Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/237

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lUKKE'S COLONIAL GKNTRY. Glo Leland, D.D., well known as one of the most eminent theologians of his day, and sister of John, for ninny yoius M.P. for the borough of Siuniford, Linct Inirliire, Lieutcn- ant-Gt'neral in llie nrniy, Colonel (i4tb Regi- ment, und Lieiilenant-Ooveilior of Cork, the freedom of which city, in the year 1790, was presented to him in ii liandf-onie gold and tilver box, preserved as an heirloom in the family). Mr. I^itton liiul issue, by lliiiinah Leland bis wife, twelve eliildren, who all d, young, cxeept Thomas, barristcr-at-law, d. vnm.; Few ADD, of wbom hereafter; and Hannab, »«. 12tli March, 17t>5, to Uiehard Weld, of Lodge (now culled Jiustwood), co. Carlow. The son, Edward Litton, of Ballyfermot, co. Dub- lin, h, 5lh Fehriiary, 1754, was Captain in 37th Keginienl of loot, in which be served with distmctioii in Ibe American war, having been present al llie batlle of Bunker's Hill, 1776. He HI. 1783, Fsther Charlotte, daugh- ter of A'ery Pev. Daniel 1 etadliue. D.D., Dean of Tuam, ana d. July, 18C8, leaving issue, I. Thomas, m. Anne Izod, daughter of Lorenzo Izod Nicksojj, of Clinpel Izod, CO. Kilkenny, and niece of C'liris- tiana (in her own right), Baroness DoNOUGHMOEE, of Knocklofty, and d. in Deeeniber, 1859, leaving issue two sons, Edward Thomas and Lorenzo Nickson ; und tl'ree daughters, Eliza- beth Charlotte Lcfablere ; Mary Han- nah ; and Anne Nickson. The eldest Bon, Edward Thomas, J. P., m. first, Anne, daughter of Lieutenant- Colonel Hugh Gore Edward, 27tb Regiment of Raveagh, eo. Tyrone, J. P., by wbom he bad no issue ; and secondly, Georgina, daughter of William Mincuin, of Annagh, eo. Ti])perary, by whom lie has issue, two sons, Thomas Edward, and William Frederick, and three daughters. II. Daniel, of whom presently. III. Edward (Right Hon.), of Altmore, CO. Tyrone, master in ehamery, and many years representative in parlia- ment for the borough of Coleraine, m. September, 1812, Sophia, daughter of the Rev. Henry Stewart, D.D., rector of Loughgilly, co. Armagh, and niece of the Right Hon. Sir John Stewart, first Biirt., of Ballygawley, M.P., by whom he bad, with other issue, 1. Edward Arthur (Rev.), M.A., rector of Naunton, co. Glouces- ter, m. Anne, daughter of Rev. Cams Wilson, of Cast erton Hall, Westmorljiid, and has issue one son. Edward John Letablere, and two daughters. Rev. Edward Artlmr Litton obtaiucd a double lir.-l class at Oxfoid, an Oriel fellowship, was Ban. Dion lec- turer, and is (he nullior of several theological works of great merit. 2. Richard Weld, Captain in the 3(Hh and 31st Regiments j served in the Crimea in 18r)r)-rj0. lie m. 1859, Mary, third daughter of Sir Hugh S'iewaht. second Bart., of Ballygawley, M.P. for Tyrone, and by her (who d. January, 1871) has one siirviiii.g tiaughter, Agnes Maiy Heniietta, who m. 1885, M illiiim Lyster Sjiythe (■vee Larded Oentri/, Smyiiie oJ ISarharillu). 1. Sopliia Augusta, m. 23rd Feb- ruary, 18(!5, Major the Hon. Edward Sidney Pli nj>eit, 9oth Regiment, S(>ii of Thomas, eleventh Lord Louth, and (/. 15th A)n-il, 1877. 2. Charlotte Emily, m. first, Rev. AiU)ilage loniEs, by whom she had issue, two sons ; and secondh , 1850, John TliiNi.Y, of Drum- nasolc, CO. Antrim, J. P. and D.L , and has issue. 3. Harriett Louisa, m. Lieutenant- Colonel John Kenneth JIacken- ziE, 60tb Rifles, of Belmadutby, CO. Ross, and has issue. 4. Mary 1 elabl("^re, »«. lUtb A]iril, 1844, William Cams ilson, of Castcrtoii Hall, co. Westmor- land, and has issue. 5. Emily Frances, m. 4fli June, 1856, General St. George Mervyn Nugent, of rarrenconmll, who d. £9th May, 1884, leaving issue. IV. John, of Ardavilling, co. Cork, M.A. and J. P., m. A'escina, daughter of Rev. William Hamilton, D.D., rector of Clondevadcck, co. Donegal, J. P., and d. K.p. I. Mary, m. Joseph Gabiiett, J. P., bar- ristcr-at-law, author of Gablett's iJitfefit oj'ihe Siaiule Luio and Treatise on the Crivtiiial Law. The second son, Daniel Litton, >». Jane, daughter of Ftlkiner Minchin, of Annagh, co. Tip- pi riiry, and d. December, 1875, leaving by her (who d. 1859) one son and three daugh- ters, I. Edward Falconee, of Ardavilling. I. Helena Marin, m. Charles Langlcy TuTiiiLL, of Ballyteigne, co. Limerick, and has issue. II. Charlotte Esther. HI. Jane Hannah, «!. Rev. John Li'tiieb, M.A.,of Ballyorgan, eo. Ijimcrick, and has issue. His only son, Edward Falconer Litton, of Ardavil- ling, CO. Cork, M.A., Q.C., J. P. co.'s Coik and Wicklow, and Jl.P. co. Tm-( ne. 1880 to 1881 ;

A, 1827; m. first, 3rd July, 1851, Bridget

1 Klizabctb, daughter of Cajitiiin Cbrisloplier TlTluLL, R.N., and had by her (whorf. 27tli