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Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/487

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BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTilY. 861 (5rant. LlEUTENANT-COLO^'LL J.UiE.S MUlUiAY (ll{ANT,or Kin;,' Willmms Town, Cape Colony, Lieutenant-Colouel Cape Mounted Riflemen, b. 20th December, 1835, m. 5th NovemLer, 18fi3, ][atildu .Jane, daughter of the hite WiUiam JMcDowall Fynn, British resident with the Gcalcka Chief Kreli, and has issue, I. Ronald Chorles, h. 22nd November, 1864. II. Eric Kenneth, h. 22nd June, 18GS. III. James Murray, h. 20th June, 1870. IV. Colin, 6. 30th November, 1873. V. Norman, h. 20th February, 1876. VI. Douglas, h. 8th March, 1878. VII. Colquhoun, h. 20th March, 1882. I. Euphemia, h. 14th August, 1871. II. Esmc Doreen, h. 6th April, 18>S7. Lieutenant-Colonel Murray Grant entered the army as ensign in the 85th Light Infantry in 1854, and served with the regiment for many years at Mauritius and at the Cape, exchanged to the 25th (King's Own Borderers) in 1865, and in 1867, retired from the army for the purpose of loitering the military service of Cape Colony. Hi'ncaac. MuNGO Geant, the son of Grant, of Grant (xec Sir "William Fraser's Chiefs of Grant), left issue, Majok John Geant, commissary of ord- nance of New York, who had issue, James, of whom jiresently. Elizabeth Townshend, m. Lieutenant- Colonel John Geant, of Glennioriston {see Bteke's Jjaiided Gentiy), The sou, Ma jorJamk.s; Mr KEAY Grant, was gazetted Eusign 71st Foot, 21st July, 1781, lieutenant 2nd JIarch, 1782, lieutenant 7th Foot, 9th April, 1783, eajitain 74th Foot, 27th Septem- ber, 1783, captain 39th Foot, 2-lth September, 1803, Lieutenant and Captain 3rd Foot Guards, 21st December, 1803, and Major by brevet 1st March, 1794. He was Assistant Inspector-General Barrack Department at York from 1812 to 1816. He m. Henrietta Deval, and d. 25th August, 1817, Icavingissue, I. James, of whom presently. II. John, entered the East India Com- pany's Army, became a Colonel in the Bombay Artillery, and retired with the rank of Major-Gcncral. He d. at Nairn. III. Charles, E.I.C. army ; d. young. IV. Robert. E.I.C. army ; d. young. I. Hem'ietta, m. James Walker, of Dover, and is deceased. Helier II. Elizabeth Jane, m. General TorzKL, and is deceased. III. Emma, d. tiiim. IV. Anne, d. nnni. The eldest son, James Grant, b. 11th October, 179() j entered the army as Ensign in the 14th Foot in 1812, sent to India soon after, and served through the Mabratta and I'indarrie cam- paigns, and at the siege of Hattrass, and led the Grenadiers of the 14th in the right storming column at the capture of t/ie fortress of Ehurtpore, in January, 1826 j retired on half-pay as captain, and in 18.">1, he sold out of the army, with the brevet rank of major. He m. Mary, daughter of John Eell, a planter of Jamaica, and by her (who d. 1875) had issue, James MrRUAV, the subject of this me- moir. John Bell Murray, d, Charles Dcval. Erie, d. Henrietta. Emma, d. Mary Amelia. Florence, d. Helen, </. Major Gnont d. in January, 18G5. Arms — Gules, three antique crowns or. Crest — A mountain injlames ppr. Motto — fftand sure. Residence— King Williams Town, Cape Colony.