Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/481

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BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 855 of Alexander Bayne, of Sandhm-sfc, formerly of Kirkliston, near Glasgow, N.B.; and by her (who d. 23rd December, 1880) has issue, Harold Lasiiraar, h. 20th December, 1885. Dorothy Mary Helen, h. ITtli Jhircli, 1887. ILincagr. EicnAED Penfold, of Ansmering, co. Sussex, m. 6th November, 1570, Klizabeth Parsons, of Goring, aud was buried there, 2.5th December, KiOS, li.aTing by her (who was buried Kitli July, 1G08) iuid issue, I. liieliard, of Angmering, bai)(ised at Goring, 17th June, 1572; w.Gth Octo- ber, IGOO, Susan Lenxe, and was buried 9th March, 1028-9, leaving issue. She was biu-ied 12th January, 1G20-1. II. George, d. s. p. (buried Sth ^ebruar^•, lGl-1-5.) III. Hugh, of whom presently. I. Susan, ba])tised 30th January, 1579- 80 ; m. 28th April, 1600, to William CuTFoULUE, of East Prestou, aud had issue. The third son, Hugh Pexfold, of Angmering, baptised 30th August, 1584; w. 28th September, 1G12, Alice, daughter of Thomas Oluver (son of William Oliiveb, of Tottiiigton, Lyminster, CO. Sussex, by Joane, his wife, only daughter of William Smith, of West Chiitington, co. Sussex), and by her (who was buried 23rd Jidy, 1G60) had issue, ' I. Hugh, baptised 15th November, 1G18 ; buried loth A])ril, 1045, unm. II. Olliveb, of whom we treat. III. George, of Arundel, baptised 3rd July, 1625, m. Sarah, daughter of Edward Peachet (ancestor of the LoEDS Selsey), aud was buried 7th May, 1G70, leaving issue. IV. Charles, baptised 2nd December, 1G27 ; buried 6th December, 1639. V. Eiehard, of Goring, co. Sussex, bap- tised 27th June, 1630 ; d. circa 1686-7, leaving issue, two daughters. I. Joan, baptised 29th May, 1614; m. 19th September, 1637, John Hatne.^, of Washington, co. Sussex, and left issue. II. Elizabeth, baptised 28th June, 1616 ; in. 22nd June, 1641, James South, of West Tarring, co. Sussex, and left issue. III. Mary, baptised 29th December, 1622 ; m. 5th October, 1647, William SiMMONDS, of Angmering, who was buried there, 8th July, 1659. She was buried there, 18th January, 1691-2, leaving issue. IV. Ann, baptised .Srd July, 1625 ; living 1653, then wife of Robert Bushby, of Patching, co. Sussex, who d. 17th August, 1694, aged 65. She d. 17th July, 1680, aged 56, leaving issue. V. Susan, baptised 1st Septeuiber, 1633; m. 29th November, 1660, George Goble, and had issue. Hugh Pcnfold was buried at Angmering, IGtli February, 1658-9. His second son, Ollivek Pexfold, of Angmering, baptised there, 10th December, 1620; and buried Ihero 10th May, 1669, leaving issue, by Joan, his wife, I. Hugh, of whom Ave treat. IF. Oliver, bajitiscd 13th January, 16 19-50 ; buried 21st April, following. III. John, baptised 23rd March, 1652-3 ; buried 20th January, 1657-8. IV. Oliver, baptised 26th January, 1655-6; »«. first, Mary Kewei.l, of Rustington, aud secondly, 29ili Sept- ember, 1087, Catherine Adams, of Souipting, and was buried 7th -Vpril, 1705, leaving issue by both. V. Peter, of Angmering, baptised 18th July, 1659; m. 7th August, 1G88, Elizabeth Dcke, and d. 18th August, 1734, having by her (who d. 25tk March, 1707, aged 37) had issue. VI. Richard, of .Vngmering, baptised 9th Novembei, 1663 ; d. 12th Septendier, 1750, leaving issue, by Mary, his wife (who (/. ISth August,' 1731). I. Joan, baptised loth Juareh, 16.50-1 j buried next day. II. Elizabeth, baptised 7th March, 1G51-2 ; buried next day. III. Alice, baptised 18th July, and buried 29th November, 1659. The eldest son, HtJOn Pbnfold, of Sompting, co. Sussex, bajitised 4th April, 1G48 ; m. first, 28th February, 1G70-1, Sarah Uli.L, who was buried Sth February, 1671-2. l!y his second wife, Mary, who was buried 18th December, 1683, he had issue, I. John, of Broadwater, co. Sussex, bap- tised 28th July, 1678, m. first, 30th October, 1701, Surah Gittinqs, and by her (who was buried 25th Novem- ber, 1711) had issue six children. He »». secondly, Anne Graves, and by her (who d. 27th December, 1769, nued 77) had issue ten children. He d. 17th December, 1738. II. Hugh, of whom presently. He m. thirdly, 27th November, 'l688, Mary .ldeeto>', of Sompting (widow), who was buried there, 19th November, 1720, by whom ho had no issue. He was buried there, 16th January, 1706-7. His second sou, Hugh Penfold, of Sompting, baptised 14th May, 1680 ; buried 2nd October, 1734, leaving issue, by Jane, his wife (who was buried at Sompting, 7th November, 1745). I. Hugh, of Steyning and Annington, co. Sussex, baptised 15th July, 17('8 ; m. 17th November, 1742, Elizabeth,