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Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/492

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866 INDEX. Cnle, II. » of Cressy, Tasmania, (274). Collins. A. S., of Mount Fyffe, Kaikoura, Marlboro', N,Z., p. 862. Collins, ■}., of Orange, N.S.W., i.iOoi. Collis, R., of Castlemaine, Victoria, Australia, (298). CoLToN, Hon. Sir .John, K.C.M.G., of Hackney, South Australia, 613. Colton, W., of McLaren Vale, South Australia, 61.3. Connell, Thomas, of the Supreme Court, N.Z., (500). Connor. Hon. J. l-I., of Bullaniia, Geelong, Victoria, Australia, 535. Cook, A., of Quebec, Canada, i467k Cook,S. W..of Ncminga, N.S.W., (22). Cook, W., of Quebec. Canada, (467). Cooke, C. II., of Toronto, (794). Cooke, C. 1*., of Lake Condah, Victoria, Australia, (793). Cooper, Sir D., Bart., of Wollahra, N.S. W., 54. (Anas p. 128. Cotn-ifiendo.y p. xviii.) Cooper, R., of Ormond House, Patldington, N-S.W., (i!31). Copland, Rev. 0., of South Yarr.a, Melbourne, Australia, (299). Coppin, F. H., of Kyalton, Victoria, Australia, 599. CoppiN, Hon. G. S., of Pine Grove, Melbolu-ne, Austra- lia, 599. Coppin', G. S., of Sydney, X S.W., 599. Corder, T., of Cape Town, S. Africa, (831). Corlette, Rev. J. C, of .AshfleW, X.S.W.. (2811 CoRNEY, Hon. B. G., of Nii Tua ne Talo, Sua, Fiji, 290. Comey, T.. of Irr.awah, and "Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia, (164). Cornish. A., of Toorak, Melbourne, Australia, (125). Cortliindt, E. Van, of Ottawa, Canada. (671). Cosgrove, T., of X. Sydney, X.S.W., (687). Cotton, E. 0., of Glamorgan, Tasmania, (244). Cotton, Hon. G. W., of Adelaide, SA., 76. (Coi-nffcnda, p. xviii.) Cotton, S., of South Australia, 77. Coulston, Mr,, of Longford, Tasmania, (:^66). CowiE, Right Kev. ' W. G., of Bishopscourt, N.Z., 633. COWPEB, C, of Biloela, X.S.W. , 748. Cowper, Hon. SirChas., K.C.M.G., of Wivenhoe, Camp- don, X.S.W., 749. Cowper, C, of X.S W., (276). Cowper, C. L,, of Sydney, X.S.W,, 748. Cowper, H. P., of Bingura, of X.S.W., 74S. Cowper, Ven. W,, of Cuinberland and Campden, 749. Cowper, Very Rev. W. M., of Sydney, X.S.W., 749, (802) Cowper, W. R., of Camden, X.S.W., 748. Cox, Henry, of Glenmore, T.asmania, 782. Cox, J. , of Clarendon, of Tasmania, 785, (793). Cox, J., of Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia, 786. Cox, J. C, of Graigcrook, St. Leonards, Sydney, N.S.W., 782. Cox. J. H., of Xegoa, Muswell Brook, X.S.W., 784. Cox, J. Vf. G., of Negoa, Muswell Brook, X.S.W., 7K1. Cox, R. W., of New South Wales, 782. Cox, Capt. W., of Clarendon, X.S.W., formerly of co. Wilts, 781. Cox, W., of Hobartville, X.S.W., 783. Cox. Dr., of Sydney. X.S.W., (223). Crane, J. H., of St. John, X.B., r827i. Crawford, J. C, ofMiramar, Wellington, N,Z., 292. Crosby, J. -M., of Cape Town, S. .frica, 406. Cudmore, A. F., of Popiltah, Wentworth, X.S.W., 676, (854). Cudmore, D. H. C, of .yoca, Wentworth, X.S.W., 674. Cudmore, D. M. P., of Claremont, Glen Osmond, S.A., 674. CtiDMOBE, J. F., of Paringa Hall, S. Australia, 674. Cudmore, M. R., of Alverstokc, Glen Osmond, S.A., 675. Cue, ()., of Castcrton, Australia, (687). Cullen, W. P., of Sydney, X.S.W., (8021. Cuningham, W., of Windermere. X.S.W., (475). Cunninghame, B. A., of The Fultons, Gippsland, Vic- toria, Australia, (lOO). Curdie, I)., of Tandarooke, Cobden, Victoria, Australia, 764. Curdie. D., of Queensland, 765. Curdie, J. P. C, of Tamworth, Hughenden, Queens- land, 764 Cdrrie, C. G. I., of the .Anllers, Pipestone Creek, Moosomiu, X.W.T., Canada, 471. Cdrrie, J. L., of Larra, andTitanga, Victoria, Australia, 390. Curtis, A., of Freemantlc, W..V., (525). Dalgety, F. G., of Sydney, N.S.W., 484. Dalton, J., of New