Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/198

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678 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. V, John Cassi'Is, of Buddabadah, Catluin- dril and Weemabivli, all in the dis- trict of Diibbo, New South Wales, m. Marv, daughter of the Rev. Joliii Salmon, and has issue, four sons and four daujihters. yi. Alexander (Hon.), M L.C., J. P., yir. David, of Coolringdon, Manerno, New South Wales, m. Ellen Eliza, younger d lughter of the late Captain Alured Tasker Faunce (bj Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Lieutenant- Colonel John Kenneth MACK:E>fziB), before-mentioned, and has issue, five the subject of this memoir. , sons and five daughters liesidences — Micalago, Miclielago; and Arnin-ior, Braidwood, New South Wales. Club — Union. €>xx. JAMES ORR, o£ New Westminster and Vancouver, British Columbia, Dominion of Canada, who represented the district of New Westminster in the Provincial Parliament, and has been a representative since 1863, and a resident in British Coluntbia for thirty-six years, was 6. ia Liverpool, England, 23rd April, 1826. ilr. James Orr was in Canada during the Rebellion of 1837-8. He was a member of the first Mining Board of Carreboo, B.C., in 1863, and was elected to represent the district of Carreboo in the hrst Legislative Council, in that year when British Columbia "was a Crown colony. He made the first exploration from the Pacific Coast to the Rocky Mountains in lS6o, and was the first to report on the practicability of a trans-continental road by the Eraser River and North Thompson River, across the Rocky Mountains through the Yellow Head pass. He represented the district of New Westminster, in which was included the city of Vancouver for eight years. He was engaged on the most important surveys for the Canadian Pacific Railway north of Burrard Inlet, and spent one year in the Selkirk Mountains 1865-6, near the head waters of the Columbia River, and two years on the head waters of the Findley branch of the Peace River, lb'71-2. Hincacjc, The Rev. Dean Oeu, whose father was also a dean in the Church of England, left three sons, John Hakgeeaves, of whom pres{;ntl_v of Liverpool, England ; and d. 1831, leaving issue, James, the subject of this memoir. John Hargreaves, of Rhodes Avenue, William, of eo. Down. Ireland. Chicago, U.S.A., d. aged 81 years. Alexander, also of CO. Down. I Alexander Barrington, of Stratford, The son, I Ontario, Canada, who was a warden John Haroreaves Orr, was a merchant of co. Perth, Ontario, d. aged 71 years. Residence — Vancouver, British Columbia, Dominion of Canada. illacnalj. mHE REV. ALEXANDER WELLESLEY MACNAB, rector of St. I Matthias, Omaha, Nebraska, h. in Cobourg, Ontario, Canada, 18th June, 1860 ; m. 1877, Mary Gwladys, the talented authoress of several volumes of travel sketches and stories for young people, daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Griffith, D.C.L., sometime chaplain to the British Forces on the Gambia. The Rev. A. W. Macnab received holy orders 1873, and