Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/459

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P.rRKP/f^ COLONIAL GKNTRY. 833 St. CiithiiriiiL-'s, Ontario, in 1881, leaving issno, C'uAHLES Edwaui), the subject of this memoir. Ciiniula about 1830, finally ab,mf IS.Vt, ho sold out and went to 8t, t'nlliai'inis. Onlario. lie III. about 1825, Jane, daughter of George Smyth, of Fermanagh, Ireland, and d. at Crest — An oak free /leiielra/ed (ra>isverxe/j/, in the main stem, l)i) a/rame-sair, ]llotf,)—T/,ron<//,. Seiitii'iieex -(Town) Winnipeg; (country) Shoal Lake, both in Province of Manitoba, Dominion of Canada. (DgtIlJtc, HON. EDWAUI) DAVTI) STEWART OfllLVIE, of Yulgilbar, Cliifence River, New South Wales, Anstnilia, member of the Legisla- tive Council of that colony, /;. at Tottenham, co. Jiiddlcsex, Enghinil, 2.')th July, 1814; m. first, at Donnybrook Church, near Dublin, Ireland, 2nd Sep- tember, 1858, Theodosia I.sabella, daughter of tlio Rev. William nv. BuKdH, of Sandymount, near Dublin, D.D. (Trinity College, Dublin), and by her (who d. 23rd March, 18SG, at Torquay, co. Devon, England) has had issue, I. William Frederick, h. at Sydney, 6th February, 1862 ; iii. at St. Mark's Church, Darling Point, Sydney, 31st October, 1888, Ethel Maude, second daughter of Graham Mylne, of Etonswill, Clarence River, and grand-daughter of Thomas JIvlne, of Mylne Field, Perthshire, and has issue, a daughter. II. Edward David, flag-lieutenant, H.M.S. Imperieuse," h. at Yulgilbar 19th July, 1867. in. Hubert de Burgh, b. at Yulgilbar, April, d. May, 1877, and was buried in the private cemetery, Yulgilbar. I. Mary Isabel, b. at Yulgilbar, 18th January, 1860 ; in. at St. Rotulph's, Worthing, co., England, 20th June, 1888, John Travers TlKDAL, of Karrabil, New South Wales (see that family), and has issue. II. Florinda Ellen, b. at Yulgilbar, 12th January, 1861. ui. Theodoisia Isabella, b. at Sydney, 11th December, 1863. ,', ' >- twins, b. at Sydney, 19th December, 1864. v. Maud, J J J' VI. Mabel Harriet, b. at Yulgilbar, 16th May, 1866; m. at St. Jude's Chui-ch, South Kensington, London, 9th Jul^-, 1888, Charles Alfred Gordon Lillingston (Bengal Forest Department), of Ranchi, Chota Nagpore, India, son of Alfred Lillingston, of Southwold, co. Suffolk, J. P. (see Bltrke's Landed Gentry), and has issue, a daughter. VII. Emmelinc Martha, b. at Sydney, 25th June, 1870. VIII. Kathleen Ellen, b. at Sydney, 2ud May, 1874. Mr. E. D. S. Ogilvie m. secondly, at St. Jude's, South Kensington, T;oiid(ju, 21st December, 1889, Alicia Georgiana Frances, third daughter of Liev. Robert Loftus Tottenham, Chaplain of Legation at Florence, son of Lord Robert Pon- sonby Tottenham, bishop of Clogher, and grandson of the first Marquess of Ely. Hfncaftc. Mr. OoiLViR, m. twice, and had issue, four sons, Ja.mk3, W'iJliam, Alexander, and Henry, and two daughter.*, all of whom were living in 1791. The eldest son. .Tames Ogii.vie, of ITolborn Hill, London, III. twice, and it. 8rd February. 1780, and was buried at St. Andi-ew's, llolborn. By his second wife he had issue a daughter, Ann of