i]i'iM'i'rs coi-oxr.r, (;i:xri;v 835 Uinrnac. John lluriiV, di'seoTuU'd fi-oiii (he very aiicioiit ramily of Dkcry, of SuftVilk (.v/c Bi'ukk's Landed Genlrii, DiiriiY of Jlnitlc- slfad)^ WHS comniandiint at .Sjiiko Islaiul, ami livi'd at (ho Covo of Cork, Ireland ; lie m. aud had live sons, of whom. Captain Charms Druuy, of the 2'.il!i Ki'ginient ; retired from foreij;n serviee and went to >'ew Urunsiviek in 1822 ; ho m. 27th Ueeouiher, 1804, Franees Amelia, danghter of Uazen, and il. 25th Oetober, 1836, having by her (who d. 31st August, 1862) had issue, I. Charles, ir. John. III. Le Baron, m. and hail with other issue, a son, Charles Carter. Ca])taiu E.N., flag ea|itain to Admiral Waison. IV. Edward O'Urien, Captain R.N. V. Ward Cuii'MA-V, of whom presently, ^'l. George Uenry. I. Mary. II. llargaret, m. 18-13, Sir Jolin Caniijbell Allkx, Knt., K.C.M.Gr., chief justieo of Xew Brunswick. His lifth son, AVakd Ciiii'Ma:* Uruky, of St. John, New Brunswick, reiiistrar of the Probate Court and of deeds and wills, li. 'tth February, 1821, in. 2t!lli 8eptend)er, ISoa, Charlotte .Augusta, third daughter of Lieuteniint-Colonel IIayn'k, R.A., and by her had, with four other daugh- ters, I. CiiARi.iiS Wii,LiA-M, of Kingston, Ontario, the subject of this memoir. II. F. Ilazen. III. Harry A. Kingamill. IV. l>ebaron llaulc. I. Frances Elizabeth «i. 3rd July, 1878, Charles E. L. Porteous, manager of the Ijaiik of Montreal. II. Arabella .Vugusta, m. 18th October, 188G, Rear-Admiral Arthur Cecil Curtis, late R.N., second son of George Lear Curtis, second son of Sir William Curtis, Bart, {see Burke's Peerage and Baronetage), by Mary Anne, his wife, only child of George Lkar, of Leytonstone, Essex, and has issue, 1. Arthur Drurv, 4. 28th Februarv, 1888. 2. Cecil Montagu, h. 30th Julv, 1889. 3. Francis Augustus Uriiry, h. 3Ulh August, 18'Jl. Anns — Arg. on a chief rer/ tiro iimtlets /jierced or. Crest — A grei/kouml vourant j'l'o/ier. Motto — Xon sine causa. Residence — Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
- ra|'>
I) 013ERT GRAY, of Hughendeii, Queensland, a justice of the peace for j that colony, F.R.G.S., h. 4th February, 1839; m. November, 1802, Chai-lotte Grayson, youngest daughter of the late Very Rev. W. iSovveuuy, Dean of Goulburn, New South Wales. Mr. Robert Gray served in the 97th Regi- ment with the Jauiipore Field Furce during the Indian Alutiiiy, under Briga- dier-General Franks, C.B., in the actions of Nusratpore, Chanda, Unnieerpore aud Sultanjiore ; he joined the main army under Sir Colin Campbell, on 4th March, and was present at the siege and capture of Luckuow and storming and capture of the Kaitcr Bagli ; he received the Indian Mutiny medal for these services, with a clasp for Luckuow. lie served as Staff Ollicer to No. 2 column in the Bundleound Field I'Vircc during the operations in I8-)0. lie served with the 4th Sikh Irregular Cavalry from 24th September, 18G0, to loth Maj', 18G1, and as adjutant of the 7th Bengal Cavalry from loth May, 1861, to 14th June, 1862, and retired from the army in 1863. He settled iu that year iu the North Western District of Queensland, where he has since that time been engaged in pastoral pursuits. Hiiuage. This family possessed landed <'states in the county Wills, England, for several genera- tions. Robert Gray, of Bond Street, Loudon, and Twickenham, in. twice. His second wife »as Ann, daughter of KoRMAN, of Soutli 3 II 2