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Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/497

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INDEX. 871 McMurty, S. A., of Lindsay, Ontario. Canada, (430). XIcMuiTay, J. S., of Toronto, Canada, (657). Macniib, A., of Upper Canada. 57H. M;icnab, Uev. A. M., of Toronto, CanadJi, 579. Macnah, A. N., of Toronto. Canaila. 879. Macnaii, Ucv. A.W.. ol Omaha, Nebraska, U S.A., 573. Macnab, Hon. .1., of Halifax, N.S., (46(i). Macnali, Dr. J., of Ix»wer Canada, ."^Ti). Macnab, J,, of BuIIcville, Canada, 579. Macnab, Hon. l, of Halitax, N.S., (466). Miiciiab, Lieut. -Col. S. V.. of Belleville. Canada, 579. RlrNitu'S. v., of Hamilton, Canada, ('IK')). Macplirrson, C. R., of I'addincton, N.S.W., 134. UlAcniuRSON, D., of Bungefltap, Victoria, Australia, i:n. Macphcrson, E., of Goonawarra, Sunbury, Victoria. (843). MaeplR-rson, Hon. Sir D. L., K.C.M.G., of Cliesnut I'arlt, Toronto, (667). Macpherson, J. S., of Nangeela, Casterton, Australia, 687. Macpherson, P.. of Paika, Cairo, X.S.W., 135. Macphereon. U , of Paika Cairo, N.S.W.. 134. Madden, Hon. Sir Juhn, Knt., of Cloyne, and Yamala, Victoria, Australia. 610. Maddi-jon, W. K., of Brookdale, Soutlibrldge, Canter- bury, N.Z., (376). Mair, G., of iHinedin. N.Z., 640. Mair, W. a., of Auckland, N Z., 640. Man BEY, J., of Oak Lake, co. Dennis, Manitoba, Canada, 605. (Arm.-i, p. 80<) Manifold, C, of Tallindert, Camperdown, Victoria, Au.straliu, 4115. Manifold, K., of Uarcdite, Camperdown, Australia, 495. Manifold, J. V.. of Carrakoorte, G'^asmere, Victoria, Australia, 495. Manifold, T., of Wiriidgil, Camperdown, Australia, 495. Manitold, T., of Waiora, Melbourne, Australia, 495. Manifold, W. S.. of Wollaston, Warrnanibool, Australia, 495. Mannioij, J., of Dunedin. N.Z., (379). Manning, J. A. L , of Sydney, N.S.W., 282. Manning, Hon. Sir W. M., of Wallaruy, Woollalira, Sydney, N.S.W., 2S0. (Con'i(/>:ndn, p. sx.) Mantell, Hon. W. R. D., of Mararaarama, Sydney Street, Wellington, N Z., 174. Margctts, E., of Warrnanibool, S ictoria, Australia. 692. Maruetts, E. p. M., at Bind! Tongio, Victoria, Aus- tralia, 691. Mabryat, Very Rev. C, of ChristcUurch, X. Adelaide, S.A., 43L (Arms p. 608.) Mar.sh, M., of Jamaica, (177). Marshall, II., of Wanganui, N.Z., 692. Marshall, J., of Danedin, N.Z., 692. Marshall. J. J., of Eastcourt, Sydney, N.S.W., 137. Marshall, J. W., of Tutu Totara, Marton, N.Z., 636, 637. Marshall, T., of Koskillc, Sydney. N.S.W., 133. Marshall, Hon. W., of Wellington, N.Z., 692. Mai-sh'ill, W. S.. of Te Heskenga Kiwitea. N.Z., 637. Martin, E., of Ballinahinch, Hamilton, Canada, 812. Martin, E. S., Ought<'rard, Cayuga Can ida, bio. Martin, G. B., of Uucks Station, British Columbia, 798, Martin, J., of Puruatauga, Mart inboro ugh, Wellington, N.Z., (862). Martin, J. U., of Clanovle, co. Ilaldimand, Canada, 815. Martin, R., of View Bank, Heidelburg, Victoria, Aus- tralia, (209). Martin, K., of Derryclare, co. Ilaldimand, Canada, 815. Masun, J. R., of the Hutt Wellington, and Napier, N.Z., (163). Matheson, .1., of Melbourne, Australia, (645). Mathias, Ven. O., of Akaroa, N.Z., (82«), (822). Mathias, W. V.. (828). Matthews, W., of St. .John's Island, S. Carolina, (699). Macnsell, Vun. R., LL.D., of Auckland, N.Z.. 349. Meares, George, C.M.G., of Grosvenor, Malvern, Melbourne, and Willow Bank, Gisborne, Victoria, Australia, 737. Mein. G. a., of St. Kilda, and Moolpa, Victoria, Australia, 13. (Ar)iis, p. 64; fnri-i'fndd. p. xx.) Mercer, Itev. P. S., D.D., of Mt-lbournc, Australia, (t)4l). Meredith, Hon. C. of Malunuah, Tasmania, 787. Meredith, E., of LlandatT, N.Z., 787. Merediih, E., of Te Nui, N.Z.. 115. Meredith, G., of Cambria, Tasmania, 787. IilERtDiTH, G. C , of Hohart, Tasmania. 