804 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Klaitmtcin. HENRY HUME "WARBURTON, of Vancouver, British Coliiinbia, of the Dominion Civil Service, m. 1891, Agnes E., daughter of — Potts, of Victoria, British Columbia, and has issue, Henry Egerton, b. 1st Oct., 1893. Beatrice Victoria, h. 8th Sept., 1892. iLineage. Richard Wabbheton, i. 1G37, a descend- ant of the ftroat and ancient house of War- burton of Cheshire, was clerk of the Council to Henry Cromwell, Lord Deputy of Ireland, 1654, and afterwards clerk assistant to the Iri«h House of Commons. He is styled of
- ' CTarryhinoh," 1G62, and was M.P. for Bally-
shannon from 1695 to 1711. He m. Eliza- beth, daughter of Thomas L'Estbange, of Moyston, King's co., and d. 1717, having (with another daughter) had issue, I. Eichakd, of whom presently. II. Greorge. III. John. I. Susannah, m. Henry Warden, of Grangebeg, Co. Kildare. II. Elizabeth, m. Frederick Trench, of G-arbally, ancestor of the Earls of Clan- carty. III. Anne, »n. Very Kev. John Trench, Dean of Raphoe. IV. A daughter, m. — Ncttall, The eldest son, Richard Warbtjrton, jun., of G-arry- hinch, M.P. for Portarlingtou from llj92 to 171.5, III. Elizaheth,da«ghter of John PiQOTT, and had issue, I. Richard, of Grarryhiuch, A. 6th Dec, 1696, M.P. for Queen's eo. ; d. tiiim. 1771, liaTing devised Garryhiuch and other estates to his fourth brother, Peter. II. John, d. unm. III. George, of whom presently. IV. Peter, devisee of his brother Richard, d. 29th September, 1781. V. Williiim, of Yarrow, Queen's co., m. Barbara, daughter of William Robin- son, of Knebvvorth, Herts, who J. his cousin Lytton Lttton (formerly Strode), of Knebworth, and assumed the name of Lytton. He had a son, Richard Warbubton-Lttton, of Knebwortli, b. 1745 ; ?«. 1768, Elizabeth, daughter of Paul JoD- EELIi, of Lewknor, and d. 1810, leaving an only daughter and heiress, Elizabeth Barbara, of Kneb- worth, b. 1773 ; m. 1708, Wdliam Earle BuLWEB, of Wood Dalling and Hcydon, Norfolk, brigadier-general, and had issue {see Burke's Pceraye, Lytton, E.). I. George, m. William Garden, of Lis- more. Queen's co. II. Judith, )». Emmanuel Pisott. III. Jaue, m. George Pigott, of Knap- ton. Richard Warbiirton, jun., d. v. p. 1715. His third son, George Wabbueton, of Dublin, m. Jane, daugluer of George Le Hunte, of Ai'tramont, CO. Wexford, aud was father of, John Warbubton, of Garryhinch, King's CO., Ireland, M.P. for Queen's co., 1779 to 179-t. This gentleman was heir to his uncle Peter. He served iu early life as a military ofiicer, and was at the taking of Quebec, under General Wolfe. He in. Martha, daugh- ter of Bowes Ben.son, and had issue, I. Richard, his heir. II. Peter, Major 9Gth Regiment, »«. Eliza- beth, daugliter of Edmund Malone, {see Malone, of Baronsfon, in Landed Gentri^), aud d. 1827, leaving issue, 1. John ; 2. Peter, d. 1838 ; 1. Anne, m. Colonel Wade ; 2. Martlia ; and 3. Elizabeth. I. Martha, m. William Augustus Lb Hpnte, of Artramont, and d. s. p. Colonel Warburton d. 1806, and was s. by his son, Richard Warbitrton, of Garryhinch, King's CO., Ireland, J.P., and D.L., A. 1778; m. ISOO, Anne, daughter of Thomas Kemmis, of Dublin, and had issue, I. John, of Garryhinch, d. s. p. 1839. II. Richard, of Garryhiuch, J. P., and D.L., high sheriff of King's co., 1845, and of Queen's CO., 1849, b. March, 1804 ; tn. 6th Septemlier, 1844, Mary Ellinor, daughter and heir of Lieu- tenant-Colonel Kelly, of Millbrook, King's CO., and d. 1862, having by lier (who d. November, 1862) had issue, 1. Richard, of tiarryliinch. King's CO., high sheriif of that county, 1872, D.L. and J. P., King's aiid Q.ueen's co.'s, high sheriff Queen's co., 1869, b. 1846; »«., first, 18th July, 1867, Georgina ■Wilhclmina Henrietta, daughter of William Henry Hutchinson, of Rockforest, co. Tipperary, and by her (who d. 1891) has issue, (1) Richard Hutchinson Dutton John, b. 1877, -f. lo94.