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Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/490

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864 INDEX. Barker, J., of Melbourne, Australia. (367). Barnard, Hon. T. J., of Jamaica, (739). Barnes, H., of Boston, (699). Barnet, J., of .Sydney, N.S.W., (173). Barnctt, A. L., of Wellineton, N.Z., (713). Bakbob, C. C. N.. of Hobson St., Wellington, N.Z., 708. Barrow, Capt, Eoval Can. Ilifles, (740;. Bartlej-, T. H., of Kew Zealand. (36). Barton, C H., of Wellinirton, N.Z., (3-12). Barton, F. G.. of Kajuligah, Ivanboe, and Mulbong, N.S.W., 467. tAi-MS, p. 608.) Babton, J., of Trentliam, Wellington, N.Z., 623. Barton, B. D., of liathurst, N.S.W., (.342). Barton, E., of New Zealand, 623- Babton, R., of Russell Lea, Five Dock, Sydney, N.S.W., 779. Barton, R. J., of Borec, N.S.W., (60). Basset, H. E., of Bransholme, Hamilton, Victoria, Aus- tralia, (613). Baseni>ale, F.R.S., of Waiyevo, Taviuni, Fiji, 673. Bayard, R., of Halifax, N.S., 646. Bai'ard, "W., of St. John, New Brunswick, 644. Bavles, J., of Rokeby, Macquarie River, Tasmania, ■ 174, (252). Bayles, W. M., of Toorak Station, Hughenden, Quecns- l.and, 174. Bayles, W. J., of Selbonrn Chambers, Melbourne, 174. Bayles, Hon. W., of Yar Orrong, Toorak, Melbourne, 174. Bayne, A., of Sandhurst, Victoria, Australia, (865). Beadun, R. J., of Hol>art, Tasmania, (150). Beanlanes, Rev. A. J., of Victoria, Britisti Columbia, 414. Beatty, J., M.D., of Coburg, Ontario, Canada, (267). Beck, Hev. J. W. R.. of Peterboro', Canada, (438). Bedford, Rev. W., D.D., of Tasmania, (42). Beetliam, C. E., of Te Apiti, N.Z., 98. Bi-etham, G., of Hawkes Bav, N.Z., 98. Bcetham, H. G., of Lansdowne, N.Z., 98. Beetham, H. H., of Braneepeth, N.Z., 98, (346). Beelham, N., of Te Apiti, N.Z., 98. Beetham, P. J., of Hastings, N.Z., 98. Beetham, B., of Christchurch, N.Z., 97. iAi-ms. p. 240.) Beetham, W., of Danum and Wellington, N.Z., 98, (286). Beetliam, W., of Te Mako Taita, N.Z.. (111). Beetbain, W. H., of Towcett, N.Z., 98. Belcheb, Rev. R. H., of Park House, Dunedin, N.Z., 654. Bell, J., of Eiverina, N.S.W.. (367). Bell, J., of Jamaica, (8611. Bell, J. T. M., of Coochin, Queensland, (368). Bell, AV. M., of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, (530). Bender, E. P., of St. Thomas, Slontmany, Quebec, (747). Benson, J. R., of Gympie, Queensland, (470). Benson, T., of Port Hope, Ontario, Canada, (655). Benson, T. M., Q.C., of Terralto, Port Hope, Ontario, (667). Benjamin, Sir B., of Canallv, E. Melbourne, Australia, (559). Benjamin, E., of Melbourne, Australia, (760). Bebbt, Hon. J., of Suva, Fiji, 207. Berry, J., of Aldbury, Sydney, N.S.W., (17), 207. Be.snard, J. P., of Yass, N.S.W., (681). Betts, A M., of Euthella, Goulbourn, N.S.W., 691. Betts, J., of Parramatta, N.S.W., 691. Belts, W., of Marton, N.Z., (717). Bidwill, C. E. , of I ihautea, Wellington, N.Z., (98), 346, (623i. BiDWiEL, J. 0., of Pihautea, Wellington, N.Z., 345. Bigelow, W. H., of Tarpan Springs, Florida, (412). Birkbeck, S. W., of Queensland, (468). Black, A., of New South Wales, (640). Blackmore, E. G., of South Australia, (857). Blair, A., of Grand Bay, Sagueuay, Quebec, (747). Blake, His Ex. Sir H. A., K.C.M.G. , of Jamaica, 412. (Anm, p. 512.) Blakiston, A. F. N., of Park Terrace, Christchurch, N.Z., 500. Blakiston, A. J., of Chatham Islands, N.Z., 498. Blakiston, C. D., of Blenheim, N.Z.. 498. Blakiston, C. R., of Bishopscourt, Christchurch, N.Z., 498. Blakiston, Rev. E. N., of Pigeon Bay, Canterbury, N.Z., 498. Blakiston, H. M.,of Greymouth, N.Z., 498. Blakiston, E. N., of Danevirke, Hawke's Bay, N.Z., 498. Blaxland, A., of Fordwich, Broke, N.S.W., 289. Blaxland, C, of Cleves, Parramatta, N.S.W., (241), 288. Blaxland, E. T., of