Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/301

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BURKF/R rOLONTAI. fiRNTHY C,79 n. Gustavus, m. ITnnnnli, dnuglitor of till' nhovp-moiitioiiod John Wai.i.icr, mill b.iul issue. III. llnxuv, liite of Shirlov, Slicrwood, iii'ar Uiisbnne. I. Arari;an>t. ir. Lovedav, m. Peter Tr.kb, of Tniro, CO. Cornwall, and had issue. III. Elizabeth, m. Thomas Vixdkh, of liursleni, co. Stafford, and had issue. IV. Kmma, m. the Rer. Josiah Pic.Misox, of Hull, and had issue. The thiivl son, IIkxhy Jord.VX, of Shirley, Sliernood, near l^risbane, Queensland, member of Parliament for South lirisbane, b. at Lincoln, ICngland. 22nd Noveiulier, 1818; m. 'Mh June, 18.'>7, Sarah Klizidieth 11., dau{;liter of the IJer. Nathaniel TruxEH, who went to New Zealand in 1823, as one of the earliest missionaries, and by her had issue, I. II.MtKV RisDEX II.^LL, the subject of this memoir. II. Thomas Shadford Pinder, b. 4th January, 1808 ; m. 22nd November, 1893, Marie Willielmine Louise, daughter of John Charles RuMrF, of Brisbane, and has issue. in. Alfred Harcourt, b. -Itli August, 18G9. IV. George Edward Gustavus, //. 9th I. Mary Emma, m. 2 Hh Deeembcr, 1800, David Kose Mot'oNXcr., M.., second son of the late David Cannon McCox- NKL, of C'ressbrook, Queensland, and has issue. II. Annie Elizabeth Powis (authoress under the naino of " Powis " of a volume of poems entitled Attfunin. Leace«).m.m April. 1803, Uedley .Allen Dl'XN, M.L.C, seioiul son of J I on. John Dli.NN, of Adelaide, South Australia (.ice thai family). III. Edith. Mr. Jordan arrived in the colony of Queens- land in Eebrnary, 1850, and was u meinber of the first board of education in that colony. He represented the city of Brisbane in the first session of the first Parliament of tjucens- hind. in 18G0; was in London as coinniis- sioner and agent-general for immigration, from 18f!l to December, 18(5(5 ; rc])roscnted East Jforcton in the Legislative Assembly from ]S()8 to 1871; registrar-general from 1875 !o 1883, in which year he was elected to the Legislative Assembly for South Brisbane, and tilled the oiUee of minister of lands, in succession to the Hon. C. B. Dutton, from August, 18S7, to June, 18S8. He was a member of the Royal Statistical Society of London, and of the Odoulological Society of th'eat Britain. Mr. Henry Jordan d. 3(1tli June, 1890, aged 71, and was buried at the Sherwood Anglican Cliiirehvanl, Brislaiic. August, 1879. Arms — Arg. a cross moline hvltreen four martlotx gn Creif — A marllet, irith wings displai/cd gii. Motto — Crux dat sntiitem. Residence — Towusville, Queensland. ilancjton. HOX. EDWARD LANGTON, of Toorak, Melbourne, Victoria, mcmlicr of the f]xocutive Council of Victoria, and vice-president of the tra.stees of the public library, mu.seums, and national gallery of Vieforin, h. at Gravesend, co. Kent, 2ud January, 1828 ; in. 7th March, 1854, ,)ano Eliza, daughter of Thoma.s Pettifets, by Mary Anne Pfim, his wife, and lias issue, Bennet, h. 18th August, 18G2. Florence Wynnie. Mr. Langton emigrated to Victoria iu 18.V2 ; was returned to I'arlinnient for East Melbourne in January, 1866, and in 1868 for West Melbourne, continuing to sit until 1877. Lie wa.s appointed treasurer in May, 1868, and was treasure f and postmaster-general from June, 1872, to July, 1874'. Mr. Langton, who has contributed much to the jMelbourne press, was one of the earliest proprietors of the Spectator, a weekly journal started in 1865. lie was secretary of the Free Trade League of Victoria from its commencement until 1866, and I'.as been an honorary member of the Cobden Chil) since 1874.