Page:A General Biography of Bengal Celebrities Vol 1.djvu/175

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166 LIFE OF BABU RAM GOPAL GHOSE. and the latter with your wife. But as these presents were essentially yours, I hope they will pardon my returning them. I cannot resist the temptation of telling yon a few parting words on this last occasion of my writing to you. When I closed my business connexion with you long a go, youj bit, put a diamond riog on my finger as a token of friendship; The day that I signed the deed of dissolution you shook hands with, me with tears in your eyes. It was you, Bir, who then declared your belief that you never hoped to be again associated in partnership with one' whose connexiou should be marked with as much natural good feeling and sympathy as had ever subsisted between you and. me. You requested me to see you as often as I could. You placed a, room at my disposal whenever I might choose to have a resting plac* in town. Was it to a rogue, Mr. Thomas Siddon Kelsall, that yon did all this 1 And when several months afterwards at your own invitation, Bam Gopal Ghose sat at your board and partook of your hospitality, was it a rogue, that you thus introduced to you* family and friends ? Was it a rogue, air, I ask, on whom you res- pectfully called, 6 or 6 months ago, asking advice and assistance re- garding your own business 1 Was it a rogue whom you offered your best thanks for discovering fraud and irregularities in your establish- ment 1 Did you, sir, seek the mediation of one who had robbed you to help you to make new arrangements for a Banian 1 Was it a rogue, sir, whose services yoa entreated not very many months ago to relieve you of your pecuniary wants f Was it a rogue, I em- phatically ask, to whom you said between 4 and 5 months ago, that he bad better oome and resume his seat in office if he would but promise , work 7 Was it one who had repeatedly abused your confidence that » only 3 months ago you read extracts from ypnr English letters con- • taming what you said to be the pith of your home intelligence f Did! . he, sir, rob you who, at your solicitation, has repeatedly renewed your promissory notes, knowing as he did from your own statement, you < are in difficulties 1 Was it only because yoa had a purpose to . gain that you condescended to address a hardened robber only six weeks ago "My dear Ram Gopal" I This is the man, sir, whom you dared to write on the 14th July (alluding to sundry petty