Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/35

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RURKE'S COLOXI.U. nKXTUY. 417 18G2, educated at I lie Sydney Grammar Srliool ; )». at Ilampstcad, CO. i[iddlcsex, KnglaTid, 30th September, 1891, l:iy, youngest daughter of Abraham Cohen, of Ilampstead. HI. Henri Saul, Lieutenant Royal iMunster Fu.siliers, h. 2Slh May, 18(i4-. I. Lydia Eliza, h. 1st October, 1858; m. 4th November, 1884, Walter E. Thompson. II. Florence Fanny, h. 15th December, 1859. Sir Saul VI secondly, 31st October, 1877, Sara Louise, daughter of Edward Isaacs, of Auckland, Now Zealand, J. P., and by her (who d. 20th August, 1891) has issue, IV. Randolph .John, h. 25th August, 1878. Sir Saul went to New South Wales in 1832 ; was appointed a magistrate of the torritoi-y for that colony, 1846; first elected to the old Legislative Council for Roxburgh and Wellington, in October, 1854, before the introduc- tion of responsible government; was a member of the Legislative Assembly, 1857-72; in 1872, he was nominated to a seat in the Legislative Coiincil, in which chamber, as vice-president of the Executive Council, he represented the Government ; was minister for finance and trade in 1859, 1860, 1865, 1866, 1868, 1869, and 1870, and postmarter-general, 1872-75, 1877, and 1878-80; since when he has been agent-general for New South Wales in England ; repre.sented in 1870 at Melbourne, and in 1873 at Sydney, the colony of New South Wales at conferences of delegates from all the Australasian colonies to consider matters of common interest; while postmaster-general, in 1873, as special commissioner, visited New Zealand, England and the United States of America to arrange for establishing a mail service between the United Kingdom and the Australasian colonies, by way of United States of America, and in the same yeai' made a postal convention with the United States Government; was executive commissioner for New South Wales to the Amsterdam Exhibition in 1873 ; royal com- missioner, Indian and Colonial Exhibition, 1886, and for a time acting executive commissioner for New South Wales ; delegate from New South Wales to colonial conference held in London, 1887 ; and representative for the Governments of New South Wales and Queensland at the Vienna Postal Convention in 1891. Sir Saul, who was created C.M.G. 1874, K.C.M.G. 1882, and C.B. 1886, is a member of the Council of the Royal Colonial Institute, a member of the Executive Council of the Imperial Institute, and one of the vice-presidents of the Council of the Society of Arts. ILiiimgc. Edwakd Samttel, m. in Marcli, 1780, i Oclo'ocr, 1S20, having had, by Lydia his wife and <l. 15th May, 1810, leaving hy Hannah (who d. 31st March, 1805), his wife (who d. 3]st December, 1821), a I. Sacl (Sir), agent-general in London for son, New South Wales. Sampson Samuei,, of London, who d. 2nd II. Louis, d. unm. 27th February, 18U7. Arms — Per chev. arg. and gu., two wolves' heads erased in chief sa. and in base as many squirrels sejant addorsed and eaeh cracking a luit of the (Ir-st. Creat — Upon a rock ppr. in front of tliree spears ojie in jiah' and two in saltirc arg. a wolf courant sa. pierced in the breast by an arrow of the second ilighted or. Motto — A pledge of better times. Sesidence — 15, (Jourtilcld Gardens, South Kensington, London. vol.. II. 2 E