Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/74

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4.-,6 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 1877, LoBisa Augusta Helen, daughter of the late Richard Theodore Davies, of George Town, Tasmania, formerly of Rednich House, Penzance, Cornwall, England, but has no issue. Mr. Sliaw was deputy clerk of the peace, Swansea, Tasmania, September, 1853 ; police magistrate, 1866 ; secretary of mines, 1583 ; and sheriff and commissioner of territorial police, February, 1886. ILincaw. This family is of Scotch origin, and was subsequently settled in Hampshire, Kngland. WiLLiAir SiiAW ivcnt to Ireland about the 16S9, in the army of William III, bring eai)tain in the regiment of his kins- man, General Ponsonby, ancestor of the Earl of Uessborough. His eldest son, William, had no son. His second son, EoEEiiT SiiAW, )H. Mary, daughter of Bernard MAEKMAJr, and sister of the jkrch- bishop of York, and by her had six sons and two daughters amongst Avhom were, William (eldest son), of whom pre- sently. Eobert (fifth son), who early in life left the CO. Kilkenny, and became subse- quently an eminent merchant in Dublin, and .Accountant-General of the Post Office. He m. first, Mary, daughter of Higgins, of Higgins- brook, CO. Meath, and by her had issue, I. Eobert, created a Baronet, 17th August, 1821, b. 29lh January, 1774, colonel of the Eoyal Dublin Militia, M.P. for New Eoss, voted against the Union; he represented I^uhlin in the Imperial Parliament 1804 to 182(3, m. first, 1795, Maria, daughter and heir of Abraham Wilkin.son, of Bushy Park, co. Dublin, and by her (who el. 1831) had issue, 1. Eobert (Sir) second Bart., D.L. CO. Dublin, b. 2Sth Sep- tember, 17116 ; d. unm. 19th ■February, 1869, and was s. by his brother. 2. FkedekiC'K (Eight Hon. Sir^ third Bart., P C, Eecorder of Dublin, M.P. for the city, 1S30 to 1832, and afterwards for- the Unirersily of Dublin, 1832 to 1848, b. 11th Decem- ber, 1799 ; m. IGth Marcli, 1819, Thorna'ine Emily, daughter of the Hon. George JocELTN and grand-daughter of Eobert, first Earl of Eoden, and by her (who d. ■ 30th November, 1859) had issue, (1) EoBKET (Sir), present Bart., of Bushy Park, CO. Dublin, J. P. and D.Ij., high sheriff, 1848 ; Lieutenant- Colonel late Dublin Militia, M.A., h. 3rd August, 1821; m. 10th June, 1852, Kate, daughter of the late William Bakton, of Grove, co. Tipperary, and has issue, Erederick William, J.P., late first (Enyal) Dragoons, and now captain fifth battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers, h. 15th Jlarch, 1858; in. 9th July, 1885, Eleanor Hester, daughter of Maj. r E. H. DK Vebe, E.E. {.lee Saronei- age, Veee, Bart.), and has issue, Eobert de Tere, h. 24th February,! 890; Anne Kate; Mary IMargaret ; Grace Eleanor ; and Eily de Vere. (2) George (63, Wood ttreet, Woolwich. Club — United Service), C.B., Major-General E.A., h. 21st December, 1822; m. first, 27th October, 1846, Marie, daughter of E. Des- fontines, of the Mauri- tius, and by her (who(/. 1871) had issue, (a) Frederick, b. 13th Juno, 1850; m. 1873. Ella Jane, daughter of J. Willis, United States, America, and lias, 1. George Jocelyn, b. 17th December, 1877; 2. William Edward, b. 8th September, 1879; 3. Flora Alice: 4. Emily Marie. (b) George Jocelyn, Caplain Madras Staff Corps, b. 23rd January, IS.i?; m. 1883, Elizabeth Henrietta, daughter of Colonel Horatio Samuel CounT, late Madras Staff Corps,