786. Meredith, G. R., of Rocky Point, Kakahu, Hilton, Cantcrhurj', N.Z., (279). Messrs, W. C. of Sprlngvood, DunUas, Victoria, Australia, 371. MiK'-s, L., of Falstuff, Queenatown, Cape Colony, (2r>7). MiLLEAR. T., of Edgarley, WiuklifTo Road, Victoila, Australia. l83. Miller, Hon. H.. of Eindon, Kew, Midbourno, (142>. Miller, Hon. H. .1 . of Ecrnbrook, Oainaru, N.Z., 761. Miller, M. R., of Crag Miller, N.Z., 136. MiLLEu, Hon. W., (i.e., of Arichat, Canada, 151. (Cor- rif/fudtt. p, XX. J Mills, J., ot Melbourne, (145). Milne, Hon. S. W., Knt., of Sunnyslde, S. Austmlla, 543, (64). MiNciiiN, K. C, of Woodburn, Christchurch, N.Z., 352. Mitchell, A. S., of Halifax, N.S., (685). Mitchell, J. S., of Etham, Darling Point, Sydney, (138). Mitchell. J. T. M.D., of Port Adelaide, S.A., (701). Mitchell, lion. P., of New Castle, New Brunswick, (608). Mitchell, W. W., of Ijington, W. Australia. 1623). Moekler, W., ol Durham, co. Grey, (Ontario, Canada, (589). MoFFATT, J., of Ilopkin's Hill, Chataworth, Victoria, Australia. 184. Moffati, H . of Bullarat, Victoria, Australia, 184. MotTatt, W., of Lake Bolac, Victoria, Australia, 184. Molesworth, 11. , of ietoria, Australia, 65. Mnlc^^worih, His Hon. il., of Victoria, Australia, (141). Molesworth, Sir R., Knt., late of Melbourne, 64. (AimSf p. 240; coiTigenifa, p. xx.) Montagu. H. S. M., of Eoit Saiisburj-. 806. Montgomery. Right Ri*v. H. H., of Hobart, Tasmania, 460. (Ariiig, p. 709.) Moore, Hon. C, of Moore Court, Springwood, Blue Mountains, N.S.W., 317. {Anm, p. 288.) Moore, G. H., nf Gleninark, Canterbury, N.Z., 320. Moore, J., of Mi-Ihourne, Australia, t,47;")). Moore, W, D., of Freemantle, Guildford, W. Australia 487. Moore, W. M., of Wierton, Geraldinc, N.Z., 363. Mobeton, Hon. B B., of Waratah, Maryborough, Queensland, 731. Morey, J., of Sydney, N.S.W., (207). Morgan, .J. . of Hobart, Tasmania, (229). Morse, S. H. , of Aniherst, Nova Scotia, (85). Mort, Hon. H. , of New South Wales, ( 138). Mort, T. S. , of Green Oakes, Sydney. N.S.W., (531). Morton, J. , of Sandhurst, Victoria, (150). Moulden, T. , of Sandhurst, Victoria. (150). Mowat, F., of Toronto, Canada, (110». MowAT, Hon. Sir 0., K.C.M.G., of Toronto, Canada, 110. (849j. {Corrifjfnda, p. xx.t Von MrELLEB, Baron, K.C.M.G., of South Yarra, IVIel- bourne. Victoria, 414. Mulock, Canon J., of Kingston, Ontario, (465). MuNRo, Hon. J., ot Aimidale, Melbourne, Australia, 633. Murphy, Sir F., of Victorin, (3). Murray, .. S. , of Dunrobin. Victoria, Australia, 136. MctRRAT, His Hon. C. E. R., of Drumeevin, N.S.W., 135. Murray, W , A., of Toronto, Canada, 738. MoRRAY-PRioB sue Prior. Muirell, A., ot Linton, Victoria, Australia, (548). Musgrave, Sir .., G.C.M.G., Gov. of (Queensland, 811. Mu.sgmve, A., of Antigua, West Indies, 811. McsGBAVE, Hon. A., of Port Moresby, Britisli New Gui nea, SIO. Musgrave, Hon. and Rev. B , of Ilolmworth. King's CO., Nova Scotia, nil. Musgrave, B., of Belledune, U.S.A., 810. Musgrave, C, of Montserrai, West Indies, 811, Mnsgiave, (i. , of Halifax, N.S., 810. Mus>irave, W., of Montserrat, West Indies, 811. Must, T., of Prospect, I'ortland, Australia, 596. Mylne, G., of Eatonswill, Clarence River, N.S.W., (833). Nankcvell, T. J., of Toorak, Melbourne, Australia, (191). Nasmyth, T., of Rhodes Hall, Jamaica, (157). Nathan, I>. , of Auckland, New Zealand, 760. Nathan, L. 1>., ot Auv;kland, New Zealand, 760. Neill, W. , of the City Bank, .Sydney, N.S.W., 3S0. Nciison, .1. L. H., of Neilsunvillc, (Juebec, (669). Nethersole, .1., of .Jamaica, (496). Newell, Rev. Ur. E., of Allantown, N. Jersey, (822). Nicholas, E., of The Nant, Bothwell, Tasmania, 388. Nicholas, H.. of Caywood, Tasmania, (20). Nicholas, W. , of The Nant, Bothwell, Ta.sniania, 338. Nic-holson, Sir A. B.. of Victoria, Australia, 218.