Fordwich, Broke, Whittingham, K.S.W., 287. (Corrigenda, p. xvii.) Blaxland, G., of Bnish Farm. Parramatta, N.S.AV., 288. Blaxland, Hon. J., of Ncwington, Parramatta River, N.S.W., (167), 28S. Bliss, Hon. V. B., of Nova Scotia, (822). Blomfleld, Lieut. -Col., of Denham Court, Sydney, (786). Blyth, Hon. Sir A,, K.C.M.C, of South Australia, 40. iCon-ifjtmfa, p. xvii.l Bolton, Rev. R. T., of Bucks, sometime of New South Wales, (93). Bonar, .V., of Melbourne, Australia, and subsequently of Hokitika, N.Z., 532. Bonar, J., of Jamaica, 631. BoSAR, His Hon. J. A., of Kilgraston, Hokitika, N.Z., 530. Bonython, G. L., of Adelaide, 92. BoNYTHON, J. L., of Carclew, South Australia, 91. {Cor- rvjtmfa, p. xvii.) BoTSFOBD, Hon. A. E., of Sackville, Canada, 99. Botsford, Hon. W., of New Brunswick, 100. BoccADT, Hon. J. P., of Glenelg, South Australia, 344. Boulton, D., of Grange, Toronto, Canada, (753). Boulton, Hon. H. J., of Newfoundland, (763). Boulton, J., of Toronto, Canada, (609). Bowen, Rev. C, Archdeacon of Christchurch, N.Z., 513. BoWE.v, Hon. C. C, of Middleton, Christchurch, N.Z., 510. BowKER, Hon. R. M., of Craigeburn, Somerset, E. , Cape Colony, 24. Bowman, E. M..of Merotherie, Gulgong, N.S.W., (321). Bowman, J., of New South Wales, (227). De Boucherville, G B. , of Quebec. Canada, (67). Boyd, A. M., of Gleofern, St. Kilda, Melbourne, 209. Boyd, F. M., of Treryboo, Queensland, 209. Boyd, Hon. J., of St. John, New Brunswick, 4S6. Boyd, J., of .St. John, Newfoundland, (88). BolD, Capt. J. T. T.,of Glenfern, St. Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria, 209. (Coi-rigenda, p. xii and xvii.) Boyd, E. A., of Lara Beaudescrt, Queensland, 209. Boyd, T. F., of Mildura, Victoria. Australia, 209. Bbadant, H. W., of St. John's, Wanganui, N.Z., 297. Bbaddos, Hon. Sir E. N. C, K.C.M.G., of Treglith, Tasmania, 331. {Arini, p. 128.) Bradley, W., of New South Wales, (760). Brakey, J., of Tasmania, (493). Brat, Hon. Sir J. C, K.C.M.G., of Adelaide, S. Aus- tralia, 222. {Corrirji-Mla, p. xii.) Brett, Capt. E. E., of Sydney, N.S.W., 829. Bbett, De Renzie J., of Christchurch, N.Z., 828. Bribge, H. H., of Fairfield, Napier, N.Z., 346. Bright, C. E., C.M.G., late of Melbourne, Victoria, 450. (Anns, p. 704.) Bright, Hon. U. E., of Gawler, and Willaston, S.A., 294. Bright, E., of Melbourne, Victoria, Austr-alia, 454. Bright,!. E., of Clare, Stanley, N.S.W., 294. Brittan, J., of Linwood, Canterburv, N.Z., (603). Broad, His Hon. L., of Konaki, Nelson, N.Z., 292. Brock, J. M., of Bullanda Vale, Geelong, Victoria, .ustralia, (635). Brodribb. K. E., of Camely House, E. Melbourne, 440. Brodribb, W. A., of Brockley. Tasmania, 441, (442). Brodbibb. Hon. W. A., of Brockley, Brighton, and Buckhurst, Sydney, N.S.W'., 440. (Amis, p. 608.) Brodribb, Rev. W. K. , of Martinhurst, Slelbourne, Australia, 440. Brooke, T. W.,of Milchengowrie, Bogabri, N.S.W., 852. Brooke, T. C, of Veronica, St. Kilda, Australia, (675), 864. Brougham, R. V., of Queensland, (474). Bboughton, G. A., of Kent Norien, Harrow, Victoria, Australia, 613. Broughton, J. B., of Lemon Springs, Apsley, Victoria, Australia, 613. Broughton, R. B., of Kout Norien, Harrow, Victoria, Australia, 613. Brown, D., of Kallara, N.S.W., (681). Brown, W. S., of Bridlington, Parramatta, N.S.W., (224). Browne, A. M., of Springfleld, Queenstown, Cape Col- ony, 259. Browne, H. J., of Melbourne, Australia, (271). Browne, R. L., of Schafhausen, Queenstown, Cape Colony, 257. Browne, S., of Hartlands, Victoria, Australia, (41). Browne, S., of Melbom-ne, Australia, (613). Browne, Hon. T. H., of Guildford Lodge, Queenstown, Cape Colony, 257. Brownless, Sir A. C, K.C.M.G., of Melbourne, Aus- tralia, 547. Brownless, A. C, of Hyde Park, Sydney, N.S.W., 548. Brownless, A O. L., of Essendon, Victoria, Australia, 548.