey of Kinloss and lay on the east bank of the River Fiudhorn and south bank of the Bay of Findhoru. Robert d. 1608-9, Zeaviug iisue, I. Alexander, second laird. II. James, who was outlawed. III. Patrick, b. 1580, minister of Cobliam, in Surrey, and was presented by James TI, in Itjl3, to the Archdeaconry of Moray, which included the livings of Forres and Logic, and d. 1646. IV. Thomas. I. Vrsula. The eldest son, Alexander Totolocht, of Tennaguheis, who was nearly outlawed with his brother, James, for the murder of a Douglas, but was let oft' through liis father's inllucnce He m. the widowed mother of Alexander DoNBAK, sheriff of Moray. The tlm-d lair !, Thomas Tflloch, of Tannoeheis. was in ] 643-4 one of the War Committee for Moray. He had issue, I. Alexander, of whom presently. II. Thomas, of Boyton, whose heir male now holds Burgie Castle iu IMoray, iu right of a marriage in the eighteenth century with Naomi Dtnbar, the heiress of Grange. R. H. W. Tulloh, of the 51st Foot, was son of Major Thomas Tulloh, of Ellieston, whose great uncle came into Burgie. The elder son, Alexander TrLiocH, fourth laird of Tannoehies, was in 1661 appointed by the first Parliament of Charles II, a GoTern- ment Commissioner of Excise for co. Elgin. Alexander Tulloch, of Tannochie, was 15th August, 1677, served heir male to Alexander Tulloch, of Tannochie, his "avi paterni" (paternal grandfather), in the town and lands of Weikle and Little Tannoehies, &c., in the barony of ICinloss (£10 5s. ill.), V th the lands of Logic and right of eominon pasturage in the forest of Dunipace. He m. more than once and had at last ten sons. By his second wife, Margaret Stmsone, he had infer alias, a son Alexander, of whom presently, the ancestor of Maior-General Alcxauder Bruce Tulloch, C.B., C.M.G. He d. 1696, and was s. by his sou (by his fii^t marriage), Thomas Tulloch, of Tannachie, was ap- pointed sheriff of Moray when the Dunbai-s Here deprived of their hereditnry n'ght to that office. He m. first, Katrina Dunbar, and had issue, with two daugliters, I. Robert, who is supposed to baTe d. young. He m. secondly, Mary, thii-d daughter of Alexander Duff, of Krithmore, aunt of William, first Earl Fife, and had issue, II. Alexander, seventh laird. I. Elizabeth, m. Alexander CuMMlUG, of Cr»igmily, and had five daughters and two sons, one of whom was an ofEcer in France, and m. a French wife. The son, Alexander Tulloch, seventh and last laird of Tanuaehie, was b. 30th April, 1703. His sponsors were Alexander Cunnning, of Altyre, Alexander, Marquess of Iluutly, and Sir Alexander Innes, of Coxton. He in. Elizabeth, daughter of Williain Dawson, of Hempriggs, by whom he had, Andrew, b. 1744; Thomas, b. 1746; and Mary, b. 1736. He sold Logie i?t. .John (now Coxhall) to Sir James Grant of Grant. In 1772 he sold with the consent of his trustees (Elizabeth Dawson, his wife, James, Earl Fife, General James Abercromby, of Glassaugh, and Andrew Hay, of Raines) to Alexander Urquhart, for £101 18.S. Id. "all and whole of the lands of Meikle and Little Tannachies, Mackslippet and the meadows and pertinents thereof and the windmill of Tannnchie with the multures, sucken and sequels thereof and haill parts, pendicles and pertinents of the same." He d. iu August, 1776. His son, William Tulloch, "late Captain 98th Foot, only lawful son and apparent heir of the now deceased Alexander Tulloch, of Tannachie," was served loth March, 1777, at Forres, heir to his late father "in all and haill that great Lodging Tenement or Dwelling House" now called Forres House, and which his trustees, with consent of his mother, Elizabeth Dawson, sold, 19th March, 1789, to Alexander Penrose Cumming, of .iltyre. (General Alexander Thomas Tulloch, head of the Ordnance Department, who d. s.ji. 25lh April, 1885, at Tannachie Lodge, Malvei'n, stated that he was the last male representative of the last laird of Tannachie. He m. but left no issue.) We now revert to the younger son of Thomas, sixth laird of Tannachie and Mar- garet Symsone, his wife, iiiEXANiER Tulloch, was called Alex- ander after Sir Alexander Innes, of Coxton, who witnessed Ins registration en 6th October, 16S7. He had four grandsons, of whom