Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/80

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462 IIURKKS COLONIAL GENTRY )«. Bceondly, 13tli April, 1872, John Gerard Leigh, of Luton IIoo, Bed- fordshire, who d. s. p. 1S75. She m. thirdly, 1883, M. DE Falbe, Danish Ambassador to the Court of St. Jauies. She .1. to Luton IIoo on the death of hert^econd husband. III. George, emigrated to America, and m. a daughter of Judge Lawi'ENCe, of New York, by whom he had a son, Wootton, of the city of New York, advocate. She >». secondly, Colonel David Bolton, E.E. The eldest son, Majok AuiATiiAH HAWKEi3, of Kingswin- ford, near Dudley, eo. StafPord, J. P., formerly of H.M. 21st Light Dragoons, m. 1809, Mary Anne, eldest daughter of William Borka- DAILE, of Streatham Park, co, Surrey, some- time high slieriff for that eo. She d. in Loudon, 1S58, aged 70. He also d. in London, 1803, aged 74, having had issue, I. Ahiathar (Rev.), M.A. (Oxon), rector of Eushton, Kettering, eo. North- 1 ampton, and domestic chaplain to the j Earl of Essex, *. 1813; m. 10th May, 1854, Isabelle, youngest daughter of the Hon and Eev. William Eobert Capbll, M.A,, chaplain to the Queen, rector of Eaine, Essex, and vicar of Watford, Herts, son of William Anne, fourth Eaid of Essex {.lee Bueke's I'eerar/e). Residence — Boskcuna, Xortli II. Roger, in the army, m. the daughter of Colonel Petley, and d. in the East Indies, having survived bis wife. III. Georue Wrioht, now of Adelaide, the subject of this memoir. IV. William, in the army, d. young and wtm. in the West Indies. V. Alfred, in the General Post Office, London, deceased. VI. t'harles, d. in infancy. I. Mary Anne, d. in infancy at the Cape of Good Hope. II. Maria, »». Osborne Baker, of Staf- fordshire. III. Anne de la Pierre, m. 21st Novem- ber, 184G, Miles Gerald Kkon, of Keon Brooke, co. Leittim, Ireland, only son of Miles Keon, of Keon Brooke, by Mary Jane his wife, fifth daughter of Patrick Awdy Maoawlt, of I'rankford, King's cc, Ireland, a count of the Holy Roman Empire (see Bt'RKe's Peerage, under Foreign Titles of Nobili/i/, Magawly-Cekati de Cairy). IV. Emma, rf. yonng. v, Aususia, d. young. VI. Eliza Borradaile. vii. Fanny, m. 3. Downes, C.E.. and d. leaving issue, one son and one daughter. VIII. Isabelle, m. R. Case, surveyor. Adelaide, South Australia. IDuffv. THE HON. SIR CHARLES GAVAN DUFFY, E.C.M.G., lafe Premier of Victoria, b. in Moriaghan, 1816; w. first, 1842, Emily, daughter of the late Francis, of, and Frances Machermott, his wife (of the Coolavin family) ; she d. 1845 ; he m. secondly, 1846, Susan, daughter cf Philip Hughes, of Newry ; which lady d. in September, 1878; hem. thirdly, 16th November, 1881, Louise, datighter of George Hai.i., of Eockferry, Cheshire; she d. 17th February, 1889. Sir Charles has issue, I. John Gavan (Hon.), of Vilette, Hothan Street, St. Kikla {Clubs — Australian and Y'oric'c), M.L.A. for Dalhousie since 1874, was minister of lands, attorney-general and postmaster-general iu various governments, and has been again postmaster-general since 1894, in the Turner Administration. He was h. in Dublin 15th October, 1844, was educated at Stonyhurst College, England, and at the University of Melbourne, where he took the Vice-Chancellor's prize. He is a practising solicitor in Melbourne. He m. 20th January, 1874, Margaret, daughter of the late John J}, Callan, M.D., and has issue, 1. Charles Dearmaid, b. 15th June, 1886, 2. John Leo, b. 27th March, 1889. 1. Margaret (Margot).