South Wales, 505. Dalton, J., of Orange, X.S.W.. 505. Dalton, Hon. T., of Wheatleigh, X. Sydney, X.S.W., .505. Daly, A. W., of Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia, 493. Daly. H., of Melbourne. Australia, 493. Daly, .J. C. W., of Canada, 612. Dali, lion. T. M., of Brandon, Canada, 612. {Aiihs, p. 704.) Daly. W. J., of Onitchambo, Melbourne, Australia, 493. Uangar, A. A., of Baroona, Singleton, X.S.W., 22. Dangar, F. H., of Greenknowe, Sydney, X.S.W., 21. Dangar, Hon. H. C, of Grantham, .Sydney, N.S.W., 21. (Artm, p. 64. CorrifriniUa, p. xviii.) Dangar, T., of Scone, N.S.W., 22. Dangar, W., of Taranvillc, Scone, N.S.W., 21. Dangar, W. J., of Neotsfleld, Singleton, N.S.W., 22. Darcy, W. K., of Queensland, Australia, 468. (Arms^ p. 608.) Dargaville, J. M., of Dargaville, Auckland, N.Z., (596). Dargaville, R. A., of Latrobe, Tasmania, (596). Darlet, Hon. Sir F. M., Knt., of Quambi, Sydney, N.S.W., 513. Darling, W., of St. Helena, (822). Davenport, Sir S., of Beaumont, Adelaide, S.A., 23. Davies, Hon. Sir M. H., Knt., of Invermay, Bayswater, Victoria, Australia, 641. Davie.s, R. T,, of Georgetown, Tasmania, (456). Davi.^, C, of Sydney, (139). Davis, C. P., of Mount Camel, Redcastle, Victoria 296. Davis, J., of Woodside, Gippsland, Victoria, 296. Davis, J. F., of Cape Colonv, (730). DawBon, J., of Sydney, N.S.W., (743). Deaein, Hon. A., of Llanarth, South Yarra, Melbourne, 270. iCorripemlo , p. xii and p. xviii.) Deakin, W., of South Yarra, Melbourne, Australia, 271. Dean, W., of Adelaide, S. Australia, (649). 1)e Castella, see Castella. Degraves, P., of Cascades, Tasmania, (296). De Labillikre, see Labilliere. Denison, Lieut-Col. F. C, C.SI.G., of Rusholnie, Tor- onto, Canada, 168. Denison, Lieut-Col. G. T., of Belleviie, Toronto, 169. Dennistoun, J. F. D., of Castlenock, Peterboro', Canada, 437. Dennistodn, R., of Inverlea, Peterboro', Canada, 437. Dennistoun, R. M., of Castlenock, Peterboro', Canada, 438. Derbishire, J., of Bloomfield, co. Prince Edward, (706). De .Salis, ste Salis. I>E Smidt. S' e Smidt. Dever, Hon. J., of Chipmans Hill, St. John, Xew Brunsnick, 191. Dickey, A. R., of Amherst, Xova .Scotia, Canada, 382. Dickey, F". S., of Toronto, Canada, 382. Dickey, J. A., of Amherst, Xova Scotia, Canada, 382. DicKET, Hon. R. B., of Grove Cottage, .mhersl, Xova Scotia, SS2. iC'oryifieitdfi, p. xviii.) Dickson, R. W.,of Arnside, Domain Road. South Yarra, Slelbourne, 166. (fov)'(j7t'i)((a, p. xviii.) Disher, J., of Bvthorne, Xairne, S. Australia, (543). Distin, J. S., of'Tafelburg Hall, Cape Colony, (766). Dixon, H. H . of Carlisle, Alfred St. X., Sydney, N.S.W. 490. |.4i-M,i, p. 704.) Dixon, 7iI., of Eyrewell Park, Canterbury, X.Z., 242. ICoiTtgemfa, p, xviii.) Dodd, of Melbourne, Australia, (/48). Dobson, lion. A., of Hobart, Tasmania, banister-at- law, 33. DoBsoN, Hon. F. S., of Melbourne, 34. Dobson, H., of Hobart, Ta,^mania, 33. Dobson, J., of Hobart, Tasn)ania, 33, (150). DoBsoN, Hon. Sir W. L , of Holiart, Tasmania, 32. (Corrffiendn, p. xii and p. xviii ) Dobson, W. P., of Caiwarroo, Queensland, 32. Docker, His Hon. E. B., of Carhiillcn, X.S.W., 79. Docker, Hon. J., of Thornthwaite, N.S.W., SO. DoDDs, Hon. A., of Men'unburn, Sydney, N.S.W., 296. Donaldson, H. T., of Brooklands, Yetholme, N.S.W., 295. Donaldson, L., of St. John's, X.B., (700). Dowling, Hon. Sir J., Knt., of X.S.W., 167, (407). DoWLiNG, His Hon. J. S., of Sydney, X.S.W., 166, (139). (Covritjeiuta, p. xix.) Dowling, T., of Jellulubad, Darlington, Victoria, Aus- tralia, 546. Dowling, V. J., of Lue Rylstone, X.S.W., 167. Dowling, W., of Flinton, Sydney, N.S.W., 168. Drurt, Major C. W.. of Kingston, Canada, 834. Drurj-, W. C, of St. John, New Brunsttick, 835.