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Page:A General Biography of Bengal Celebrities Vol 1.djvu/163

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154 LIFE OF DR. RAM LALL CHUCKEBBUTTT. city too his success, both as a Government servant and a private practitioner, was equally great as will appear from the extract given below : — PAka. 74. "The work »t Moradabad is highly creditable *|

  • * , to Assistant Surgeon Bam Lall Chuckerbutty, whose

work at Benares I have noticed is due to the performance of a larga portion of the Surgical work previous to his transfer." He was so much popular with the people of Benares that when Dr. W. Walker wanted to get him ' to the Bulrampur Hospital Lucknow on an increased salary, several representatives of the native com-, munity waited upon him on deputation and expressed their unwillingness to part with Ram Lall's services* Dr. W. R. Hooper, the Civil Surgeon of the station spoke very highly of him : — In February 1879, Dr. W. Walker thought it proper to appoint a better man to the charge of the Bulrampore Hospital Lucknow — the largest Hospital in these Provinces — and offered the post to Ram Lall of whom he had always a very high opinion. When Ram Lall came, he found the Hospital not at all popu- 1 lar. For these many years with what energy and assi- duity he has been working for it need not be dilated upon. At present it ranks as one of the best and the most popular hospitals in these Provinces. As a medical practitioner he has earned the confidence of the nobility and the gentry of Lucknow. His fame and reputation as a skilful physician, is not only confined to the District of Lucknow but has spread far and wide throughout the Province, and the late Moharaja of Bulrampore, Sip Digbijoy Singh Bahadur K. C. S. I., the Hon'ble Raja- Amir Hussain Khan of Mahmudabad.and the Hon'blq Moharaja Protap Narain Singh of Mahdowna, in Ajudhya obtained from Government his services for| attending on them when they were ill. The Lady Lyall lying-in Hospital and the Female Medical School opened under th* auspices of Lady Dufferin hav«.