Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/352

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728 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. vn. Jane, l. 20th Jiilv, d. Ititli August, 1715. The fouvtli sou, EiciiAHD Wolfe, of Barouruth, co. Ivildarc, and St. Mavfcai-et's, co. Dublin, b. 13th October, 1712, freeman of Dublin, 1745, »i. Alicia, ilaugliterof .Taracs Sx.'iNDisn, of Dublin, and </. April, 1799, having by her, who d. 1754, had issue, I. William Standi-sh, of whom pre- sently. I. Elizabeth, i. 1750, d. SOtli August, 181G. II. Anne, h. 17 Eobcrt French, and d. 14th March, ISOc III. Lydia. The only son, William Standish Wolfe, of Biironrath, CO. Kildare, and St. llargaret's, co. Duljlin, b. 1752, freeman of Dublin, 177.1, m. 1779, Elizabeth, daughter of Gilbert Tolee, and Alicia Gason, his wife, and d. 1810, having by her, who d. 1814, had issue, I. Eichard, b. 1780, rf. aged 9 years. II. Theobald, b. 17S2, in the Queen's co. Militia, d. 16th January, 1863. III. William Slandish, of Baronrath, and St. Margaret's, b. 2Gtli March, 1784, freeman of Dublin, 1813, m. 1808, Jane, sister of Mr. Puillu'S, barrister-at-law, and d. ISth March, 1S()9, having had issue, 1. William, b. 1811, rf. an infant. 2. Eichard, b. 1817, d. aged P. 3. Eobcrt, b. 1819, d. aged 7. 1. Elizabeth, d. aged 16. 2. Lydia, d. aged 14. 3. Is'abeUa, 4. Charlotte. 5. Jane, d. aged 6. IT. Eobert, b. 1786, Ensign 50th Eegi- meut, killed 26th August, 1811, in Java at the stoianing of the French lines of Cornelius, near Batavia. V. John, of KockforJ, Nenagh, co. Tipperary, and of U])per Gloucester Street, Dublin, b. 6th May, 1787; w. 21th April, 1823, "Frances, daughter of William KlNGSLEY, of Eociford, Nenagli, and d. 15th July, 1858, having by her, who d. 2nd Januarv, 1878, had issue, 1. Eobert French, b. 6th March, 1824, (/. young. 2. John, 4."l8th Mav, 1827, d. vnm. 22nd October, 1850. 3. Toler Xiugsley, of St. Margaret's, Dublin, and Eapla, co. Tipperarv, b. 29th December, 1829 ; m. 10th September, 1853, Letitia, daugliter of Major George Jacksox, o£ Mount Pleasant, co. Tipperary, by Letitia, his wife, daugbter of Richard Tovvnsend IIekbekt, of Cahirnane, co. Kerry (.vee Landed Geii/iy), and d. 27th Sejitember, 1878, having had issue, (1) John Slandish, b. loth Februarv, 1855 ; m. 22nd July, 1879, Mary Toler, daughter of Joshua Eobcrt MiNNiTT {see Landed Gen- tly), and has a daughter, Marie. (2) George, late Ca))tain 4th Battalion Koyal Irish Eegt. (who resides in America), //. loth Mav, 1857. (3) Toler ' Kingslcy, b. 26th September, 1858; m. 30th November, 1881, Mary Ellen Lyster, and has issue, a daughteiv Elizabeth Toler. (4) Eichard Herbert, b. 3rd November, 1801. (5j William Butler, b. 20th Februarv, 1871. (6) Eobert Fi-eueh, b. 4th December, 1873. (1) Frances Elizabelh, vi. 3rd July, 1879. Lewis SrAiinow, of Ivy Bridge, Plymouth, and has issue. (2) Letitia, w. 13lh January, 1885, Henry AUington, elder son of Bridges Hakvey, J. P. of Plyir stock, Plymoutli, and Halstead, Essex, and has issue. (3) Mary Toler. m. Henry PniNCE, of Cromford, c". Derby. (4) Lncy Ellen, d. 1st Seiitcm- ber, 1883. (5) Louisa. 4. William Standish, h. 18th May, 1832; >n. 12th February, 1858, Fanny Jackson, of Eapla, and d. at St. Kilda, Melbourne, Australia, 21st March, 1867. 5. Arthur, b. 18th February, 1834, d. young. 6. Theobald Eiolinrd, of Eockford, !Nenagh, J.P., h. 2nd, 1839; »i. 14th June, 1862. Caro- line, diiugliter of James iiranck EoLLESTON {see Landed Geu/ri/), and has issue, (1) John Bolleston, Lieutenant 4th Battalion Eoval Irish Eegiment, b. 21st July, 1867. (2) James ffranck Eolleston, b. 20th August, 1881. (1) Georgiana Lucy, w. 9th December, 1890, James Henry Deacon, of Hoo Meavy, Yel- verton. South Devon. (2) Frances Elizabeth. (3) Eitarda Alice. (4) Caroline Blanche. 1. Frances Elizabeth, b. 7th June, 1825 ; m. 12tli January, 1848, William Cofrtenav. and d.s.p. 26th February, 1849. 2. Lucy, m. "l3th July, 1859, Benjamin Towers, of Cast let on, CO. Tipperarv, and by him, who d. 28th Sejitember, 1881, had issue.