Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/379

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BURKE'S COLONIAL nENTRY. vr.r. and subsequently mcmlipr for Rii'lnnond mid Wolfo Cos. in the Canadian Parliamont, since 1884; is iMnjor Artillery Jfilitia, of Canada, /). 25th April, 184.S; m. 5th October, 1870, T>onisa Rlaiudio Fanny, eldest daughter of Henry Aspiiiall HowK, LL.TV of Llseeai'roll, ifontreal. III. Edward Francis, A. Gth llarch. 1848; J. Kith Novoniber, 1868. IV. Frederick Whitworlli, Captain in the Canadian Militia; h. 4th February, 1850. I. Isabella, m. 17th July, 1872, Henry Lovell Aylmki;, who d. 1882, eldest son of Major-General Ayi,mei;, R.A. {see below). II. Eliza Jane, deceased. llincnac. Sir Gerald An.MEB.Knt. of Bolhirdsl own, Meat h. Lord Cliief Justice of Irehuul (seeoud son of EARTnoui5iF,w Aylmkr, of Lyons), </. 1500, having had a son, Bartholomew Atlmeb, who m. Ellen, daughter of Thomas Warrkx, of Navaii, and d. r. p. 1553, having liad, in/rr alios, a son, CiiRisTOPnER Atlsieb, of Balratli, whose son, Capt. Gerald Atlmer, of Balrath, m. Mary, daughter of Sir Richard FitzWilliam, of iferrvon, and dying 1GG2, was s. by his son, Sib CnRisTOPHER Atlmeb, Knt.,whowas created a haronet of Ireland in lf;fi2 ; he m. Margaret, third daughter of Matthew, fifth LoBD LorTH, and had issue, I. Gerald (Sir1, who s. his father, as second baronet (a dignity which ulti- mately merged in the peerage, and is enjoyed by the present lord). II. Mattuew, of whom presently. III. George, Captain R.N. I. Catherine, m. Rrst, Sir Nicholas PlDNKet, of Dublin ; and secondly, Michael Waeben, of Warrenstown, CO. Mcath. The second son, Matthew Aylmer, a distinguished naval oflicer in the reign of .Tames IT, and after the Revolution, Rear-Admiral of the Red, Governor of Greenwich Hospital, and Ranger of Greenwich Park, was elevated to the peerage of Treland as a reward for his pro- fessional services 1st May, 1718, by the title of Lord Atlmeb, Baron of Balratli, co. Mcath ; and was appointed in the early ]iart of 1720, Rear-Admiral of Great Britain. He m. Sarah, daughter of Kdward Ellis, of Lon- don, and by her (wliorf. 1710) had issue, I. Henry, second bai-oii, of whimi pri'- sently. I. Elizabeth, m. first, Chester Moobio, tvho (I. «. ;)., and secondly, Captain John NoHlils, R.N., who afterwards became the Right Hon. Sir John NoB- BIS, Kilt,, of Hcmpsted Purk,co. Kcnf, vice-admiral of JMigland, and ca plain of Deal Castle, and by him (who d. in 1749) had issue, 1. John Norris, of Henipsted Park and Deal Castle, m. Judith Western. 2. Richard Norris, Captain R.N., m. a daughter of Colonel Crosdie. 3. Harry Norris, .dmiral R.N., m. Anne, daughter of .Sir William East, Bart!, of Hall Place. 1. Lucy Norris, »i. her cousin Sir Gerald Atlmer, sixth Bart. 2. Charlotte Norris, m. .diniral Ambrose. 3. Sarah Norris, d. num. II. Lucy, m. Hugh FoBTESCfE, of Filleigh and Wear Gilford; she was the second wife of this gentleman, and mother, by him, of Matthew Fobtes- CUE, who succeeded his half-brother in the barony of Forlescue, and was father of Earl FoETEscrE (.see Burke's Peerage). Lord Aylmer d. 18th August, 1720. His only son, Henry, second Lord Atlmer, m. June, 171G, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Pbiest- man, Commissioner of the Navy, temp. William IIT, and had issue, I. Matthew, Ca|itain Foot Guards, h. 1717 ; d. V. p. 1748, .«. p. II. Henbt, third Baron, b. 1718, Captain R.N., m. Anne, daughter of William Piebce, of Virgini^i, Nortli America, and dying 17th October, 17f)G, left (with an only daughter Anne, m. Tencke) an only son, Henbt, fourth Baron, ;«." 23r(I February, 1774, Catherine, daugh- ter of Sir Charles WniTWORTii, by whom (who m. secondly, liowcll Phice, and (/. 1805, aiid whose daughlcT Sophia Catherine Prick, m. D. il. 1'avxteb, and d. 7th January, LSG3) he bad issue. His lordshi)) succeeded to the ancient baronetcy of his family on becoming its chief at the decease of his kinsman, Sir Matthew Atlmeu, the sixth Baronet of Balratli, 1780. He d 22iul Oclolicr, 1785, leaving issue (1) Mattiiev, fifth Baron 3 C 2