Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/406

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782 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Miul by her, who -/. Svt 'SUreh, 1819, lie had issue, I. WlLlIAM, of -wliom presently, II. James, of C'lareDclon, Tasmania, ancestor of James Cox, of Clarendon (^see next memoir'). IIT. Charles, h. at Derizes, 13th Decem- ber, 1793, killed by the natives of Ken- Zealand, (I. unm. IV. George, ancestor of the Hou. Geokge Henet Cox, of Wiiihoiu'n, Sydney {see that famihi, p. 75). T. Henry, of Glenmore, Penrith, i. at Devizes, Wilts, 1st March, 177fi, educated in England and returned to the colony, and became a squatter, in. 1st July, 1823, Frances, second daugh- ter of Alexander Kenneth Mackenzie, of Dochain, New S'outh Wales, a cadet of the Gaivloch family, by his wife, Maryanne, daughter of Captain John PiPEE, of the 6th Kegiment of Foot, and has issue, with two daughters, 1. Francis, m. August, 1851, Jessie Julia, second daughter of Captain Thomas H. Batlis, 17th Regi- ment, by his wife Dorothea, daugh- ter of Captain Baetleits, and had surviving issue, (1) Francis Henry Baylis, b. January, 1S53. (2) Bartcls Frere, I. 1876. (1) Ellen Henrietta, b. Decem- ber, 1862. (2) Augusta Jessie, b. March, 1869. 2. Kenneth, h. 1829, m. Miss Bax- tee, and left issue. 3. Vivian, m. Miss Mills, and has issue. 4. Colin Beddek, b. 1831. 1. Henrietta Jane, I. 1833, m. 21st June, 1853, Hon. George Henry Cox, of Winbourn, Sydney, and has issue. {Seef/iaffamiti/.) 2. Maria Eliza, b. July, 183.5, m. James Norton Beooks, who was third son of Henry Beooks, of Littlehani, by his wife, Margaret Mackenzie. VI. Frederick, b. 1797. VII. Edward, of Feruhill, Mulgoa, New South Wales, member of Legislative Council of New South Wales, b. 29th May, 1805, m. 1827, Jane Maria, third daughter of Kichard Beooks, of Den- ham Court, and d. May, 1868, leaving issue, 1. Edward King, who was father of Edvtaed ST.ANDisn Cox, of Fern- side, Rylestone, New South Wales (w!iom see p. 76). 2. Richard William, of Bristol Lue, J.P., New South Wales, b. 1832, m. Margaret Ann KxowLES, and had issue, three sous and four daughters. 3. James Charles, M.D., of Graig- crook, St. Leonards, Sydney, F.R.C.S., F.R.S., iHesident"of the first New South Wales Board of Fisheries ; an eminent concholo- gist, i. 21st July, 1834; w. Mar- garet Wharton, third daughter of John Maclellan, of Greenock, North Britain, and by her who d. 1S76, has had issue, (1) James Wharton, M.B.C.M., b. 31st Julv. 1859. (2) Oswald MaclellaD, b. 1860, d. 1864. (3) Allaster Edward, b. 12th August, 1864, M.B.C.M. Edinburgh, 1889. (4) Arthur Brooks, of Sydney, N.S.W., b. 29th September, 1866. (1) Milliccnt Emma Inglis, b. 21st September, 1862, m. 12th February, 1890, Montague Peregrine Albemarle, Loed Beetie, only son of the present Eael of Lindset, and has issue {see BrEKE's Peerage) . (2) Constance Margai'ct, b. 6th August, 1868, m. Charles Allison, B.A., of Wynong, New South Wales. (3) Eleanor Mary, b. July, 1870, m. William, elder son of Colonel William le Pocr Teench. (4) Marcia Lilian. (5) Margaret. (6) Jane Judith. 1. Christiana, b. 30th April, 1828, m. Colonel H. J. Bannatjne Macleob, R.A., and has issue, 1. Bamiatyne, 'b. 1860, B.A. Cambridge, and Civil Service, India, m. 1883, Lilian, daugh- ter of Colonel W. Weougd- TON, Madras Staif Corps, and has issue, one son and two daughters. 2. Harry John, b. 1865, Lieu- tenant 1st Battalion South Wales Borderers (24th Regi- ment), d. at Trichmopoly, 1893. (3) William Bernera, M.B.C.M. Edinburgh. (1) Chi'istina. (2) Jane. 2. Jane Maria, b. 1836; m. 186G, Thomas Stephens, Inspector of Schools, Tasmania, and d. 25th March, 1884, leaving issue, three sons and two daughters. I. Frances Anne, b. 1802. Captain William Cox m. secondly, 1821, iVnna, daughter of Joseph Blacheoed, and (I. 15th March, 1837, having by her had further issue. Tin. Edgar, b. 1822, m. Andrewina, daughter of Captain John Pipee, of the New South Wales Corps. IX. Thomas (Rev.), b. 1823, B.A. Trinity College, " ~