Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/507

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59, Pall Mali London, S. IV. L/lUb U^iSGS, Being considerations on the Fovraa- tion, 5I:iiiif;i'iiu'iit, aiHl Dissolution of Clubs, with especial reference to the liabilities and e.]ni!sioii of members. By AuTinrn l' Lkach, liiinister-m- Law. Second Edition. With tli* Ijiboucliere C^aso, 1879. I)e«ij- 8vo., sewn. Price Is. Clubs of the World : a General Guide or Ind<^x to the London aiul Ciuinty Clubs, and those of vSootlaiid, V/aU's, Ireland, United Kingdom Yacht Clu))s, and Hritish Colonial Possessions, together with the Knglish and other Clubs in Europe, Uie Unitcil States, and elsewhere tiiron^^hwit the world. By IjIEUT.-C)L. Geokgb James Itet. Post 8vo., t-loth. StxoND Edition, 1880. Price 6s. " Here we have a pencral pukle to nil the Clubs of the civilized world, with all the factB aUna cheni whiv'h nnynne would want to bctoiijc «tqiiainted with. Thf author enlivins his pjifii-s with nmusiTiK and inteiesiinR anewlotcs, collected from Tarious sources." — A'uval anxi MHUorp Gazette. Colonial Office List for the present year. Comprising Historical and Statistical information respecting the Colonial Dependencies of C)r«t Britain, an account of the Services of the Officers in the Colonial Service, a Transcript of the Colonial Regulations, the Customs Tarifi of each Colony, and other information compiled from Official Uecords, by the permission of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, by John Andei;son, of the Colonial Office. Jlaps. Demy 8vo.. cloth. Price 7s. 6d. (Published Annually.) •* None cf tile Diany volumes published on the Colonics during the past few years appronche.- it in the remotest degree tor completeness. It is a perfect encyclopi-dia of inforinatioi: — historical, commercial, gtatistieal, political, and official, of every colony, however greal or however small, from tile Dominion of Canada dov n to the little voral group of lire Cocoa." — " Appears to be as well edited as usual." — Atitcnvum, Consular Formulary : By a. percy inglis (Brit. Vice-Consul). Being a collection of Forms and Precedents for the use of Her Majesty's Consular Officers in the discharge of theirduties under the Consular Act, the ilereliant Jlarine and Kegistratiou Acts, and generally in matters connected with British Shipping, Trade, and Commerce. 8vo., cloth. Price 12s. 6d. Corpulence. A Letter on, addressed to the Public, By W. Baniinq. 4th Edition (reprinted 1885), 8vo., sewn. Price Is.