BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 859 I. Elizabeth, m. Achilles Daunt. II. Margaret, )«. Francis Poole, of Muy- fieUl. III. Jiinc, HI. Thomas Hewitt, junior. The cklo.'it son, COLO.N'EL BlCHAUD IIUNGEKFOUD, of Inchodonv, or The Island, near Clonakill y, is called "Cousin" in the will, dated 2Uh May, 1729, of John Ilungerford, Lord of the Manor of lIunf;erroid, in England. His own will was dated on or aliout 5th April, 172."). He m. Mary, daughter of Sir Knianuel MooKE, audi/, about 1720, leaving with other issue, a son, Thomas HaNGERFORD, m. 1719, Susannah, da'.igliter of Beciihb, and il. v. p. leaving issue, I. ElCUAED, of whom jiivsently. I. Elizabeth, m. 1733, Captain I'hilip TowNSEND, of Derry, eo. t'ork. II. Mary (a legatee in the will of John Hungerford, of Hungerford, in England), m. 1739, Rev. Horatio TowNSEXD, rector of Dououghniore, CO. Cork. Tiie only son, EicHABD HrNGEEFOED, of the Island, and for many years of Foxall, m. first, Mary, daugliterot Bechek, andbyher hadis.sue, I. Thomas, of the Island, m. 1770, Mary Cranfeld, daughter of Becheb, and by her (who d. 1836) had issue, 1. Ricliard, of the Island, b. 1771, m. July, 1793, Frances, daughter of Richard IJEcnEK, of HoUy- brooke, and d. 16th February, 1833, having by her, who d. 12tli September, 1843, had issue, (1) Thomas, of Inchodonv, The Island, co. Cork, J.P., J. 16th January, 1795, ni. 1st December, 1842, Caroline, daughter of George Sandes, of Dunowen, eo. Cork, and d. 1870, leaving issue, a. Hungerford Richard, d. 1st June, 1855. a. Mary Sandes, of Ineho- dony, CO. Cork. i. Frances Eyre, m. 12th September, 1876, lier cousin, William HrxOEK- FOED, of Sunmount, and Castle Ventry, co. Cork, J. P., second son of late William Hungbefoed, by Jane, Iiis wife, daugh- ter of Winspear TorB, of Clonakilty, and left issue. (2) Richard Becher, m. 18th September, 1837, Frances, daughter of John I3echeb, of Hollybrooke, and had with other issue, a son, Richard. (3) John, d. s.p. (4) William, m. 22nd March, 1831, Jane, daughter of Winspear Tote, as above, and left three sons. a. Richard. b. William, m. 12tli Sep- tember, 1871), his cou.sin Frances Ey re, daughterof Thomas HrNOEBFOKi), of Incho lony (.vce aboee). c. Winsjjcar. (5) George, m. 7lh October, 1845, Mary Elizabel h, daugh- ter of Saxdes, and left issue. (6) Henrv, d.. <:.],. 10th Octo- ber, 1855. (7) Becher, m. 14th February, 1845, Jane, daughter of Crosslev, and had issue. (1 ) Fanny, d. unm. (2) Susan, m. 4th June, 1836, Winthro]) Baldwin SEAtY. 2. George (Dr.), of Clonakilty, m. 1802, Eliza Hr-NUEBFOBU, his first cousin, and d. 15th Septem- ber, 1832, having by her, who d. 1828, had issue, Richard, m. 1813, Mary, daughter of illiain Daunt, of Spring Hill, and had issue. 3. Thomas, of Broomlcy, near Carri- galine, m. first, Johanna, widow of Henry Hdngebfokd, and by her had issue, (1) Thomas William, »«. the daughter of O'Hea. (1) Eliza Charlotte (deceased), m. O'Donovan Bechee. (2) Mary Cranfield. Mr. Thomas Hungerford. m. secondly, Eliza, daughter of the late Dr. George Dav.vt, of Cork, and by her had further issue, (2) George Daunt. (3) Geoi-gina Daunt. (4) Catherine Maria. (5) Susanna Lotitia. (6) Charlotte. II. John, of whom presently. Mr. Richard Hungerford, m. secondly, Mary, daughter of the Rev. Emanuel HuN- gebfoed, and by her was father, inter alios, of, in. Richard (Rev.), m. 1775, Mary, daughter of HrNGEBFORD, and by her (who m. secondly, Michael Fkencii) had an only son, Richard, b. 1776, m. 1794, Isabella, daughter of Masters, and had issue, (1) Richard, of Currigcen, m, Mary Cranfield, daugliter of Captain Colin Ca.mpuei,l, 42nd Highlanders, and Eliza, his wife, daughter of Colonel Hungebford, and had issue, a. Richard. 4. Colin Campbell. c. Alexander George, a, Mary Cranfield. b. Charlotte. (2) Thomas Walter, of Grey- mouth, New Zealand, b. 28th
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