Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/350

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726 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. (2) Peter, of BlackhaU, h. OtU August, 1776, m. 1804., Isa- bella Patkiceson, niece of Sir Tliomas ClArges, Bart., and d. 28th May, 1848, leaviug issue, (») Theobald John, h. 4t]i July, 1806, d. »»»«. aotii May, 1869. (i) William Clarges, h. 28th October, 1810, colonel in the army, scrred in the 39th Regiment in the Crimean war, d. num. 29th September, 1868. (f) Peter, J. 5th September, 1813, Captain 65th Regi- ment, d. vnm. at Welling- ton, New Zealand, about 185S. (f/) John Edward, of Black- hall, *. 12th May, 1815, d. unm. 31st August, 1870. (c) Christopher, d. young. (a) Frances Mary,' I. 9th April, 1805, d. unm. {l) Isabel, h. 25th August, 1812, d. unm. (c) Helena, of Blackball, TO. 8th February, 1842, Christopher Rynd (see Lnnded Genfrii. Rtnd of lifindnUc). ' (3) James, Majin- Kildare Mil- litia, b. IGth' April, 1778, m. Ist May, 1 813, Eliza Walker, and rf."l2t.h July, 1810, hat- ing had issue, (n) Theobald George Sam- uel, of Forenaghts and Bisliopsland, J. P., s. by the will of his kinsman. Rev. Richard Wolfb {vide stip.), to Fore- naghts, 1870, b. 7th October, 1815, m. 18th June, 1852, Henrietta Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Morelaud Ball, of Kcrsiebank House, co. Stirling, and of Tipper- kevin, co. Kildiire, and d, 12tii January, 1872, having had issue, 1. Richard, of Fore- naghts and Bishops- land, Lieutenant Scots Greys, JI.A. and LL.B.' Trinity College, Dublin, b. 6Mi July, 1855, killed at the battle of Abu Idea, Upper Soudan, Egypt, 17th January, 1885, d. unm. 2. George, of Fore- naghts and Bishops- land, CO. Kildare, and Acomb Priory, CO. York, late Lieu- tenant 8th Hussars, and 87th Koyal Irish Fusiliers, b. 16th Hecenibcr, 1859, m. 25th Octo- ber, 1888, Emily Maud Mary, only child of the late Richard Smbt- HDRST, D.L., of EUerbeck Hall (.s<?e Lauded Genfri/, Smetuvrst, of C/wrlei/), and widow of J. J. Leejiax, D.L.,M.P. for York, and lias issue, Emily Maud Charlotte. 1. Elizabeth, m. 11th April, 1884, AVil- liam John Read Rainsfohd, A.M. Department, eldest sou of Captain Wil- liam Read Raixs- FORD, of Cradocks- town, CO. Kildare. (6) John Charles (Yen.), D.D , rector of Clonti- bret, CO. Monaghan, and Archdeacon of Cloghcr, b. 10th February, 1817, )». 28th November, 1855, Sarah Emilic, daughter of J. IIiGGix. of Crave A^alley, Jamaica, and d. 30th August, 1871, leav- ing issue, 1. James Charles, b. 5th November, 1856, m. 6th Sep- tember, 1882, JIary Alicia, daughter of Robert Adams, M.D. of Dublin, Surgeon in Orduiarj to the Queen in Ireland, and widow of Thomas CooTE, D.L. of Rathcounell House, CO. Mona- ghan, and had issue, a. John Charles, b. IJth June, and d. 26th August, 1883. b. James Charles, b. 20th October, 1884. c. Richard Strau- benzee, b. 7th December, 1886, d. 28th September, 1888. a. Nora Doro-